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Python implementation of Age-Partitioned Bloom Filter with S3 periodic backup support.


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Age-Partitioned Bloom Filter (APBF) in Python

The code is inspired from the apbf repository.

This repository contains a production-ready, thread-safe implementation of an Age-Partitioned Bloom Filter (APBF) in Python. It leverages:

  • Apache Arrow for snapshot serialization
  • Amazon S3 for storing and retrieving those snapshots
  • mmh3 for fast MurmurHash3 hashing
  • uv for additional functionality (depending on your project needs)


A Bloom Filter is a probabilistic data structure used to test membership, potentially returning false positives but never false negatives. The Age-Partitioned design extends a standard Bloom Filter with multiple "generations," each stored in distinct slices. Older generations are periodically cleared (expired), which helps reduce false positives for stale data.

Key Features

  • Age Partitioning
    Splits the filter into k + l "generations," allowing old data to be efficiently removed.
  • Capacity & Time-Based Refresh
    • Capacity: When a generation reaches its capacity g items, it automatically shifts
    • Time: If an optional refresh interval is set, the filter also shifts after that interval has elapsed
  • Thread-Safe
    Uses a single threading.Lock to protect all operations, ensuring consistency
  • Snapshots & Restores
    • Periodically serialize the filter state as an Arrow IPC file and store it in Amazon S3
    • Restore from that snapshot (e.g., during service restarts)
  • Periodic Automatic Snapshots
    Provides a background thread that saves snapshots at a set interval


This implementation is based on the paper:

Tang, Jun, Qi Huang, John L. Miller, Dan Pei, Haitao Zheng, and Ben Y. Zhao.
Age-Partitioned Bloom Filter: A Low Overhead, High Throughput Filter for Ephemeral Key-Value Caches.
USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC), 2013.


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd python-persistent-apbf
  1. Install dependencies:
    • We assume you have Python 3.9+
    • Install uv
uv sync
uv build
  1. AWS Credentials (if storing snapshots in S3):
    • Make sure you have valid credentials. You can export them as environment variables:
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-east-1"

Or you can provide them programmatically when calling the snapshot methods (see usage below).

Quick Start Example

Below is a minimal usage example showing how to create and use the AgePartitionedBloomFilter class, including automatic snapshots to S3:

from apbf import AgePartitionedBloomFilter

def main():
    # 1. Create a new Age-Partitioned Bloom Filter
    bf = AgePartitionedBloomFilter(k=2, l=2, g=100, refresh_interval=10.0)

    # 2. (Optional) start a background thread for periodic snapshots every 30 seconds

    # 3. Insert items
    items = [b"apple", b"banana", b"carrot"]
    for item in items:

    # 4. Query them
    print(bf.query(b"apple"))    # Likely True
    print(bf.query(b"unknown"))  # Likely False

    # 5. Manually snapshot to S3
    bf.snapshot_to_s3("my-bucket", "apbf_snapshot_now.arrow",
                      "YOUR-ACCESS-KEY", "YOUR-SECRET-KEY")

    # 6. Stop snapshot thread if you started it

    # 7. Re-initialize from S3
    bf2 = AgePartitionedBloomFilter.from_s3(

    # Verify that old items are still found
    print("bf2 query(b'banana'):", bf2.query(b"banana"))  # Should match original filter

if __name__ == "__main__":

How It Works


  • The filter is divided into k + l slices arranged in a ring
  • k = number of hash slices per insertion
  • l = extra slices to keep for older generations. Hence, there are (l+1) generations total

When a generation is "full" (g items have been inserted) or the optional time interval elapses, the filter shifts to the next generation:

  • One slice is cleared (the oldest generation)
  • A new generation becomes "active"

This constant turnover of slices prevents stale items from lingering forever in the filter.

Bloom Filter Internals

We use MurmurHash3 to compute two 64-bit hashes for each item. The code then derives multiple bit positions (in multiple slices) using a double-hashing scheme. If those bits are all set, the item is possibly in the filter; if any bit is missing, the item is definitely not in the filter.


A single threading.Lock enforces mutual exclusion between:

  • Readers (queries)
  • Writers (adds, shifts, snapshot creation)

This guarantees consistent state, though it also means queries block one another. If you need more concurrency, you could integrate a read/write lock from a third-party library (not included in the standard library).

Snapshots & Apache Arrow

  • We use PyArrow to serialize the filter's internal state (k, l, g, r, base, count, buffer) into an Arrow Table
  • Then we write it to S3 as an IPC stream (lightweight binary format)
  • Restoring is as simple as reading the Arrow IPC from S3, converting it back into a Python Snapshot, and creating a new filter from that snapshot

API Reference

Main Class

  • AgePartitionedBloomFilter(k, l, g, refresh_interval=0.0)
    • k (int): Number of hashes per item
    • l (int): Extra slices to keep. Total slices = k + l
    • g (int): Items per generation
    • refresh_interval (float in seconds): Optional time-based shifting interval. If zero, no automatic time-based shifting
  • add(item: bytes) -> None
    Insert an item into the filter
  • query(item: bytes) -> bool
    Check if item might be in the filter. Returns True (possible) or False (definitely not)
  • next_generation() -> None
    Manually force a generation shift
  • snapshot_to_s3(bucket, key, access_key, secret_key) -> None
    Take a snapshot and write it to S3
  • start_periodic_snapshot_thread(interval_sec, bucket, key, access_key, secret_key) -> None
    Launch a daemon thread that calls snapshot_to_s3(...) every interval_sec seconds
  • stop_periodic_snapshot_thread() -> None
    Signal the background snapshot thread to stop and wait for it to terminate
  • max_capacity() -> int
    Return the total capacity across all slices/generations, (l + 1) * g
  • calculate_false_positive_rate(k, l) -> float
    A static method returning a theoretical or approximate false positive rate

Snapshot / Restore Methods

  • AgePartitionedBloomFilter.from_s3(bucket, key, access_key, secret_key) -> AgePartitionedBloomFilter
    Class method. Reads an Arrow IPC file from S3, reconstructs an internal Snapshot, and returns a new filter instance with that state
  • AgePartitionedBloomFilter.from_snapshot(snapshot: Snapshot) -> AgePartitionedBloomFilter
    Build a new filter instance from a Snapshot object (normally used internally for from_s3)


  1. Fork the repo
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Open a Pull Request describing what you've changed and why

Further Reading

  1. Bloom Filters: Wikipedia Article
  2. Age-Partitioned Bloom Filter:

    Tang, Jun, Qi Huang, John L. Miller, Dan Pei, Haitao Zheng, and Ben Y. Zhao.
    Age-Partitioned Bloom Filter: A Low Overhead, High Throughput Filter for Ephemeral Key-Value Caches.
    USENIX ATC, 2013.

  3. Apache Arrow Documentation
  4. mmh3 (MurmurHash3 for Python)


Python implementation of Age-Partitioned Bloom Filter with S3 periodic backup support.







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