This is a python wrapper for the multilingual temporal tagger HeidelTime.
For more information about this temporal tagger, please visit :
Heideltime needs a Part Of Speech Tagger, by default it uses TreeTagger : This repo includes TreeTagger scripts for Mac and Linux. Windows users will have to download the appropriate scripts from the TreeTagger home page.
❗ Disclaimer: this repository is not maintained, you are free to use it and adapt it to your needs but you may not get support if needed.
- Clone the current github repo:
git clone
- Install its requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create a python file in the same directory with the following code:
import HeidelTime
hw = HeidelTime.HeidelTimeWrapper('english')
hw.parse('Neil Armstrong was born in 1930')
- Encapsulate the returned tagged string in a python object
- Find a way to install the appropriate POS tagger files according to the user OS.
- Package all the necessary parts in the same python package and release it on PyPi.
Pull requests
are welcome to improve this wrapper (which is in an early stage).