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amorynan committed Nov 27, 2024
1 parent b268bc3 commit ffce1e2
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Showing 3 changed files with 310 additions and 8 deletions.
250 changes: 250 additions & 0 deletions be/test/vec/data_types/common_data_type_serder_test.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <gen_cpp/data.pb.h>
#include <gtest/gtest-message.h>
#include <gtest/gtest-test-part.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>

#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

#include "olap/schema.h"
#include "vec/columns/column.h"
#include "vec/columns/column_array.h"
#include "vec/columns/column_map.h"
#include "vec/columns/columns_number.h"
#include "vec/core/field.h"
#include "vec/core/sort_block.h"
#include "vec/core/sort_description.h"
#include "vec/core/types.h"
#include "vec/data_types/data_type.h"
#include "vec/data_types/data_type_array.h"
#include "vec/data_types/data_type_map.h"

// this test is gonna to be a data type serialize and deserialize functions
// such as
// 1. standard hive text ser-deserialize
// deserialize_one_cell_from_hive_text (IColumn &column, Slice &slice, const FormatOptions &options, int hive_text_complex_type_delimiter_level=1) const
// deserialize_column_from_hive_text_vector (IColumn &column, std::vector< Slice > &slices, int *num_deserialized, const FormatOptions &options, int hive_text_complex_type_delimiter_level=1) const
// serialize_one_cell_to_hive_text (const IColumn &column, int row_num, BufferWritable &bw, FormatOptions &options, int hive_text_complex_type_delimiter_level=1) const
// 2. json format ser-deserialize which used in table not in doris database
// serialize_one_cell_to_json (const IColumn &column, int row_num, BufferWritable &bw, FormatOptions &options) const =0
// serialize_column_to_json (const IColumn &column, int start_idx, int end_idx, BufferWritable &bw, FormatOptions &options) const =0
// deserialize_one_cell_from_json (IColumn &column, Slice &slice, const FormatOptions &options) const =0
// deserialize_column_from_json_vector (IColumn &column, std::vector< Slice > &slices, int *num_deserialized, const FormatOptions &options) const =0
// deserialize_column_from_fixed_json (IColumn &column, Slice &slice, int rows, int *num_deserialized, const FormatOptions &options) const
// insert_column_last_value_multiple_times (IColumn &column, int times) const
// 3. fe|be protobuffer ser-deserialize
// write_column_to_pb (const IColumn &column, PValues &result, int start, int end) const =0
// read_column_from_pb (IColumn &column, const PValues &arg) const =0
// 4. jsonb ser-deserialize which used in row-store situation
// write_one_cell_to_jsonb (const IColumn &column, JsonbWriter &result, Arena *mem_pool, int32_t col_id, int row_num) const =0
// read_one_cell_from_jsonb (IColumn &column, const JsonbValue *arg) const =0
// 5. mysql text ser-deserialize
// write_column_to_mysql (const IColumn &column, MysqlRowBuffer< false > &row_buffer, int row_idx, bool col_const, const FormatOptions &options) const =0
// write_column_to_mysql (const IColumn &column, MysqlRowBuffer< true > &row_buffer, int row_idx, bool col_const, const FormatOptions &options) const =0
// 6. arrow ser-deserialize which used in spark-flink connector
// write_column_to_arrow (const IColumn &column, const NullMap *null_map, arrow::ArrayBuilder *array_builder, int start, int end, const cctz::time_zone &ctz) const =0
// read_column_from_arrow (IColumn &column, const arrow::Array *arrow_array, int start, int end, const cctz::time_zone &ctz) const =0
// 7. rapidjson ser-deserialize
// write_one_cell_to_json (const IColumn &column, rapidjson::Value &result, rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType &allocator, Arena &mem_pool, int row_num) const
// read_one_cell_from_json (IColumn &column, const rapidjson::Value &result) const
// convert_field_to_rapidjson (const vectorized::Field &field, rapidjson::Value &target, rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType &allocator)
// convert_array_to_rapidjson (const vectorized::Array &array, rapidjson::Value &target, rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType &allocator)

namespace doris::vectorized {

class CommonDataTypeSerdeTest : public ::testing::Test {
// this is common function to check data in column against expected results according different function in assert function
// which can be used in all column test
// such as run regress tests
// step1. we can set gen_check_data_in_assert to true, then we will generate a file for check data, otherwise we will read the file to check data
// step2. we should write assert callback function to check data
static void check_data(
MutableColumns& columns, DataTypeSerDeSPtrs serders, char col_spliter,
std::set<int> idxes, const std::string& column_data_file,
std::function<void(MutableColumns& load_cols, DataTypeSerDeSPtrs serders)>
bool is_hive_format = false) {
ASSERT_EQ(serders.size(), columns.size());
// Step 1: Insert data from `column_data_file` into the column and check result with `check_data_file`
// Load column data and expected data from CSV files
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> res;
struct stat buff;
if (stat(column_data_file.c_str(), &buff) == 0) {
if (S_ISREG(buff.st_mode)) {
// file
if (is_hive_format) {
load_data_and_assert_from_csv<true>(serders, columns, column_data_file,
col_spliter, idxes);
} else {
load_data_and_assert_from_csv<false>(serders, columns, column_data_file,
col_spliter, idxes);
} else if (S_ISDIR(buff.st_mode)) {
// dir
std::filesystem::path fs_path(column_data_file);
for (const auto& entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(fs_path)) {
std::string file_path = entry.path().string();
std::cout << "load data from file: " << file_path << std::endl;
if (is_hive_format) {
load_data_and_assert_from_csv<true>(serders, columns, file_path,
col_spliter, idxes);
} else {
load_data_and_assert_from_csv<false>(serders, columns, file_path,
col_spliter, idxes);

// Step 2: Validate the data in `column` matches `expected_data`
assert_callback(columns, serders);

// Helper function to load data from CSV, with index which splited by spliter and load to columns
template <bool is_hive_format>
static void load_data_and_assert_from_csv(const DataTypeSerDeSPtrs serders,
MutableColumns& columns, const std::string& file_path,
const char spliter = ';',
const std::set<int> idxes = {0}) {
ASSERT_EQ(serders.size(), columns.size())
<< "serder size: " << serders.size() << " column size: " << columns.size();
ASSERT_EQ(serders.size(), idxes.size())
<< "serder size: " << serders.size() << " idxes size: " << idxes.size();
std::ifstream file(file_path);
if (!file) {
throw doris::Exception(ErrorCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT, "can not open the file: {} ",

std::string line;
DataTypeSerDe::FormatOptions options;
while (std::getline(file, line)) {
std::stringstream lineStream(line);
// std::cout << "whole : " << lineStream.str() << std::endl;
std::string value;
int l_idx = 0;
int c_idx = 0;
while (std::getline(lineStream, value, spliter)) {
if (idxes.contains(l_idx)) {
// load csv data
Slice string_slice(, value.size());
std::cout << string_slice << std::endl;
Status st;
// deserialize data
if constexpr (is_hive_format) {
st = serders[c_idx]->deserialize_one_cell_from_hive_text(
*columns[c_idx], string_slice, options);
} else {
st = serders[c_idx]->deserialize_one_cell_from_json(*columns[c_idx],
string_slice, options);
if (!st.ok()) {
std::cout << "error in deserialize but continue: " << st.to_string()
<< std::endl;
// serialize data
auto ser_col = ColumnString::create();
VectorBufferWriter bw(*ser_col.get());
size_t row_num = columns[c_idx]->size() - 1;
if constexpr (is_hive_format) {
st = serders[c_idx]->serialize_one_cell_to_hive_text(*columns[c_idx],
row_num, bw, options);
EXPECT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.to_string();
} else {
st = serders[c_idx]->serialize_one_cell_to_json(*columns[c_idx], row_num,
bw, options);
EXPECT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.to_string();
// assert data : origin data and serialized data should be equal
EXPECT_EQ(ser_col->get_data_at(0).to_string(), string_slice.to_string());

// standard hive text ser-deserialize assert function
static void assert_pb_format(MutableColumns& load_cols, DataTypeSerDeSPtrs serders) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < load_cols.size(); ++i) {
auto& col = load_cols[i];
std::cout << " now we are testing column : " << col->get_name() << std::endl;
// serialize to pb
PValues pv = PValues();
Status st = serders[i]->write_column_to_pb(*col, pv, 0, col->size());
if (!st.ok()) {
std::cerr << "write_column_to_pb error: " << st.msg() << std::endl;
// deserialize from pb
auto except_column = col->clone_empty();
st = serders[i]->read_column_from_pb(*except_column, pv);
EXPECT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.to_string();
// check pb value from expected column
PValues as_pv = PValues();
st = serders[i]->write_column_to_pb(*except_column, as_pv, 0, except_column->size());
EXPECT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.to_string();
EXPECT_EQ(pv.bytes_value_size(), as_pv.bytes_value_size());
// check column value
for (size_t j = 0; j < col->size(); ++j) {
auto cell = col->operator[](j);
auto except_cell = except_column->operator[](j);
EXPECT_EQ(cell, except_cell) << "column: " << col->get_name() << " row: " << j;

static void assert_jsonb_format(MutableColumns& load_cols, DataTypeSerDeSPtrs serders) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < load_cols.size(); ++i) {
auto& col = load_cols[i];
std::cout << " now we are testing column : " << col->get_name() << std::endl;
// serialize to jsonb
JsonbWriterT<JsonbOutStream> jw;
Arena pool;
for (size_t j = 0; j < col->size(); ++j) {
serders[i]->write_one_cell_to_jsonb(*col, jw, &pool, i, j);
// deserialize from jsonb
auto expect_column = col->clone_empty();
auto jsonb_column = ColumnString::create();
for (size_t j = 0; j < col->size(); ++j) {
jsonb_column->insert_data(jw.getOutput()->getBuffer(), jw.getOutput()->getSize());
StringRef jsonb_data = jsonb_column->get_data_at(0);
auto pdoc = JsonbDocument::createDocument(, jsonb_data.size);
JsonbDocument& doc = *pdoc;
for (auto it = doc->begin(); it != doc->end(); ++it) {
serders[i]->read_one_cell_from_jsonb(*expect_column, it->value());
// check column value
for (size_t j = 0; j < col->size(); ++j) {
auto cell = col->operator[](j);
auto expect_cell = expect_column->operator[](j);
EXPECT_EQ(cell, expect_cell) << "column: " << col->get_name() << " row: " << j;

} // namespace doris::vectorized
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions be/test/vec/data_types/common_data_type_test.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,8 +66,6 @@ class CommonDataTypeTest : public ::testing::Test {
<< "serder size: " << serders.size() << " column size: " << columns.size();
ASSERT_EQ(serders.size(), idxes.size())
<< "serder size: " << serders.size() << " idxes size: " << idxes.size();
ASSERT_EQ(serders.size(), *idxes.end())
<< "serder size: " << serders.size() << " idxes size: " << *idxes.end();
std::ifstream file(file_path);
if (!file) {
throw doris::Exception(ErrorCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT, "can not open the file: {} ",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,7 +113,6 @@ class CommonDataTypeTest : public ::testing::Test {
size_t scale = -1;
bool is_null_literal = true;
bool is_value_represented_by_number = false;
bool is_value_represented_by_integer = false;
bool is_value_represented_by_unsigned_integer = false;
PColumnMeta* pColumnMeta = nullptr;
DataTypeSerDeSPtr serde = nullptr;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,8 +145,6 @@ class CommonDataTypeTest : public ::testing::Test {
ASSERT_EQ(data_type->is_null_literal(), meta_info.is_null_literal);
// ASSERT_EQ(data_type->is_value_unambiguously_represented_in_contiguous_memory_region(), meta_info.is_value_unambiguously_represented_in_contiguous_memory_region);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,6 +181,14 @@ class CommonDataTypeTest : public ::testing::Test {
ASSERT_EQ(assert_column->operator[](i), mutableColumn->operator[](i));

// should all datatype is compare?
void assert_compare_behavior(DataTypePtr l_dt, DataTypePtr& r_dt) {
// compare

} // namespace doris::vectorized
55 changes: 52 additions & 3 deletions be/test/vec/data_types/data_type_ip_test.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "vec/core/sort_block.h"
#include "vec/core/sort_description.h"
#include "vec/core/types.h"
#include "vec/data_types/common_data_type_serder_test.h"
#include "vec/data_types/common_data_type_test.h"
#include "vec/data_types/data_type.h"
#include "vec/data_types/data_type_factory.hpp"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,8 +95,6 @@ TEST_F(DataTypeIPTest, MetaInfoTest) {
.scale = size_t(-1),
.is_null_literal = false,
.is_value_represented_by_number = true,
// why ipv4/ipv6 is represented by integer
.is_value_represented_by_integer = true,
.is_value_represented_by_unsigned_integer = true,
.pColumnMeta = col_meta.get()
// .is_value_unambiguously_represented_in_contiguous_memory_region = true
Expand All @@ -117,7 +116,6 @@ TEST_F(DataTypeIPTest, MetaInfoTest) {
.scale = size_t(-1),
.is_null_literal = false,
.is_value_represented_by_number = true,
.is_value_represented_by_integer = true,
.is_value_represented_by_unsigned_integer = true,
.pColumnMeta = col_meta6.get()
// .is_value_unambiguously_represented_in_contiguous_memory_region = true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,4 +149,55 @@ TEST_F(DataTypeIPTest, FromAndToStringTest) {
assert_to_string_from_string_assert(ip_cols[1]->get_ptr(), dt_ipv6);

TEST_F(DataTypeIPTest, CompareTest) {
assert_compare_behavior(dt_ipv4, dt_ipv6);

TEST_F(DataTypeIPTest, SerdeHiveTextAndJsonFormatTest) {
auto serde_ipv4 = dt_ipv4->get_serde(1);
auto serde_ipv6 = dt_ipv6->get_serde(1);
auto column_ipv4 = dt_ipv4->create_column();
auto column_ipv6 = dt_ipv6->create_column();

// insert from data csv and assert insert result
MutableColumns ip_cols;
DataTypeSerDeSPtrs serde = {dt_ipv4->get_serde(), dt_ipv6->get_serde()};
CommonDataTypeSerdeTest::load_data_and_assert_from_csv<true>(serde, ip_cols, data_files[1], ';',
{1, 2});
CommonDataTypeSerdeTest::load_data_and_assert_from_csv<false>(serde, ip_cols, data_files[1],
';', {1, 2});

TEST_F(DataTypeIPTest, SerdePbTest) {
auto serde_ipv4 = dt_ipv4->get_serde(1);
auto serde_ipv6 = dt_ipv6->get_serde(1);
auto column_ipv4 = dt_ipv4->create_column();
auto column_ipv6 = dt_ipv6->create_column();

// insert from data csv and assert insert result
MutableColumns ip_cols;
DataTypeSerDeSPtrs serde = {dt_ipv4->get_serde(), dt_ipv6->get_serde()};
CommonDataTypeSerdeTest::check_data(ip_cols, serde, ';', {1, 2}, data_files[0],

TEST_F(DataTypeIPTest, SerdeJsonbTest) {
auto serde_ipv4 = dt_ipv4->get_serde(1);
auto serde_ipv6 = dt_ipv6->get_serde(1);
auto column_ipv4 = dt_ipv4->create_column();
auto column_ipv6 = dt_ipv6->create_column();

// insert from data csv and assert insert result
MutableColumns ip_cols;
DataTypeSerDeSPtrs serde = {dt_ipv4->get_serde(), dt_ipv6->get_serde()};
CommonDataTypeSerdeTest::check_data(ip_cols, serde, ';', {1, 2}, data_files[0],

} // namespace doris::vectorized

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