This project is no longer maintained and has been moved to:
django-maintenancemode is a middleware that allows you to temporary shutdown your site for maintenance work.
Logged in users having staff credentials can still fully use the site as can users visiting the site from an ip address defined in Django's INTERNAL_IPS.
This fork moves the maintenance mode property and ignored urls out of and into your database.
django-maintenancemode works the same way as handling 404 or 500 errors in Django work. It adds a handler503 which you can override in your main or you can add a 503.html to your templates directory.
Sites must have at least one domain to work properly.
Download django-maintenancemode from
Install using: python install
In your Django settings file add maintenancemode to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES. Make sure it comes after Django's AuthenticationMiddleware. Like so:
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.middleware.doc.XViewMiddleware', 'maintenancemode.middleware.MaintenanceModeMiddleware', )
to your INSTALLED_APPS.Run syncdb to create the necessary tables.
Adding the middleware and running your site creates the necessary records in the database to endable/disbale maintenance mode and ignored URL patterns.
Maintenance mode will create a database record per site, read from the domains you have in the Sites app. There is a boolean property on each Maintenance model, "is_being_performed" that takes the place of putting the site into "maintnenace mode" from
Patterns to ignore are registered as an inline model for each maintenance record created when the site is first run. Patterns should begin with a forward slash: /, but can end any way you'd like.
Some observations:
- If user is logged in and staff member, the maintenance page is not displayed.
- If user's ip is in INTERNAL_IPS, the maintenance page is not displayed.