pdb [Link] (https://docs.python.org/2/library/pdb.html)
Heapy [Link] (http://guppy-pe.sourceforge.net/#Heapy)
ObjGraph [Link] (http://mg.pov.lt/objgraph/)
Memtop [Link] (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/mem_top)
Muppy [Link] (https://pythonhosted.org/Pympler/muppy.html)
Memory Interpretation:
- Resident Memory (memory_rss): The portion of the dyno’s memory (megabytes) held in RAM.
- Disk Cache Memory (memory_cache): The portion of the dyno’s memory (megabytes) used as disk cache.
- Swap Memory (memory_swap): The portion of the dyno’s memory (megabytes) stored on disk. Swapping is extremely slow and should be avoided.
- Total Memory (memory_total): The total memory (megabytes) being used by the dyno, equal to the sum of resident, cache, and swap memory.
- Look at a possible C module integrated into Python leaking memory;
- Messing up with big files on Heroku will trigger R14 Alerts because of the memory_cache usage;
- Look for circular references;
- Look for enabled logs in production;
- Look for modules overwriting the del destructor;
- Silly script do debug memory problems
while true
echo "---------------------------------" >> ~/mem_usage.txt
date >> ~/mem_usage.txt
ps aux >> ~/mem_usage.txt
sleep 60