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Andrea Di Mario edited this page Feb 8, 2018 · 8 revisions

Route example payload

  path: '/example',
  host: '', // without www, mucontent remove it from host header, this allow redirect www and without www on the same route
  method: '<HTTP_METHOD>',
  permissions: ['roleA'], // optional, roles' allowed list
  service: 'example', // optional, directory in services/ used to execute response
  widgets: ['my-widget'], // optional, widgets list
  middlewares: ['my-middleware'], // optional, middlewares list
  view: 'here my html' // html to add to layout,
  cors: true, // optional, if true, enable cors
  headers: {}, // optional, header object
  cached: true, // optional, if set and true, routes are export in memory on app startup
  additionalHeader: '', // optional, add header informations
  additionalFooter: '', // optional, add footer informations
  validators: {}, // optional, ajv style json

How use "hello world" example

Run app in your localhost, add this payload for routes in routes' mongodb collection:

  path: '/hello-world',
  host: 'localhost:3000',
  method: 'get',
  service: 'hello-world',
  widgets: ['hello-world'],
  middlewares: ['hello-world'],
  view: 'This is a <b>{{ helloWorldWidget }}</b><br>{{ service }}',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'text/html',

NOTE Middlewares are executed in the defined order and before the service, widgets are executed in parallel with service.

Templates and views

In templates directory there are header and footer for each site (<SITE_HOST>-header.html and <SITE_HOST>-footer.html), and for errors (<SITE_HOST>-error-header.html and <SITE_HOST>-error-footer.html) . Views are stored in each route saved on mongodb.

Additional header and footer

You can add additional header and footer for every route, for example for javascript or css. Add in your header template: {{ additionalHeader }} of in footer: {{ additionalHeader }}
Then in your route object in mongodb add the fields.
NOTE This fields must be strings.

Add a service

Simple add a directory in services with index.js in expressjs route style. You can see an example with hello world and users.

Route caching

Routes could be cached on memory on app startup, to do this, add cached: true in route's database record. Try to update the previous record:

db.routes.update({"_id" : ObjectId("YOUR_ROUTE_ID")},{$set: {cached:true}})


Add to middlewares array cookie, then in req.session you can get all the session informations, included sessionId. You can simply add informations to session using mongodb in every service, for example add the username in session:, {
    username: 'myUsername'
  }, (err, done) => {


Use hello-world example, with this route:

  path: '/hello-world',
  host: 'localhost:3000',
  method: 'get',
  permissions: ['user'],
  service: 'hello-world',
  widgets: ['hello-world'],
  middlewares: ['hello-world', 'cookie', 'authorize'],
  view: 'This is a <b>{{ helloWorldWidget }}</b><br>{{ service }}',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'text/html',

NOTE In this example is added the permissions attribute (an array of allowed roles) and the authorize middleware.
IMP Authorize middleware must be added after cookie, because it use req.session.userId to get user role attribute and check with route permissions. So you must store the userId on session and the user must have an attribute called role.

Multi language

An example route for multilanguage:

  path: '/lang-example',
  host: 'localhost:3000',
  method: 'get',
  middlewares: ['cookie'],
  view: '{{ myText }}',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'text/html',
  locales: {
    it: {
			myText: 'mio testo in ita'
		}, en: {
			myText: 'my text in english'

IMP cookie middleware must be used to read the language selected that must be stored in session as language.
NOTE IMP As you can see, in this route, widgets and services are not defined, you can in this way simply render a page. Middlewares are optional too.


To use validation, you must define a route with:

  path: '/hello-world',
  host: 'localhost:3000',
  method: 'get',
  service: 'hello-world',
  widgets: ['hello-world'],
  middlewares: ['hello-world', 'validation'],
  view: 'This is a <b>{{ helloWorldWidget }}</b><br>{{ service }}',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'text/html',
  validators: {
    properties: {
      "test": { "type": "number" }

NOTE If method is GET, validators works for querystring params.
NOTE It's used validation middleware and a validators value is defined in the route with schema (supported by ajv)
IMP Validation middleware doesn't response with an error, but add a variable in req useful to use on your service. So the variable req.validationErrors contains the error array in ajv format.


If you need a redirection, set the header in headers values as:
'Location': <YOUR_ADDRESS>

Rate Limit


  • create an index for your db: db.limiters.createIndex( { "createdAt": 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 60 } )
  • add to route the middleware limiter
  • add in your routes the variable: rateLimit: X (where X is the max requests' number)
    NOTE rate limit window is setted as 1 min


In routes object could be add a projection field that is passed in services by req.routeInformations.projection and could be used to get specific fields from mongodb. You can see an example on contents module.