This Docker container runs as root user! It can be helpful when e.g. the popular jupyter/datascience-notebook image does not work because it runs as Jovyan user.
- Jupyter Widgets
- @jupyterlab/latex
- jupyterlab-plotly
- @mflevine/jupyterlab_html
- jupyterlab-drawio
- jupyterlab-spreadsheet
- @bokeh/jupyter_bokeh
- @jupyterlab/toc
- @jupyterlab/git
Volumes can be mounted into /notebooks
folder. If the folder contains a requirements.txt file, it will be installed automatically when the container starts up.
docker pull amalic/jupyterlab:latest
docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 amalic/jupyterlab
or if you want to define your own password
docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 -e PASSWORD="<your_secret>" amalic/jupyterlab
The container will install requirements from files present at the root of the repository at docker run
(in this order):
: install apt-get packagesrequirements.txt
: install pip packagesextensions.txt
: install Jupyterlab extensions
You can provide a Git repository to be cloned in /notebooks
when doing docker run
docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 -v /data/jupyterlab-notebooks:/notebooks -e PASSWORD="<your_secret>" -e GIT_URL="" amalic/jupyterlab:latest
Access on http://localhost:8888 and files shared in
or use the current directory as source code in the container:
docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 -v $(pwd):/notebooks -e PASSWORD="<your_secret>" amalic/jupyterlab:latest
for Windows
docker build -t amalic/jupyterlab .