- Install Nero package and compile the Core (not scram). Though CMSSW is not required latest full work recipe has been tested in CMSSW_7_6_5.
cd $BASE
git clone [email protected]:MiT-HEP/NeroProducer.git
cd NeroProducer/Core
make -j 16
- Install the package
cd $BASE
git clone [email protected]:MiT-HEP/ChargedHiggs.git ChargedHiggs
cd ChargedHiggs
make -j 16
- Optional: install combine
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git clone https://github.com/cms-analysis/HiggsAnalysis-CombinedLimit.git HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
cd HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
git checkout v6.3.0 ##01bb477 ## (31cc693) ## ( 74x-root6 )
scram b -j 16
- Submission to the batch system is performed with the script/submit.py:
$python script/submit.py --help
Usage: submit.py [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input=INPUT
Input Configuration file
-d DIR, --dir=DIR Directory where to write the configuration. WARNING OVERWRITE THE DIRECTORY!!!
-v DEBUG, --debug=DEBUG
Debug Verbosity. From 0-3. Default=0
-n NJOBS, --njobs=NJOBS
Number of Job to submit
-q QUEUE, --queue=QUEUE
For example:
python script/submit.py -i dat/config.dat -v 3 -n 30 -q 1nh -d mysub/sub1
- You can check the status with the command (after the job started):
python script/submit.py -d mysub/sub1 --status
- you can resubmit jobs i-j,k or the failed job with the commands:
python script/submit.py -d mysub/sub1 --resubmit [ -j fail]
python script/submit.py -d mysub/sub1 --resubmit -j i-j,k
python script/submit.py -d mysub/sub1 --resubmit -j run
- To run locally, you can call directly the looper with:
$python python/Loop.py --help
Usage: Loop.py [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Verbose
-d DAT, --dat=DAT Configuration file
For example:
python python/Loop.py -v -d dat/config.dat
configuration file is a list of keys, followed by a '=' sign. The content depends on the key itself.
- 'include': load the content of filename.dat
- 'Files': the files to be run are file1,file2,/store..
- 'addfiles': add these files to the Files to be run on.
- 'Output': output file name will be...
- 'MCDB': the Monte Carlo database file is ...
- 'SFDB': the scale factor database file is...
- 'Smears = @SmearBase,JER,JES': Book the systematics smears, by name, or by constructor (@)
- 'Analysis = AnalysisBase,Analysis2 ': run the following analysis (that inherths from AnalysisBase) in that specifici order
- 'config = AnalysisBase|a=1,b=2,c(3)': configure the analysis setting the public members, or running the public member functions ...
- The MC database should contain the list of MCs with the info for the normalization. Can be dumped with the script:
$python python/mcDatabase.py --help
Usage: usage
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e EOS, --eos=EOS eos directory to scout, will not read the files in the
-x XSEC, --xsec=XSEC Use external cross-section
-l LABEL, --label=LABEL
MC label
-f FILE, --file=FILE mc_database file name
-r, --recursive do same for each subdir
python python/mcDatabase.py -r -e /store/user/amarini/Nero/v0.4/
- Generate the PU distributions (1D)
python python/puDistributions.py -r -e /store/user/amarini/Nero/v0.4/ -f aux/pileup.root
- or Run Dependent( RD )
python python/puDistributions.py -r -e /store/user/amarini/Nero/v0.4/ --run=0,1000,2000,3000 -f aux/pileupRD.root
add to these files the pileup distributions in data, with names:
- PU-pileup
- PU-pileupUp
- PU-pileupDown
or for the RD model:
- RD-pileup_run1_run2
- RD-pileupUp_run1_run2
- RD-pileupDown_run1_run2
modify the configuration file for using these files. The pileupRun and pileupLumi keys controls the RD vs 1D model.
The Scale factor database, contains a list of scale-factors associated to a label. This are constructed in the looper and can be used in the analysis.
- Merge the output files (if necessary):
python script/submit.py --hadd -d mysub/sub1
- Dump datacard shape based:
python python/dumpDatacard.py -i ChHiggs.root --hist=CutFlow/CutFlow -f datacard_2.txt -s
- or dump cut and count datacard:
python python/dumpDatacard.py -v -f datacard.txt -i ChHiggs.root --hist CutFlow/CutFlow --bin 2 --syst=JER
********** ********* **********
* Looper * -> * Event * -> * Weight * -> MCDB, SF
********** ********* **********
-> vector< * Jet * >
-> ...
-> vector< * SmearBase * > : set the actual systematic smear. Object or corrector should be awared.
-> vector< * CorrectorBase * > : change the content of the event, correcting objects like met, energy ...
-> vector< * AnalysisBase * > : perform analysis. Usually do not have rw access to the objects. To check.