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Vue.js component for accessible modals.


  • 📟 fully accessible to screen readers;
  • ⌨️ supports keyboard navigation;
  • 🎯 focus trap;
  • restores focus when modal is closed;
  • simple API.


Edit vue-accessible-modal



npm install vue-accessible-modal --save

Via Yarn

yarn add vue-accessible-modal


As a plugin

It must be called before new Vue().

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueAccessibleModal from 'vue-accessible-modal'

// optional options
const options = {
  transition: 'fade',

Vue.use(VueAccessibleModal, options)



First off you should insert the <vue-accessible-modal /> component into your template, this is where your modals will be rendered:

  <vue-accessible-modal />


Then don't forget to include core styles:


@import 'vue-accessible-modal/src/styles/core.scss';

Or already compiled CSS:


@import 'vue-accessible-modal/dist/index.css';

⚠️ Note that when you import already compiled CSS you don't have ability to override SASS variables during build process, so it preferable to use.scss file. But you still have ability to override default styles and change CSS custom properties during runtime.

There are SASS variables you can override during build process:

$v-modal-holder-padding: 32px !default;
$v-modal-backdrop-color: rgba(#333, 0.88) !default;
$v-modal-content-background-color: #fff !default;

And CSS custom properties you can override during runtime:

:root {
  --v-modal-holder-padding: #{$v-modal-holder-padding};
  --v-modal-backdrop-color: #{$v-modal-backdrop-color};
  --v-modal-content-background-color: #{$v-modal-content-background-color};


🌈 The main purpose of the library is just to give you a simple wrapper over your modal components that makes them accessible and provide you with simple show/close API over them.

When you install the plugin it injects $modal property into each component during beforeCreate hook, so you can show or close modals through this.$ or this.$modal.close methods appropriately.

⚠️ Note that your modal component should contain at least one focusable element to set focus on. There should be at least one button that closes the dialog <button @click="$modal.close()">Close dialog</button>.

$ VueComponent, options?: object) method accepts two arguments:

  1. component: Vue.js component you want to display in the modal.
  2. options: object through which you can customize the behaviour of the modal.

options object can contain the following properties:

Property Description
props props that will be passed to provided component via v-bind="props"
listeners an object with listeners to listen to events emitted from passed component via v-on="listeners"
classes custom classes that will be applied to the modal
label value of aria-label attribute
attributes any attribute you want to bind to the modal
transition name of the transition that will be passed to transition component

ℹ️ Note that through options.attributes you can bind any HTML attribute to a modal. For example if you want to bind aria-labelledby or aria-describedby, you can do the following:

  props: { },
  listeners: { },
  attributes: {
    id: 'foo',
    'aria-labelledby': 'foo',
    'aria-describedby': 'bar',

To close modal from anywhere in your app you should call this.$modal.close() method.

🆕 Support version 0.4.0

Since version 0.4.0 you can use vue-accessible-modal to confirm user actions. this.$modal.confirm(component: VueComponent, message: string, options?: object) accepts tha same arguments as the $ method, but the second argument is message (the value that will be passed to your component as message prop).

Your confirm component should accept three props: message , resolve and reject (since $modal.confirm leverages Promise).

Bellow is the example of usage of $modal.confirm:


    <h1>{{ message }}</h1>
    <button type="button" @click="resolveHandler">Resolve</button>
    <button type="button" @click="rejectHandler">Reject</button>
import Vue from 'vue'

export default Vue.extend({
  name: 'ConfirmComponent',
  // required props
  props: {
    message: {
      type: String,
      required: true,
    resolve: {
      type: Function,
      required: true,
    reject: {
      type: Function,
      required: true,
  methods: {
    resolveHandler() {
      // this value will be passed to `then`
    rejectHandler() {
      // this value will be passed to `catch`
import ConfirmComponent from 'path/to/confirm/component'

export default {
  // ...
  methods: {
    confirm() {
        .confirm(ConfirmComponent, 'Do you like JavaScript?')
        .then(val => {
        .catch(val => {
        .finally(() => {
  // ...

Emitted events

<vue-accessible-modal> component emits some events you can subscribe to:

Event Description
show Emitted when a modal is completely shown
close Emitted when a modal is completely closed

Example of subscribing to events


Example of possible usage of the library

import YourAwesomeComponent from './YorAwesomeComponent.vue'

export default {
  // ...
  methods: {
    submitHandler(e) {
    showModal() {
      this.$, {
        props: { foo: 'bar' },
        listeners: { submit: this.submitHandler },
        classes: ['foo', 'bar'],
        label: 'My awesome modal',
        attributes: {
          id: 'modal',
          'data-attribute': 'foo',
        transition: 'fade',
  // ...

ℹ️ Note that your modal component can contain property named modal, which value will be applied to the modal component:

export default {
  name: 'YourAwesomeComponent',
  data() {
    return {}
  modal: {
    classes: ['foo', { bar: true }],
    label: 'foo',
    attributes: {
      id: 'baz',

This gives you a convenient way of providing custom classes, label and attributes specific to modal component.

⚠️ Notice that values provided via options in object will take precedence over values provided via component's modal property.

Powered by

  • Vue.js;
  • Typescript;
  • Rollup (and plugins);
  • SASS;
  • PostCSS;
  • Autoprefixer;
