This repository is based on our IJCV publication TOFlow: Video Enhancement with Task-Oriented Flow (PDF). It contains pre-trained models and a demo code. It also includes the description and download scripts for the Vimeo-90K dataset we collected. If you used this code or dataset in your work, please cite:
title={Video Enhancement with Task-Oriented Flow},
author={Xue, Tianfan and Chen, Baian and Wu, Jiajun and Wei, Donglai and Freeman, William T},
journal={International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)},
If you cannot access YouTube, please download 1080p video from here.
Our implementation is based on Torch 7 (
CUDA is suggested ( for fast inference. The demo code is still runnable without CUDA, but much slower.
We use Matlab for generating video denoising/super-resolution dataset and quantitative evaluation require Matlab installation ( It is not necessary for the demo code.
We use FFmpeg ( for generating video deblocking dataset. It is not necessary for the demo code.
Our current release has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04.
git clone
cd toflow/src/stnbhwd
luarocks make
This will install 'stn' package for Lua. The list of components:
require 'stn'
nn.AffineGridGeneratorBHWD(height, width)
-- takes B x 2 x 3 affine transform matrices as input,
-- outputs a height x width grid in normalized [-1,1] coordinates
-- output layout is B,H,W,2 where the first coordinate in the 4th dimension is y, and the second is x
-- takes a table {inputImages, grids} as inputs
-- outputs the interpolated images according to the grids
-- inputImages is a batch of samples in BHWD layout
-- grids is a batch of grids (output of AffineGridGeneratorBHWD)
-- output is also BHWD
nn.AffineTransformMatrixGenerator(useRotation, useScale, useTranslation)
-- takes a B x nbParams tensor as inputs
-- nbParams depends on the contrained transformation
-- The parameters for the selected transformation(s) should be supplied in the
-- following order: rotationAngle, scaleFactor, translationX, translationY
-- If no transformation is specified, it generates a generic affine transformation (nbParams = 6)
-- outputs B x 2 x 3 affine transform matrices
cd ../../
cd src
th demo.lua -mode interp -inpath ../data/example/low_frame_rate
th demo.lua -mode denoise -inpath ../data/example/noisy
th demo.lua -mode deblock -inpath ../data/example/block
th demo.lua -mode sr -inpath ../data/example/blur
There are a few options in demo.lua:
nocuda: Set this option when CUDA is not available.
gpuId: GPU device ID.
mode: There are four options:
- 'interp': temporal frame interpolation
- 'denoise': video denoising
- 'deblock': video deblocking
- 'sr': video super-resolution
inpath: The path to the input sequence.
outpath: The path to where the result stores (default is ../demo_output).
We also build a large-scale, high-quality video dataset, Vimeo-90K, designed for the following four video processing tasks: temporal frame interpolation, video denoising, video deblocking, and video super-resolution.
Vimeo-90K is built upon 5,846 selected videos downloaded from, which covers large variaty of scenes and actions. This video set is a subset of Vimeo-90K dataset is a subset of AoT dataset and all video links are here.
We further chop these videos to 89,800 video clips and build two datasets from these clips:
The triplet dataset consists of 73171 3-frame sequences with a fixed resolution of 448 x 256, extracted from 15k selected video clips from Vimeo-90K. This dataset is designed for temporal frame interpolation. Download links are:
Test set only: zip (1.7GB).
Both training and test set: zip (33GB).
The septuplet dataset consists of 91701 7-frame sequences with fixed resolution 448 x 256, extracted from 39k selected video clips from Vimeo-90k. This dataset is designed to video denoising, deblocking, and super-resolution.
The test set for video denoising: zip (16GB).
The test set for video deblocking: zip (11GB).
The test set for video super-resolution: zip (6GB).
The original test set (not downsampled or downgraded by noise): zip (15GB).
The original training + test set (consists of 91701 sequences, which are not downsampled or downgraded by noise): zip (82GB).
See src/generate_testing_sample for the functions to generate noisy/low-resolution sequences.
To generate noisy sequences with Matlab under src/generate_testing_sample, run
add_noise_to_input(data_path, output_path);
and the results will be stored under output_path
To generate blur sequences with Matlab, run
blur_input(data_path, output_path);
and the results will be stored under output_path
Blocky sequences are compressed by FFmpeg. Our test set is generated with the following configuration:
ffmpeg -i *.png -q 20 -vcodec jpeg2000 -format j2k
cd src
th demo_vimeo90k.lua -mode interp
th demo_vimeo90k.lua -mode denoise
th demo_vimeo90k.lua -mode deblock
th demo_vimeo90k.lua -mode sr
We use three metrics to evaluate the performance of our algorithm: PSNR, SSIM, and Abs metrics. To run evaluation, execute following commands in Matlab:
cd src/evaluation
evaluate(output_dir, target_dir);
For example, to evaluate results generated in the previous step, run
cd src/evaluation
evaluate('../../output/interp', '../../data/vimeo_interp_test/target', 'interp')
evaluate('../../output/denoise', '../../data/vimeo_test_clean/sequences', 'denoise')
evaluate('../../output/deblock', '../../data/vimeo_test_clean/sequences', 'deblock')
evaluate('../../output/sr', '../../data/vimeo_test_clean/sequences', 'sr')
It is assumed that our datasets are unzipped under data/ and not renamed. It is also assumed that results are put under [output_root]/[task_name] e.g. output/sr output/interp output/denoise output/deblock, with exactly the same subfolder structure as our datasets.
- Our warping code is based on qassemoquab/stnbhwd.
- Our flow utilities and transformation utilities are based on anuragranj/spynet
- There is an unofficial PyTorch implementation by coldog2333/pytoflow