This project it's an backend API for fleet tracking. It was built in NodeJS 12.8, and it comes with Hapi.js, TDD and unit test, strategy pattern for multi-data source utilization, pm2 monitoring, and all infra-structure already dockerized. OBS: It could be used Sequelize, or another ORM which better suits for you, I did it by my own for performance issues.
- Docker version 19.03 or above
- Docker-machine version 0.16.0, or above
- Docker-compose version 1.26.0, or above
- Node version 12.8, or above - Node Donwload
- NPM version 6.14.4, or above- Npm Donwload
Clone this project in your machine using the command below:
git clone
Go to the project folder at your terminal:
cd tracker_api
if not already exists create a .env (Settings for local mysql running at container and API) file with the following params for your environment:
ROOT_PASSWORD=<your-desired-root-password> //root password for local mysql running at container MYSQL_DATABASE=fleetwise_prd //default local mysql database created on build PMA_HOST=mysql2 //host for phpmyadmin mysql admin (mysql container) PMA_PORT=3306 //deafault mysql port UPLOAD_LIMIT=300000000 NODE_ENV=<'prod|dev'> //environment app excution
Inside the aplication folder src/config, change the params:
in PORT=5000 //default port MYSQL_HOST=localhost //running locally by default MYSQL_USER=root //default local mysql instance running at container PASSWORD=<'your-root-database-password'> DATABASE=fleetwise_prd //default database in - (make sure you whitelisted all ips using at your mysql host). PORT=5000 MYSQL_HOST=<database-host-url> MYSQL_USER=<your-database-username> PASSWORD=<your-database-password> DATABASE=<database-name>
After setting up the .env's files you can run the api in production or in development mode. In terminal, inside tracker_api start all containers:
docker-compose up -d --build
The app will run at NODE_ENV mode assigned at .env file. If you change it, you need to run the previous command again.
you would be able to access the aplication endpoints by accessing localhost:5000/route
OBS: There's also a phpmyadmin available for local mysql management by default set in localhost:81. (Feel free to use adminer, or anything else which better suit for you)
- Show the speed rank by tracker :
GET tracker/rank
- Show the events by tracker uid :
GET tracker/event
- Show All tracking information :
GET /tracker/
- Insert a new tracker log :
POST /tracker/
- Update a track log :
PATCH /tracker/:uid/
- Delete a track log :
DELETE tracker/:id/
The API was built using TDD and it is almost fully covered by unit tests. In order to run the TDD tests, just use the following command:
npm run test
OBS: I recommend you run it locally because this comand start another api instace, and the container one will be using the same port in the enviroment you choose at .envs file. This can be solved by running the command locally and changing in .env.{prod|dev} port to another one different from the default 5000.
- Anderson Souza Rocha - Full-stack developer - Github
- Got an issue? just let me know: [email protected]
MIT License (MIT)
Author ❤ Anderson Souza Rocha