A puppet module to setup fedora-commons, tested on Ubuntu 12.04
- Installs fedora based on install.properties (non interactive/silent install)
- Install as a particular user, with option to create the required user (default creates a user fedora36 and installs as this user)
- Includes a init.d script to run fedora as a service - launches fedora automatically on server start
Follow instructions to download and install vagrant from http://vagrantup.com/v1/docs/getting-started/index.html Configure vagrant to use puppet.. Add this as to the modules directory.
Define fedora installation path $fedora_home_path = "/usr/share/fedora-3.6.2/"
Set the source url for the installer, this can be a local path or a url to the installer.
class {"fcrepo":
source_url => "/vagrant/fcrepo-installer-3.6.2.jar",
home_dir => $fedora_home_path,
enable_resource_index => false,
#create_fedora_user => false,
#fedora_user => "root",
#fedora_user_home_dir => "/root/",
A copy of install properties is kept in the templates files, customise this for your own install.
- Restructure installation folder to be more consistent with file system hierarchy guidelines
- Move config in install.properties into parameters
- Share with fedora peeps!