A very simple, yet effective 'job queue' for distributed applications. The genesis was to have a simple K8S deployment where producers could submit work (eg a file to process in S3) and then have multiple consumers access to get their next job.
Consumers would have the ability to mark jobs as complete; should a consumer crash therefore, otherrs would be able to pickup the work. In effect the work is 'sharded' between different consumers.
Access to the queue is via REST
reads simple text file and puts each line to a queue -
gets until nothing available -
gets and completes all tasks
python load.py --queue input --datafile datafile
As docker container; default queues, db is not externally mapped.
docker run -it -p 3000:3000 smlq
As a docker container, default queues, mapping to db directory to local disk. Persists therefore past container restart
docker run -it -p 3000:3000 -v $(pwd):/opt/smlq/data smlq
As a docker contain, set of queues plus mappining db to local disk
docker run -it -p 3000:3000 -e default_queues='["input","output"]' -v $(pwd):/opt/smlq/data smlq