#Philips Hue Beacon Controller
This is an example of the app that uses iBeacons for home automation control, namely Philips Hue lights. I wanted to see what can be done and how it works on Android because BLE is supported only from 4.3 onwards and iBeacons are not supported natively as such, unlike on iOS.
It is a partial implementation of Philips Hue API and I hope to be able to implement it all.
Status as of version 0.1:
- Lights - partial
- Groups - TODO
- Schedules - TODO
- Scenes - TODO
- Sensors - TODO
- Rules - TODO
- Configuration - partial
- Info - TODO
First I would like to implement all the features of the Philips Hue API. Secondly, I would like to reimplement the iBeacon API because it's fairly limited as it is (no support for writing data) and also implement the rest of the BLE standard (various kinds of sensor recognition).
Also I would like to check out the AltBeacon protocol.
Android 4.3 (API 18) and up.
- Radius Networks' AndroidIBeaconLibrary for iBeacon (version 0.7.7)
- Lombok for getters, setters and such
- JodaTime for Date management
- TypedPreferences for saving/reading preferences
- Gson for JSON manipulation
- RxJava for reactive programming
- UniversalImageLoader for image loading
- Retrofit for REST interface
- OKHttp for HTTP communication
- GreenDAO for DAO
- SuperToasts for improved toast displaying
- AndroidBound - private viewbinding library
- Sasa Sekulic
Copyright (C) 2014 Alter Ego Srls.
This library is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.