For a long time I have kept some of the settings I use in my daily life in this repository, the main idea was to share knowledge about settings in the vim editor.
The truth is that it's been a while since these settings have been outdated, I made another one completely in Lua and it would be laborious to separate a good part of the code that I can't share and put it in this repository, and I also believe that it's not worth it for me to do something completely modular that facilitates this sharing since nowadays there are numerous projects with this proposal.
I will be sharing a bit of what I know on my blog for those who are interested.
brew install coreutils fish git neovim ctag ag ranger
sudo pacman -S fish openssh git gvim ctags ncurses curl
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:neovim-ppa/stable && \
sudo apt-get -y update && \
sudo apt-get install -y fish git neovim exuberant-ctags ncurses-term curl wmctrl silversearcher-ag python3-pip ranger ripgrep
chsh -s $(which fish)
git clone