An introductory project on:
- Doubly linked lists
- Ubuntu 14.04
- gcc 4.8.4
lists.h - header file containing all function prototypes and the definition of type dlistint_t
0-print_dlistint.c - function that prints all the elements of a dlistint_t
1-dlistint_len.c - function that returns the number of elements in a linked dlistint_t
2-add_dnodeint.c - function that adds a new node at the beginning of a dlistint_t
3-add_dnodeint_end.c - function that adds a new node at the end of a dlistint_t
4-free_dlistint.c - function that frees a dlistint_t
5-get_dnodeint.c - function that returns the nth node of a dlistint_t
linked list.
6-sum_dlistint.c - function that returns the sum of all the data (n) of a dlistint_t
linked list.
7-insert_dnodeint.c - function that inserts a new node at a given index of a dlistint_t
linked list.
8-delete_dnodeint.c - function that deletes a node at a given index of a dlistint_t
linked list.
100-password - the found password of crackme4
102-result - the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers. - python script to find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.
103-keygen.c - a keygen for crackme5.