Create your own rate view controller for feedback from your customers.
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Swift 5.0
Ready for use on iOS 12+
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate CWRateKit
into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
pod 'CWRateKit'
The Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code. It’s integrated with the Swift build system to automate the process of downloading, compiling, and linking dependencies.
To integrate CWRateKit
into your Xcode project using Xcode 11, specify it in File > Swift Packages > Add
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks. To integrate CWRateKit
into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile
github "clockworkone/CWRateKit"
If you prefer not to use any of dependency managers, you can integrate CWRateKit
into your project manually. Put CWRateKit
folder in your Xcode project. Make sure to enable Copy items if needed
and Create groups
import UIKit
import CWRateKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
let rateViewController = CWRateKitViewController()
rateViewController.modalPresentationStyle = .overFullScreen
present(rateViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
If you require deep customization, this section will show you what you can do.
rateViewController.overlayOpacity = 0.0
rateViewController.backgroundColor = .white
rateViewController.cornerRadius = 16.0
rateViewController.showShadow = true
rateViewController.tintColor = UIColor(red: 227/255, green: 227/255, blue: 227/255, alpha: 1.0)
rateViewController.animationDuration = 0.5
Property showCloseButton
added circle button with dismiss action.
rateViewController.showCloseButton = true
Property hapticMoments allow add taptic feedback for some moments. Default is [.willChange, .willSubmit]
rateViewController.hapticMoments = [.willChange, .willSubmit]
To disable haptics, set it to [.none]
rateViewController.selectedMarkImage = UIImage(named: "star_selected.png")
rateViewController.unselectedMarkImage = UIImage(named: "star_unselected.png")
rateViewController.sizeMarkImage = CGSize(width: 36.0, height: 36.0)
rateViewController.showHeaderImage = false
rateViewController.headerImageIsStatic = true
rateViewController.headerImage = UIImage(named: "headerIamge")
rateViewController.headerImageSize = CGSize(width: 72.0, height: 72.0)
rateViewController.headerImages = [
UIImage(named: "smile_1"),
UIImage(named: "smile_2"),
UIImage(named: "smile_3"),
UIImage(named: "smile_4"),
UIImage(named: "smile_5")
rateViewController.animationType = .bounce
rateViewController.confirmRateEnabled = true
rateViewController.submitText = "Submit"
rateViewController.submitTextColor = .black
rateViewController.submitFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 18.0, weight: .medium)
rateViewController.successText = "Thank You!"
rateViewController.successTextColor = .lightGray
rateViewController.successFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 20.0, weight: .regular)
Set delegate for rateViewController
rateViewController.delegate = self
You can check events by implement CWRateKitViewControllerDelegate
extension ViewController: CWRateKitViewControllerDelegate {
func didChange(rate: Int) {
print("Current rate is \(rate)")
func didSubmit(rate: Int) {
print("Submit with rate \(rate)")
func didDismiss() {
print("Dismiss the rate view")
- If you need help, use Stack Overflow. (Tag 'cwratekit')
- If you found a bug, open an issue.
- If you have a feature request, open an issue.
- If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.
is released under the MIT license. Check LICENSE for details.