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Nightly CI

Nightly CI #1438

Workflow file for this run

name: Nightly CI
- cron: '0 1 * * *'
name: makepkg
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- pkg: actionlint-git
- pkg: android-sdk-build-tools
# - pkg: ansible-cmdb
# - pkg: ansible-core-git
- pkg: ansible-lint-git
- pkg: anteon
- pkg: anteon-git
- pkg: assetfinder
- pkg: assetfinder-git
- pkg: awx
- pkg: butane
- pkg: butane-bin
- pkg: docker-bench-security
- pkg: docker-bench-security-git
- pkg: docker-prune
- pkg: dockle
- pkg: dstp
- pkg: dstp-git
- pkg: gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock-git
- pkg: gnome-shell-extension-public-ip-git
- pkg: gnome-shell-extension-workspace-matrix
- pkg: google-tsunami-security-scanner
- pkg: google-tsunami-security-scanner-git
# - pkg: google-tsunami-security-scanner-plugins-git
# - pkg: jmeter-plugins-manager
# - pkg: pumba
- pkg: pumba-bin
- pkg: ravro_dcrpt-git
- pkg: prometheus-snmp-exporter-git
- pkg: python-bandcamp-api-git
- pkg: spotdl
- pkg: thelounge-beta
- pkg: trivy-git
- pkg: vim-markdown-git
- pkg: vim-pkgbuild-git
- pkg: zoiper-bin
- name: Check out the codebase.
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Exit if pkg doesn't exist.
run: if [ ! -d "${{ matrix.pkg }}" ]; then exit 1; fi
- name: Pull devel image.
run: docker pull
- name: Run a container of devel image and mount package on it.
run: |
docker run --detach --privileged --cgroup-parent=docker.slice --cgroupns private --tmpfs /run --tmpfs /run/lock -v "${PWD}/${{ matrix.pkg }}":/pkg > "${container_id}"
echo "container_id=$container_id" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Execute stuff before makepkg if there is any.
run: |
if [ -f ci/"${{ matrix.pkg }}"/ ]; then
shellcheck ci/"${{ matrix.pkg }}"/
docker exec -i "$(cat ${container_id})" sh < ci/"${{ matrix.pkg }}"/
- name: Upgrade all packages.
run: docker exec "$(cat ${container_id})" pacman -Suy --noconfirm
- name: Change ownership of package folder
run: "docker exec $(cat ${container_id}) chown -R devel: /pkg"
- name: Install namcap
run: docker exec "$(cat ${container_id})" pacman -S namcap --noconfirm
- name: Namcap!
run: if [ ! -f ci/"${{ matrix.pkg }}"/namcap_skip ]; then docker exec "$(cat ${container_id})" su devel sh -c "cd /pkg && namcap PKGBUILD"; fi
- name: Makepkg!
run: docker exec "$(cat ${container_id})" su devel sh -c "cd /pkg && makepkg -sri --check --noconfirm"
- name: Execute stuff after makepkg if there is any.
run: |
if [ -f ci/"${{ matrix.pkg }}"/ ]; then
shellcheck ci/"${{ matrix.pkg }}"/
docker exec -i "$(cat ${container_id})" sh < ci/"${{ matrix.pkg }}"/
- name: Stop and remove container forcefully.
run: docker rm -f "$(cat ${container_id})"