This extension extends Alteris\BehatZendframeworkExtension to work with Apigility and Behat ^3.1.
The easiest way to install is by using Composer:
$> curl -sS | php
$> php composer.phar require alteris/behat-apigility-extension='~1.0'
or composer.json
"require": {
"alteris/behat-apigility-extension": "~1.0"
You can then activate the extension in your behat.yml
. Need to use parameter type
to change Application factory to Apigility and define both Extensions:
# ...
Alteris\BehatApigilityExtension\ServiceContainer\Extension: ~
configuration: PATH_TO_application.config.php
type: apigility_application
Your context need to implement Alteris\BehatZendframeworkExtension\Context\ContextAwareInterface
and will be intialized with Zend\Mcv\ApplicationInterface
Staring version 1.0.0
, will follow Semantic Versioning v2.0.0.