WRTC Ice Candidate parse
This package is part of WRTC project.
Not yet ready for public usage.
Small helper to parse WebRTC ICE candidates string
'candidate:2 1 UDP 92274687 12345 typ relay raddr rport 54321'
to JSON object
{ foundation: '2',
component_id: '1',
transport: 'UDP',
priority: '92274687',
localIP: '',
localPort: '12345',
type: 'relay',
remoteIP: '',
remotePort: '54321',
generation: undefined }
and stringify it back.
If some field is not present in original strig,
If you have different needs regarding the functionality, please add a feature request.
npm install --save wrtc-ice-cand-parse
Not yet ready for public usage.
'type' and 'transport' properties are case-sensitive, i.e. type 'TCP' and type 'tcp' are different, to compare you need to lowerCase them.
File examples/parse.js
//iceParse = require('wrtc-ice-cand-parse');
var iceParse = require('../index.js');
var origStr = 'candidate:2 1 UDP 92274687 12345 typ relay raddr rport 54321';
console.log('origStr:', origStr);
var candObj = iceParse.parse(origStr);
console.log('candObj:', candObj);
console.log('validate(candObj):', iceParse.validate(candObj));
console.log('stringify(candObj):', iceParse.stringify(candObj));
node examples/parse.js
origStr: candidate:2 1 UDP 92274687 12345 typ relay raddr rport 54321
candObj: { foundation: '2',
component_id: '1',
transport: 'UDP',
priority: '92274687',
localIP: '',
localPort: '12345',
type: 'relay',
remoteIP: '',
remotePort: '54321',
generation: undefined }
validate(candObj): true
stringify(candObj): candidate:2 1 UDP 92274687 12345 typ relay raddr rport 54321
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