TTA is an independent product that provides a way to do Trend Analysis across your test suites.
On the consumer front, TTA consumes xUnit/* based results and other raw data from across your projects and test frameworks and archives it. On the view front, TTA provides some simple reports, and a way to create custom reports that displays Test Trends for you.
See the TTA wiki page for more information.
* Created by: Anand Bagmar * Email: [email protected] * * Copyright 2013 Anand Bagmar. Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License * * See LICENSE.txt for further details.
Install ruby 2.4.1
brew install rbenv ruby-build # Add rbenv to bash so that it loads every time you open a terminal echo 'if which rbenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(rbenv init -)"; fi' >> ~/.bash_profile source ~/.bash_profile rbenv rehash rbenv install 2.4.1 rbenv rehash rbenv global 2.4.1 rbenv local 2.4.1
Install Gems
gem install bundler bundle install --path vendor/bundle
Install Rails
gem install rails -v 4.2.8 rbenv rehash rails -v bundle install
Install MySQL 5.7.18 and start the server.
brew install mysql
Create users in mysql
TTA_USER, TTA_PASSWORD, RAILS_ENV=prod mysql -uroot CREATE USER '<TTA_USER>'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<TTA_PASSWORD>'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO '<TTA_USER>'@'%'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES Create .my.cnf file in ~ directory with contents {code} [mysqld] bind-address = {code} Restart mysql server
Using TTA
Get the TTA code from Github by executing the following command from the folder of your choice. ‘git clone’ Install Bundler and Run the bundle of commands in the same folder using command ‘bundle install’ Specify destination path for storing logs in server. To see the available commands use: ‘rake -T’ To setup the database,for test environment use: ‘RAILS_ENV=test rake db:create db:setup db:migrate’ To start TTA in test mode use: ‘RAILS_ENV=test rails s’ To run the specs use: ‘rake spec’ Write rake task to upload logs and hit the server with the given static IP.
Starting TTA in production mode
Ensure TTA_PROD_USER and TTA_PROD_PASSWORD environment variables are set pre-compile assets RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:clean assets:clobber assets:precompile FIRST TIME DB setup - tta_prod database RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:recreate run migration RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:clean assets:clobber assets:precompile db:migrate start TTA in production mode RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails s -b <server_ip or hostname>