Fluent Bit Arrow plugin is a Fluent Bit output plugin, which writes parsed data in Apache Arrow format. This plugin uses Apache Flight RPC to write the data to a remote Flight RPC server.
The primary use of this plugin is in data ingestion for data processing systems or data warehouses. Data ingested and stored in such systems normally would have would have fixed structure or schema. We could find a example usecase in IoT usecase, where sensors emit certain reading/measurements periodically. Given below is a madeup measurement containing timestamp, sensor-id, measurement, location-id
2023-01-28T13:22:01Z sensor01 58.00 101
2023-01-28T13:22:02Z sensor02 57.00 102
2023-01-28T13:22:03Z sensor03 56.00 103
Using Apache Arrow permits system to have a common data format to work with, avoid unnecessary serialization and de-serialization in down stream systems and there by reducing the computational cost and improves processing speed in general. More details about these can be found in Apache Arrow documentation.
Using this plugin data is converted in to columnar Arrow format at the edge itself, and this can be directly used by downstream system without deserialization.
Fluent Bit is configured using using a configuration file, more details can be found in Fluent Bit's official documentation.
Name arrow
Id sensor_tracking
Match sensor.type-01
Time_Fields MEASUREMENT_DATE=%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z,
Record_Batch_Threshold 10
Arrow_Flight_Server_Url localhost:8082
Schema_File ${PWD}/examples/conf/arrow-schema/sensor.json
Configuarion | Description | Mandatory |
Name | Name of the plugin | yes |
Id | Id of the plugin, there can be multiple plugins but with different Id | yes |
Match | Match the Input block | no |
Time_Fields | Time field if any in the data | no |
Record_Batch_Threshold | Threshold to write the a Arrow record batch | no |
Arrow_Flight_Server_Url | The Apache Arrow Flight Server url | yes |
Schema_File | The schema file for the ingesting | yes |
make build
make run_example