Modern Windows profile that documents and provides PowerShell scripts to setup my optimal development environment.
To enable local account creation, run Shift + F10 during the account creation screen and then run:
Default Windows 11 Pro install is extremely bloated with a lot of extraneous features that are more distracting than necessary.
NOTE: To enable PowerShell scripts, run
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Run the following command to install required packages, remove unnecessary ones default Win11Debloat ignored, and setup Helix/PowerShell configuration.
Unfortunately, not all steps in this procedure are automatable via PowerShell. There are some steps that need manual action
Minimum Nerd Fonts Install Base
- FiraCode Nerd Font
- JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
- MesloLG Nerd Font
- B612
- B612 Mono
- Ubuntu
- Questrial
- Mozilla Firefox Stable
- Visual Studio Community
- Include Git for Windows
- Ghidra
Setting Name | Setting Value |
Color Scheme | Spring |
Font Family | JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono |
Font Size | 9 |
Opacity | 90 |
Padding | 3 |
Preferred Color Scheme Spring by Gogh
"background": "#0A1E24",
"black": "#000000",
"blue": "#1DD3EE",
"brightBlack": "#000000",
"brightBlue": "#15A9FD",
"brightCyan": "#3E999F",
"brightGreen": "#1FC231",
"brightPurple": "#8959A8",
"brightRed": "#FF0021",
"brightWhite": "#FFFFFF",
"brightYellow": "#D5B807",
"cursorColor": "#ECF0C1",
"cyan": "#3E999F",
"foreground": "#ECF0C1",
"green": "#1F8C3B",
"name": "Spring",
"purple": "#8959A8",
"red": "#FF4D83",
"selectionBackground": "#FFFFFF",
"white": "#FFFFFF",
"yellow": "#1FC95B"
In Settings → Time & language → Regional format, make Short time and Long time reflect the desired 24-hour format.
In Microsoft Edge, go into Settings → *System and performacne and make sure Startup boost and Continue running background extensionms and apps when Microsoft Edge is closed are disabled.
rustup default stable
rustup component add rust-analyzer
go install
go install
Install Debian WSL2:
wsl --install -d Debian
Once inside the Debian WSL2 instance, install the following packages:
At this point, we are ready to grab andermatt64/dotfiles and setup the development environment. Once installed, add commandline
key at the location specified below in Windows Terminal Settings JSON file:
"defaultProfile": "{<GUID>}",
"profiles": {
"list": [
"commandline": "wsl -d Debian --cd <HOME_DIR> -- <HOME_DIR>/.nix-profile/bin/fish",
"guid": "{<GUID>}",
"hidden": false,
"name": "Debian"
In the Function Graph window, click Edit Code Layout button. In the opened dialog, click the Instruction/Data tab and resize the bars to make sure no text is hidden.
In Edit → Tool Options, make the following changes:
- Options
- Decompiler
- Display
- Change Font to JetBrainsMonoNL NFM
- Enable Display EOL comments
- Set Display Namespaces to Always
- Display
- Listing Display
- Change Font to JetBrainsMonoNL NFM
- Graph
- Function Graph
- Set Graph Background Color to #F2FFFF
- Enable Scroll Wheel Pans
- Set View Settings to Start Fully Zoomed In
- Nested Code Layout
- Enable Route Edges Around Vertices
- Function Graph
- Listing Fields
- Cursor Text Highlights
- Change Mouse Button To Activate to LEFT
- Function Signature Field
- Enable Display Namespace
- Operands Field
- Disable Markup Register Variable References
- Cursor Text Highlights
- Decompiler