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Dutch coreference resolution & dialogue analysis using deterministic rules


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Dutch coreference resolution & dialogue analysis

An implementation of the Stanford Multi-Pass Sieve Coreference System.

Dependencies and Datasets

Get the repository and install the required packages:

$ git clone
$ cd dutchcoref
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Unless you are working on an already parsed corpus, you will want to install the Alpino parser.

To get parse tree visualizations in the HTML output, install

Number & gender data from Web text (required), CLIN26 shared task data (optional)

Clone this repository under same parent folder as this repository:

~/code/dutchcoref $ cd ..
~/code $ git clone

SemEval 2010 shared task data (optional)

Download the data from

Apply the Unicode fix in The directory data/semeval2010NLdevparses contains Alpino parses for the Dutch development set of this task.


See --help for command line options.

Tokenization, parsing and coreference of a text file

For best results, use the Alpino tokenizer with numbered paragraphs. Preprocess text such that two linebreaks \n\n indicate a paragraph break:

$ cat example.txt
'Ik ben de directeur van Fecalo, van hierachter,' zei hij. 'Mag
ik u iets vragen?'

Ik vroeg hem binnen te komen.


$ $ALPINO_HOME/Tokenization/paragraph_per_line example.txt \
    | $ALPINO_HOME/Tokenization/add_key | $ALPINO_HOME/Tokenization/ \
    | $ALPINO_HOME/Tokenization/number_sents >example.tok
$ cat example.tok
1-1|' Ik ben de directeur van Fecalo , van hierachter , ' zei hij .
1-2|' Mag ik u iets vragen ? '
2-1|Ik vroeg hem binnen te komen .

Parse and perform coreference resolution:

$ mkdir example
$ cat example.tok | Alpino number_analyses=1 end_hook=xml -parse -flag treebank example
$ python3 --fmt=booknlp /tmp/example
#begin document (example);
example  1-1  0   '       '       LET()   5       punct   -       14      -       B       -
example  1-1  1   Ik      ik      VNW(pers,pron,nomin,vol,1,ev)   5       nsubj   -       14      -       I       (0)
example  1-1  2   ben     zijn    WW(pv,tgw,ev)   5       cop     -       14      -       I       -
example  1-1  3   de      de      LID(bep,stan,rest)      5       det     -       14      -       I       (0
example  1-1  4   directeur       directeur       N(soort,ev,basis,zijd,stan)     0       root    -       14      -       I       0
example  1-1  5   van     van     VZ(init)        7       case    -       14      -       I       0
example  1-1  6   Fecalo  Fecalo  N(eigen,ev,basis,zijd,stan)     5       nmod    ORG     14      -       I       0)|(1)
example  1-1  7   ,       ,       LET()   5       punct   -       14      -       I       -
example  1-1  8   van     van     VZ(init)        10      case    -       14      -       I       -
example  1-1  9   hierachter      hierachter      BW()    5       nmod    -       14      -       I       -
example  1-1  10  ,       ,       LET()   5       punct   -       14      -       I       -
example  1-1  11  '       '       LET()   5       punct   -       14      -       I       -
example  1-1  12  zei     zeggen  WW(pv,verl,ev)  5       parataxis       -       -       -       O       -
example  1-1  13  hij     hij     VNW(pers,pron,nomin,vol,3,ev,masc)      13      nsubj   -       -       -       O       (0)
example  1-1  14  .       .       LET()   5       punct   -       -       -       O       -

example  1-2  0   '       '       LET()   6       punct   -       14      -       B       -
example  1-2  1   Mag     mogen   WW(pv,tgw,ev)   6       aux     -       14      -       I       -
example  1-2  2   ik      ik      VNW(pers,pron,nomin,vol,1,ev)   6       nsubj   -       14      -       I       (0)
example  1-2  3   u       u       VNW(pers,pron,nomin,vol,2b,getal)       6       iobj    -       14      -       I       (5)
example  1-2  4   iets    iets    VNW(onbep,pron,stan,vol,3o,ev)  6       obj     -       14      -       I       -
example  1-2  5   vragen  vragen  WW(inf,vrij,zonder)     0       root    -       14      -       I       -
example  1-2  6   ?       ?       LET()   6       punct   -       14      -       I       -
example  1-2  7   '       '       LET()   6       punct   -       14      -       I       -

example  2-1  0   Ik      ik      VNW(pers,pron,nomin,vol,1,ev)   2       nsubj   -       -       -       O       (6)
example  2-1  1   vroeg   vragen  WW(pv,verl,ev)  0       root    -       -       -       O       -
example  2-1  2   hem     hem     VNW(pers,pron,obl,vol,3,ev,masc)        2       iobj    -       -       -       O       (0)
example  2-1  3   binnen  binnen  VZ(fin) 6       compound:prt    -       -       -       O       -
example  2-1  4   te      te      VZ(init)        6       mark    -       -       -       O       -
example  2-1  5   komen   binnen_komen    WW(inf,vrij,zonder)     2       xcomp   -       -       -       O       -
example  2-1  6   .       .       LET()   2       punct   -       -       -       O       -

#end document

For debugging purposes, enable verbose output:

verbose output

Neural modules

The base system is purely rule-based, but there are optional neural modules that can be enabled. The modules are:


These modules can be trained (run above scripts without arguments to get help), or you can use the trained models made available on the releases tab. The modules need to be enabled from the command line:

$ pip3 install -r requirements-neural.txt
$ wget
$ unzip
$ python3 --neural=span,feat,pron mydocument/ >output.conll

The quote attribution classifier is enabled with --neural=quote and the models are available at

Web demo

The web demo accepts short pieces of text, takes care of parsing, and presents a visualization of coreference results. Requires a running instance of alpiner. Run with python3

Evaluation against a gold standard .conll file

Get the evaluation tool:

$ python3 mydocument/ >output.conll
$ python3 ../coval/ mydocument.conll output.conll
            recall  precision     F1
mentions     90.52      81.43  85.73
muc          79.44      74.43  76.85
bcub         51.72      55.65  53.61
ceafe        66.64      46.58  54.83
lea          49.48      52.74  51.05
CoNLL score: 61.77

IMPORTANT: by default the output will follow the dutchcoref annotation guidelines. To get output following the Corea/SoNaR annotation guidelines:

$ python3 --excludelinks=reflexives --exclude=relpronouns,relpronounsplit mydocument/ >output.conll

Error analysis against a gold standard .conll file


The following creates lots of output; scroll to the end for the error analysis. Mention boundaries and links are printed in green if they are correct, yellow if in gold but missing from output, and red if in output but not in gold.

$ ls mydocument/
1.xml 2.xml [...]
$ python3 mydocument/ --gold=mydocument.conll --verbose | less -R

alternatively, use the HTML visualization and view the results in your favorite browser:

$ python3 mydocument/ --gold=mydocument.conll --verbose --fmt=html >output.html

See for an example of the HTML visualization.

Output formats

By default, output is written to standard out in CoNLL2012 format.

booknlp format

With --fmt=booknlp the output contains the following columns:

  1. Document label
  2. Sentence ID
  3. Token number within sentence
  4. Token
  5. Lemma
  6. Rich POS tag (including morphological features)
  7. UD parent token (ID as in column 3)
  8. UD dependency label
  9. Named entity class (PER, ORG, LOC, ...)
  10. Speaker ID (if a speaker is found, every token in a direct speech utterance is assigned the speaker ID; the ID is the cluster ID of the speaker)
  11. Similar as above, but for addressee.
  12. Whether token is part of direct speech (B, I) or not (O)
  13. Coreference cluster in CoNLL notation

For the UD conversion, you need alud. Make sure to set a $GOPATH and add $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH, e.g.:

export GOPATH=$HOME/.local/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin/:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH

Information on clusters, mentions, links, and quotations

Use the option --outputprefix to dump information on clusters, mentions, links and quotations:

$ python3 mydocument/ --fmt=booknlp --outputprefix=output

This creates the files output.{mentions,clusters,links,quotes}.tsv (tabular format), output.conll (format specified by --fmt), and output.icarus (ICARUS allocation format). Make sure you don't overwrite the gold standard conll file!

Annotation workflow

  1. Preprocess, tokenize and parse a text with Alpino to get a directory of parse trees in XML files.
  2. Run coreference resolution on the parse trees: python3 path/to/parses/text/ > text.conll (Forward slashes are required, also on Windows).
  3. Get the latest stable release of CorefAnnotator. Run it with e.g., java -jar CorefAnnotator-1.9.2-full.jar
  4. Import the .conll file (CoNLL 2012 button under "Import from other formats").
  5. Read the annotation guidelines in this repository
  6. Correct the annotation; save regularly (in the .xmi format used by CorefAnnotator)
  7. When done, export to CoNLL 2012 format
  8. The CoNLL 2012 file exported by CorefAnnotator does not contain POS tags and parse trees; to add those, run alpino text.conll path/to/parses/text/


If you use this code for research, please cite the following paper:

    author={van Cranenburgh, Andreas},
    title={A {Dutch} coreference resolution system with an evaluation on literary fiction},
    journal={Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal},
    year={2019}, volume={9}, pages={27--54},

If you use the neural modules, cite this paper:

    author={van Cranenburgh, Andreas  and  Ploeger, Esther  and  van den Berg, Frank  and  Th{\"u}ss, Remi},
    title={A Hybrid Rule-Based and Neural Coreference Resolution System with an Evaluation on {D}utch Literature},
    year={2021}, booktitle={Proceedings of CRAC}, pages={47--56},

This code base is a Dutch implementation of the Stanford Multi-Pass Sieve Coreference System for English:

Heeyoung Lee, Angel Chang, Yves Peirsman, Nathanael Chambers, Mihai Surdeanu, and Dan Jurafsky. Deterministic coreference resolution based on entity-centric, precision-ranked rules. Computational Linguistics, 39 (4):885–916, 2013.

See also these previous implementations and

The number & gender data is derived from:

Shane Bergsma and Dekang Lin (2006). Bootstrapping Path-Based Pronoun Resolution, In Proceedings of COLING/ACL. Data:

The Dutch first names dataset Top_eerste_voornamen_NL_2010.csv is based on:

De Nederlandse Voornamenbank (The Dutch First name bank) by Meertens Instituut KNAW.

More recent versions of this dataset have been made available, but to ensure reproducibility, the 2010 version is kept in this repository.