Project Name: Swiggy Restaurants Data Analysis
- How many cities (including subregions) where Swiggy is having its restaurants listed?
- How many cities (don't include subregions) where Swiggy is having their restaurants listed?
- The sub-region of Delhi with the maximum number of restaurants listed on Swiggy?
- Name the top 5 Most Expensive Cities in the Datasets.
- List out the top 5 Restaurants with Maximum & minimum ratings throughout the dataset.
- Name the top 5 cities with the highest number of restaurants listed.
- Top 10 cities as per the number of restaurants listed?
- Name the top 5 Most Popular Restaurants in Pune.
- Which SubRegion in Delhi is having the least expensive restaurant in terms of cost?
- Top 5 most popular restaurant chains in India?
- Which restaurant in Pune has the most number of people visiting?
- Top 10 Restaurants with Maximum Ratings in Banglore
- Top 10 Restaurants in Patna w.r.t rating
Dataset link: Swiggy Data
Steps to reproduce result -
- Either run the Colab notebook show as a link to Swiggy Restaurants Data Analysis.
- Or run .py file separately on your local systems.
- Also attached is the data.json file extracted from the zip file of Swiggy data link provided.
Project Name: GeeksforGeeks Data Analysis
Scrape the Geeksforgeeks youtube channel videos of the past 6 months dataset
- Number of videos in the past 6 months from the start date. Must mention the dates in the solution.
- Create a pandas data frame with columns name as videos title, views, Length of videos, and videos link
- Name the most viewed topics in the past 6 months.
- Name the topics with the highest video length.
- Make a comparison between the number of views and video length using a Graph.
Steps to reproduce result -
- Either run the collab notebook show as a link to GeeksforGeeks Data Analysis.
- Or run .py file separately on your local systems.
- Also attached is the newplot.png file i.e is the plotted graph in case it is not visible on the Colab notebook.