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Repository files navigation Challenge App by AmirAbbas Jannatian

About this repository

This is a challenge app, written in dart and flutter, which prepared for the hiring process. In this app there is a simple carousel which loads its data from mock api.


You can see final application export in web and android, these are automatic builds with help of great feature from Github called github actions which we can use it for CI/CD actions. Github action settings for this repository is configured to build web and apk version of app every time we push a new commit on main branch.


If you are familiar to flutter, you can clone this repository and build app on your own system. To do that, follow these commands:

git clone
cd t4f_challenge_app
flutter pub get
flutter run


I use these flutter packages in this application:

  • provider: Provider is a state management library for flutter and it is one of the most popular packages for state management in flutter.
  • dio: Dio is a library that helps us in doing http requests in our app.
  • cached_network_image: This library is used for caching images on phone storage in android and ios version
  • shared_preferences: This library is used for saving data in storage, I use this for saving the last visited item, so I can bring that item to the first position when user runs app again
  • shimmer: This package can prepare beautiful loading animations on widgets.
  • animated_theme_switcher: We can beautifully switch between themes with help of this pacakge
  • url_launcher: For launching web or other urls in user browser.
  • flutter_test: This is official package by flutter team for testing widgets in flutter framework.
  • test: This is official package by dart team for doing unit tests and other tests in dart language.


This is a short video that shows functionality of this application:



Thank you for reading this readme and for checking my work and codes! If there is any doubt in codes or other things, I glad to answer:

Sincerely, AmirAbbas Jannatian