cd ~
git clone dotfiles
You could update the submodules to the latest commit available from the remote
git submodule update --init <submodules name>
# For all repos
git submodule update --init --recursive
Install the Homebrew tools
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Install Batteries to executable included
brew install aming/aming/Batteries
We use GNU Stow as the symlink farm manager to create symlink between the dotfiles and system configuration
To install NeoVim configuration files, run following under the dotfiles root directory
stow --dotfiles nvim vim zsh
To remove the configuration from the system by adding -D flag.
stow -D nvim vim zsh
During the first time starting the Neovim, it will automatically download the Lazy.nvim to the .config/ folder.
After the Lazy.nvim installed and Neovim started. Run :Lazy
to start the Lazy console in Neovim.
And then I
to install all plugins.
Install the plugin by adding a new submodule to this repos
- Checkout the package to
git submodule add <repos> zsh/oh-my-zsh-plugins/plugins/<plugin_name>
git submodule init
- Enable it in the .zshrc
plugins=(other-plugins <plugin_name>)
- Check in the changes
git add .gitmodules
git commit
- Remove the plugin from plugins list in the zshrc
- Remove the submodules
git submodule rm zsh/oh-my-zsh-plugins/plugins/<plugin_name>
- To add a new plugin, create a new Lazy spec file under nvim/lua/plugins. And run the
to start the Lazy Console to install the plugins list. And remember to check in nvim/lazy-lock.json for locked plugin versions.