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UrsKR edited this page Sep 25, 2012 · 5 revisions

Anathema's character sheet only shows the generic powers each character type possess, but doesn't contain the specific powers granted to each caste.
This section illustrates how to get the anima powers for each of the castes on your sheets.

First, a file

To begin, create a folder called custom in your repository folder. Inside it, place a file called

Then, some content

To define an effect, edit your new file, adding one line per caste.
Each line looks like this: [Key]=[Value].
The line's [Key] is created from the pattern Sheet.AnimaPower.[Caste/Aspect].SecondEdition, where [Caste/Aspect] is replaced with the character's caste (capitalized, to give "Twilight" instead of "twilight").
The line's [Value] is probably an abbreviated version of the rules from the book. Experiment to make it fit the available space!


So, all in all, one entry could look like this: Sheet.AnimaPower.Twilight.SecondEdition=See Magic Effects

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