A django project which has the ability to filter huge movies dataset on the basis of various fields. The entire filtering system's backend was written by me without using any third party python library.
Django , Bootstrap, CSS, HTML and Kaggle for huge dataset.
- The website shows list of all the movies and directors in the database.
- You can go to the filter section and filter movies from the dynamic filter form on the basis of movie title, movie ID, minimum vote count, minimum budget and release date from - to.
- You can also sort the data in the movie filter form as you wish on the basis of fields provided.
- You can use the director filter to filter out the directors you want to check and as well as sort them on the basis of their names.
- In the director filter result table you can click on their names to see the movies they have directed. If no movies are shown that means no movie in the dataset was directed by the particular director.