Still in an early stage of development. Be patient ;-)
Sanitize property names too (for example "description")
Allow the specification of query parameters per each endpoint
Don't create a service class if the corresponding model doesn't have any endpoints
Don't create a model if it has no properties (This happens when a property of other model is an array of simple types)
Allow property tuning with a key=value after the colon. Something like:
"prop1: name=desiredName, type=desiredType"
Right now, when a property value is a map, it is generated as a class. Allow it to be generated just as a map/dictionary (related with property tuning)
Allow model tuning in the same way than property tuning (taking into account the models whose name is taken from the resource endpoint)
Raw responses (map, array and id)
Raw properties (map, array and id)
Token based authentication (think of a smart way to accomplish this. Maybe nothing is needed or simple a way to specify the headers that must be set in a general way)
Update the readme
Allow specifying error responses
[ObjC]Generate code to log request/responses
Allow endpoint tuning (HTTP method -> crud method name override, resource -> model name part of service method override)
Allow specifying Time type in properties (What format?).
Use 'RequestKind' (not relay on HTTP method, like "NeedsModelParam") in the same way as 'ResponseKind': this will allow to send different things (like an array of models to bulk update or a map or raw things)
Support for format specifiers at the end of the endpoint (.json)? (by simply ignore them for now)
How to detect enum values from the API spec?
Allow flagging some query parameters as method parameters (so they'll be treated similarly as segment parameters)
Generate string constants for the query parameter names (or something similar)
Allow API versioning
Allow send request with an array of objects.
Allow non JSON responses like string or bool?
Arrays of arrays with typed elements (not raw) are not properly handled
Arrays of maps with typed elements (not raw) are not properly handled