Find the password.
- Save the password in the file
- Your file should contain the exact password, no new line, no extra space
- Hint: The program prints "OK" when the password is correct
Create a keygen.
Usage of the crackme:
./crackme5 username key
The crackme will segfault if you do not enter the correct key for the user
Usage for your keygen:
./keygen5 username
Your keygen should print a valid key for the
julien@ubuntu:~/0x16$ gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra 103-keygen.c -o keygen5
julien@ubuntu:~/0x16$ ./crackme5 julien loves_javascript
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
julien@ubuntu:~/0x16$ ./crackme5 julien `./keygen5 julien`