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Custom resource and controller for generating and signing SAML metadata

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Kubernetes Custom Resource and Controller for generating and signing SAML metadata



Use gds-cli to update kubeconfig to refer to the target cluster:

gds-cli <cluster e.g. (verify|sandbox)> update-kubeconfig

This will generate a kubeconfig in ~/.gds/<cluster>-<cluster>.kubeconfig

Export this config: export KUBECONFIG=~/.gds/<cluster>-<cluster>.kubeconfig

To build and deploy to a development environment:

eval $(minikube docker-env)     # point local docker commands at the engine in minikube 
make                            # regenerate controller/api after changes
make docker-build               # build the controller image
make deploy                     # install controller with kubectl 
kubectl delete pod/verify-metadata-controller-controller-manager-0

To get the project to run and build you need to place it under your $GOROOT which is typically set to ~/go/src/ the path for the project should look something like ~/go/src/

Once you have dep installed you should be able to run dep ensure from the root of the project. Followed by go get -u this should be enough to get the project running. Simply now run make and see if it explodes.


Run ./hack/

Connecting to Sandbox CloudHSM for local development

Note: Access to the Sandbox environments CloudHSM is only possible from a GDS IP.

  1. Get Sandbox CloudHSM Certificate:
    aws-vault exec run-sandbox -- kubectl get secrets -n sandbox-metadata-controller -o yaml vmc | grep customerCA.crt | sed "s/  customerCA.crt: //1" | base64 -D >> $(pwd)/sandbox-customerCA.crt
  2. Startup a docker container and mount the certificate:
    docker run -it -v $(pwd)/sandbox-customerCA.crt:/opt/cloudhsm/etc/customerCA.crt --rm govsvc/cloudhsm-client-test:0.0.1560968513 bash
  3. Configure CloudHSM Client:
    apt-get install dnsutils -y
    /opt/cloudhsm/bin/configure -a $(dig +short | head -n 1)
  4. Test the connection by listing users:
    /opt/cloudhsm/bin/cloudhsm_mgmt_util /opt/cloudhsm/etc/cloudhsm_mgmt_util.cfg