Binance full node docs
Binance full node repo
Docker image for Binance Full Node
- Spin up full Binance node with single command.
- Works for testnet, prod, or both at once.
- Small image about 100MB, compared to bigger than 6 GB official repository.
- Easy updates
Don't know what all this is about? Read newbie guide.
docker run --rm -it --ulimit nofile=16000:16000 varnav/binance-node
ufw allow 27146/tcp
docker run -d --name binance -v /opt/binance-data:/opt/bnbchaind -e "BNET=prod" -p 27146:27146 -p 27147:27147 -p 26660:26660 --restart unless-stopped --security-opt no-new-privileges --ulimit nofile=16000:16000 varnav/binance-node
You can run both testnet and prod at once, use -p 27147:27147
for publishing RPC port for one of them.
docker logs -f binance-testnet
docker exec -it binance-devel /bin/bash
tbnbcli version
use tbnbcli
for testnet and bnbcli
for prod
docker stop binance-testnet && docker rm binance-testnet
, pull fresh image with docker pull varnav/binance-node
and then run again, data and configs inside /opt/binance-testnet-data
are preserved.
git clone --branch=devel
cd binance-node-docker && docker build . -t varnav/binance-node:devel
docker run --rm -d --name binance-devel varnav/binance-node:devel
docker exec -it binance-devel /bin/bash
tbnbcli version