Adds UX related stuff.
If you're a user, downloads are on the right. See Releases link. You can see detailed mod description on Nexus page.
- Get the usual tools (Visual Studio and .NET development stuff)
- Clone the repo
- Build. And then Build again. Project looks up your RT installation dir from your game logs (so you need to run the game at least once).
That's it. On Build output is copied into UMM folder in appdata.
After installing the mod localization files are in Localization
If you named mod install folder EnhancedControls
then full path to them would be %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Owlcat Games\Warhammer 40000 Rogue Trader\UnityModManager\EnhancedControls\Localization
English localization is in enGB.json
Copy this file and rename new file according to the language you're translating into.
Russian - ruRU.json
German - deDE.json
French - frFR.json
Chinese - zhCN.json
Spanish - esES.json
Japanese - jaJP.json
(If your system is set to hide file extensions and you don't see .json
, then ignore that part)
Open your new localization file with any text editor - but for best results use something with syntax highlight - Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, or something else.
Change Text properties to translate things.
Start the game in chosen language to see the effect. Or switch the language in settings, the mod will reload your changes.
Send me translation file if you want me to include your translation with the mod.