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- 文章
- [89星][12m] [C++] fsecurelabs/viridianfuzzer Kernel driver to fuzz Hyper-V hypercalls
- 2019.02 [mwrinfosecurity] Ventures into Hyper-V - Fuzzing hypercalls
- 2019.02 [f] Ventures into Hyper-V - Fuzzing hypercalls
- [170星][3m] [C++] mxmssh/manul Manul is a coverage-guided parallel fuzzer for open-source and blackbox binaries on Windows, Linux and MacOS
- [160星][10d] [C] hfiref0x/ntcall64 Windows NT x64 syscall fuzzer
- [141星][3y] [C] koutto/ioctlbf Windows Kernel Drivers fuzzer
- [101星][2m] [C++] trailofbits/sienna-locomotive A user-friendly fuzzing and crash triage tool for Windows
- [96星][2y] [Py] sogeti-esec-lab/rpcforge Windows RPC Python fuzzer
- [88星][1y] [C++] nccgroup/dibf Windows NT ioctl bruteforcer and modular fuzzer
- [77星][3y] [Py] carlosgprado/brundlefuzz BrundleFuzz is a distributed fuzzer for Windows and Linux using dynamic binary instrumentation.
- [63星][1y] [C] ioactive/fuzzndis A Fuzzer for Windows NDIS Drivers OID Handlers
- [50星][6y] [Py] debasishm89/iofuzz A mutation based user mode (ring3) dumb in-memory Windows Kernel (IOCTL) Fuzzer/Logger. This script attach it self to any given process and hooks DeviceIoControl!Kernel32 API and try to log or fuzz all I/O Control code I/O Buffer pointer, I/O buffer length that process sends to any Kernel driver.
- [48星][7y] [C++] cr4sh/msfontsfuzz OpenType font file format fuzzer for Windows
- [47星][3y] silvermoonsecurity/security-misc # Full overview of current vulnerability, exploit , fuzz, mitigation of current major Operation System(Windows, macOS, Linux, Android,iOS and so forath) and popular applicaiton
- [38星][2y] [Py] walkerfuz/pydbgeng a python wrapper of debug engines on windows, linux or osx, it's only aim to auto fuzzing.
- [13星][2y] [C] leonwxqian/windows-defender-nscript-loader A exe loader that can load NScript evaluation engine of Windows Defender/Microsft Security Essential. You can fuzz NScript by using this. Project was based on Tavis Ormandy(taviso)'s "Porting Windows Dynamic Link Libraries to Linux" (
- 2019.10 [apriorit] Finding Vulnerabilities in Closed Source Windows Software by Applying Fuzzing
- 2019.07 [4hou] 利用逆向分析与模糊测试技术深入考察Windows图形库漏洞
- 2019.06 [ixiacom] Investigating Windows Graphics Vulnerabilities: A Reverse Engineering and Fuzzing Story
- 2017.05 [pediy] [翻译]Windows Uniscribe Fuzzing 笔记
- 2017.04 [googleprojectzero] Notes on Windows Uniscribe Fuzzing
- 2016.11 [360] A year of Windows kernel font fuzzing
- 2016.11 [vexillium] Slides about my Windows Metafile research (Ruxcon, PacSec) and fuzzing (Black Hat EU) now public
- 2016.11 [vexillium] Slides about my Windows Metafile research and fuzzing now public
- 2016.10 [duo] Remote Fuzzer Monitoring with Windows Error Reporting (WER)
- 2016.07 [googleprojectzero] A year of Windows kernel font fuzzing #2: the techniques
- 2016.06 [googleprojectzero] A year of Windows kernel font fuzzing #1: the results
- 2014.05 [freebuf] 在渗透测试中使用fuzz技术(附windows安装指南)
- 2012.10 [securiteam] Windows Device Driver Fuzzing
- 2012.05 [tekwizz123] Set Up Your Windows XP for Fuzzing
- 2009.09 [microsoft] Known issue: Using MiniFuzz on Windows XP or Server2003
- [247星][9m] [C++] ucsb-seclab/difuze 针对 Linux 内核驱动的 Fuzzer
- [153星][10m] [Py] k0retux/fuddly Fuzzing/数据操纵(Data Manipulation)框架
- [92星][3y] [Hack] oracle/kernel-fuzzing Fuzzers for the Linux kernel
- [70星][7y] [JS] qburst/penq PenQ is an open source Linux based penetration testing browser bundle built over Mozilla Firefox. It comes pre-configured with security tools for spidering, advanced web searching, fingerprinting, anonymous browsing, web server scanning, fuzzing, report generating and more.
- [66星][6y] [JS] owasp/appsec-browser-bundle The OWASP AppSec Browser Bundle is an open source Linux based penetration testing browser bundle built over Mozilla Firefox. It comes pre-configured with security tools for spidering, advanced web searching, fingerprinting, anonymous browsing, web server scanning, fuzzing, report generating and more.
- [10星][6y] zsenda/stebb STeBB (Security Testing Browser Bundle ) is an open source Linux based penetration testing browser bundle built over Mozilla Firefox. It comes pre-configured with security tools for spidering, advanced web searching, fingerprinting, anonymous browsing, web server scanning, fuzzing, report generating and more.
- [8星][7y] [C] rgbkrk/iknowthis fuzz testing framework for Linux system calls
- 2019.07 [cloudflare] A gentle introduction to Linux Kernel fuzzing
- 2019.05 [freebuf] 在没有源代码的情况下对Linux二进制代码进行模糊测试
- 2018.09 [aliyun] linux下fuzz初试
- 2017.09 [ostechnix] Pick – A Commandline Fuzzy Search Tool For Linux
- 2012.05 [freebuf] 自动化模糊测试框架(BFF)- linux和Mac OS X上的fuzzer工具
- 2012.01 [crossbowerbt] In-memory-fuzzing in Linux (with GDB and Python)
- [13星][4y] [Py] yformaggio/vxfuzz Some VxWorks fuzzing examples using Cisco-Kitty and WDBDbg framework
- 2016.01 [knownsec] VxWorks Fuzzing 之道:VxWorks工控实时操作系统漏洞挖掘调试与利用揭秘
- [283星][4y] [Py] fuzzing/mffa Media Fuzzing Framework for Android
- [218星][6m] [HTML] ajinabraham/droid-application-fuzz-framework Android application fuzzing framework with fuzzers and crash monitor.
- [111星][3y] [Java] mindmac/intentfuzzer A Tool to fuzz Intent on Android
- [108星][5y] [Py] mit-ll/ll-fuzzer An automated NFC fuzzing framework for Android devices.
- [94星][29d] [Py] imtiazkarimik23/atfuzzer "Opening Pandora's Box through ATFuzzer: Dynamic Analysis of AT Interface for Android Smartphones" ACSAC 2019
- [72星][3y] [Py] antojoseph/droid-ff Android File Fuzzing Framework
- [55星][5y] [C] anestisb/melkor-android An Android port of the melkor ELF fuzzer
- [32星][5y] [Py] jonmetz/androfuzz A fuzzing utility for Android that focuses on reporting and delivery portions of the fuzzing process
- [25星][6y] [Java] thypon/androidfuzz JavaFuzz 4 Android
- [20星][11m] [Rust] gamozolabs/slime_tree Worst Android kernel fuzzer
- [6星][1y] [Py] datadancer/hiafuzz Hybrid Interface Aware Fuzz for Android Kernel Drivers
- [2星][10d] [Java] oxagast/ansvif_android An Android frontend for ansvif fuzzing
- 2018.10 [aliyun] 如何打造我们自己的Android fuzzer
- 2018.03 [freebuf] DAFF:Android应用程序Fuzzing框架
- 2016.11 [360] Fuzzing Android:挖掘Android系统组件组件中的漏洞
- 2016.09 [deepsec] DeepSec 2016 Talk: Fuzzing Remote Interfaces for System Services in Android – Alexandru Blanda
- 2016.02 [deepsec] DeepSec Video: File Format Fuzzing in Android – Giving a Stagefright to the Android Installer
- 2016.01 [freebuf] 四个参数搞定安卓驱动fuzzing!(附DeathFuzzer工具)
- [7星][1y] [C] ukern-developers/xnu-kernel-fuzzer Kernel Fuzzer for Apple's XNU, mainly meant for the iOS operating system
- 2012.10 [pediy] [原创]IOS黑客手册第六章-iOS应用程序模糊测试挖掘(第一部分)
- [46星][6y] nccgroup/frisbeelite A GUI-based USB device fuzzer
- [36星][2y] [Py] ernw/dizzy Network and USB protocol fuzzing toolkit.
- [33星][3y] [Py] ernw/dizzy-legacy Network and USB protocol fuzzing toolkit.
- 2019.08 [4hou] 现有USB模糊测试技术的总结(下)
- 2019.08 [4hou] 现有USB模糊测试技术的总结(上)
- 2019.07 [davejingtian] USB Fuzzing: A USB Perspective
- 2018.12 [ZeroNights] HC MA - Massive Scale USB Device Driver Fuzz WITHOUT device
- 2014.06 [quarkslab] USB Fuzzing Basics: From fuzzing to bug reporting
- [95星][1y] [HTML] nytrorst/xssfuzzer XSS Fuzzer is a tool which generates XSS payloads based on user-defined vectors and fuzzing lists.
- [38星][4y] [C#] cweb/unicode-hax A library to assist in security-testing Unicode enabled applications during fuzzing, XSS, SQLi, etc.
- [38星][7y] [Py] matthewdfuller/intellifuzz-xss An adaptive, intelligent XSS fuzzer that learns how the response is reflected and carefully crafts an XSS payload to match
- [26星][5y] [Go] rverton/xssmap (DOM-)XSS fuzzer based on phantomjs and go.
- [24星][1y] [Py] jiangsir404/xss-sql-fuzz burpsuite 插件对GP所有参数(过滤特殊参数)一键自动添加xss sql payload 进行fuzz
- [23星][4y] [Py] immunio/immunio-xss-fuzzer Immunio's XSS Fuzzer tool
- [22星][3y] [PHP] 0x584a/fuzzxssphp PHP版本的反射型xss扫描,支持GET,POST
- [1星][16d] [C#] naivenom/ariadna Fuzzer simple para encontrar vulnerabilidades sql y xss
- 2019.05 [aliyun] 浅析一种简单暴力的Xss Fuzz手法
- 2018.12 [freebuf] 利用XSStrike Fuzzing XSS漏洞
- 2018.12 [ostorlab] Fuzzing strategies for DOM XSS - Part 1
- 2012.11 [mindedsecurity] DOMinatorPro Fuzzer finds a DOM XSS on Google.com
- [394星][3m] [C] coolervoid/0d1n Web security tool to make fuzzing at HTTP/S, Beta
- [343星][1y] [Py] joxeankoret/nightmare 分布式模糊测试套件,具有Web管理功能
- [182星][5m] [Rust] phra/rustbuster A Comprehensive Web Fuzzer and Content Discovery Tool
- [148星][3m] [Perl] henshin/filebuster An extremely fast and flexible web fuzzer
- [111星][10m] l3m0n/webfuzzattack web模糊测试 - 将漏洞可能性放大
- [94星][1y] [Py] andresriancho/websocket-fuzzer HTML5 WebSocket message fuzzer
- [92星][2m] [C] jonathanmetzman/wasm-fuzzing-demo Demos of and walkthroughs on in-browser fuzzing using WebAssembly
- [61星][1y] [Py] graniet/operative-framework-hd operative framework HD is the digital investigation framework, you can interact with websites, email address, company, people, ip address, vulnerability fuzzing ... interact with basic/graphical view and export with XML, JSON, use database management...
- [58星][9m] [HTML] leonwxqian/lucky-js-fuzz A web page based fuzzer that generates random JS statements then fuzz in the web-browser.
- [55星][3y] [Py] mseclab/burp-pyjfuzz Burp Suite plugin which implement PyJFuzz for fuzzing web application.
- [53星][2y] [JS] danigargu/urlfuzz Another web fuzzer written in NodeJS
- [51星][5m] [CSS] mobsf/capfuzz CapFuzz - capture, fuzz & intercept web traffic.
- [37星][3m] [Py] mak-/scanomaly This is a web application fuzzer scanner - the goal was CLI flexibility and rapid prototyping
- [22星][1m] [Py] z3pp/zfuzz Simple python web fuzzer
- [19星][2y] [JS] mozillasecurity/framboise Framboise is a fuzzer for in-depth testing of WebAPIs.
- [17星][2m] [Py] avalz/waf-a-mole A guided mutation-based fuzzer for ML-based Web Application Firewalls
- [16星][2y] [CSS] sweetchipsw/sweetmon_legacy 'SWEETMON' is a fuzzer monitoring service based python3 + django. User can check their fuzzers and crashes on the web. It can reduce repetitive work for fuzz testers. This is a legacy sweetmon. The new sweetmon is now being developed
- [6星][1y] [Py] mattjegan/wtfuzz A pip-installable tool used for checking the existence of different types of web resources
- [5星][2y] [Py] phplaber/yawf 一个基于 OWASP 开源的 Web 漏洞模糊测试工具
- [4星][2y] [Java] huvuqu/fuzz18plus Advance of fuzzing for Web pentest. Based on Burp extension, send HTTP request template out to Python fuzzer.
- [3星][1y] [Py] yuxiaokui/hackerone Fuzz website
- [2星][2y] yehgdotnet/jhijack A Java Hijacking tool for web application session security assessment. A simple Java Fuzzer that can mainly be used for numeric session hijacking and parameter enumeration. Demonstration video is also available.
- [1星][7m] [C] postrequest/cbuster Web server directory and file fuzzer
- 2019.06 [aliyun] fuzz web请求时,遇到请求参数被前端加signature怎么办
- 2018.12 [aliyun] Web Fuzz
- 2018.07 [360] 议题解读《我的Web应用安全模糊测试之路》
- 2018.05 [pentestingexperts] BlackWidow – A Python Based Web Application Scanner To Gather OSINT And Fuzz For OWASP Vulnerabilities On A Target Website
- 2018.03 [360] 如何Fuzz Json Web Services
- 2018.03 [websecurify] Fuzzing JSON Web Services
- 2017.12 [themiddleblue] Detecting human users: Is there a way to block enumeration, fuzz or web scan?
- 2017.09 [freebuf] 如何通过BurpSuiteMacro自动化模糊测试Web应用的输入点
- 2017.09 [4hou] 利用Burp“宏”解决自动化 web fuzzer的登录问题
- 2017.09 [securelayer7] 使用 Burp 的宏功能,实现 WebApp 输入 Fuzzing 的自动化
- 2017.09 [securelayer7] Automating Web Apps Input fuzzing via Burp Macros
- 2016.12 [n0where] Extremely Fast Flexible Web Fuzzer: Filebuster
- 2016.03 [] 浅谈WEB Fuzz中需要关注的7种响应
- 2015.04 [toolswatch] [New Tool] 0d1n v1.0 Web App Bruteforcer and Fuzzer Released
- 2014.10 [tekwizz123] Finding New Vulns With Fuzzing and Turning them Into An Exploit Part 1: Kolibri Webserver 2.0 POST Exploit Example
- 2014.02 [freebuf] 手动web应用程序渗透测试-模糊测试中的后缀与前缀
- 2013.09 [htbridge] ImmuniWeb® Self-Fuzzer Firefox Extension
- 2013.07 [digi] Fuzzing WebSockets With ZAP
- 2012.09 [freebuf] Web应用漏洞fuzz工具 – teenage mutant ninja turtles V 1.5
- [366星][2y] [C] k0keoyo/kdriver-fuzzer 基于ioctlbf框架编写的驱动漏洞挖掘工具kDriver Fuzzer
- [366星][3y] [C] fsecurelabs/kernelfuzzer Cross Platform Kernel Fuzzer Framework
- [243星][7m] [C] compsec-snu/razzer A Kernel fuzzer focusing on race bugs
- [212星][2y] [C] fsecurelabs/osxfuzz macOS Kernel Fuzzer
- [211星][2y] [C] silvermoonsecurity/passivefuzzframeworkosx This framework is for fuzzing OSX kernel vulnerability based on passive inline hook mechanism in kernel mode.
- [67星][3y] richinseattle/evolutionarykernelfuzzing Materials for the Evolutionary Kernel Fuzzing talk at Black Hat USA 2017
- [22星][10y] [C] bringhurst/xnufuzz An XNU kernel fuzz tool
- 2019.08 [trendmicro] LLDBFuzzer: Debugging and Fuzzing the Apple Kernel with LLDB Script
- 2019.06 [aliyun] 内核漏洞挖掘技术系列(5)——KernelFuzzer
- 2019.04 [aliyun] 内核fuzz技术系列(2)——bochspwn
- 2019.03 [securitygossip] Razzer: Finding Kernel Race Bugs Through Fuzzing
- 2019.03 [sjtu] Razzer: Finding Kernel Race Bugs Through Fuzzing
- 2018.02 [360] 基于IOCTLBF框架编写的驱动漏洞挖掘工具KDRIVER FUZZER
- 2018.02 [venus] 基于 ioctlbf 框架编写的驱动漏洞挖掘工具 kDriver Fuzzer
- 2018.01 [whereisk0shl] 基于ioctlbf框架编写的驱动漏洞挖掘工具kDriver Fuzzer
- 2017.11 [n0where] Interface Aware Fuzzing for Kernel Drivers: DIFUZE
- 2014.03 [debasish] In-Memory Kernel Driver(IOCTL)Fuzzing using Python
- 2013.03 [pediy] 第一次发帖,驱动Fuzz程序[持续开发完善中]
- 2007.09 [evilcodecave] Driver Fuzzing with Kartoffel
- [234星][7m] [HTML] rootup/bfuzz Fuzzing Browsers
- [195星][18d] [Py] mozillasecurity/grizzly A cross-platform browser fuzzing framework
- [113星][8m] [Visual Basic .NET] dzzie/comraider ActiveX Fuzzing tool with GUI, object browser, system scanner, and distributed auditing capabilities
- [69星][3m] [Py] lylemi/browser-fuzz-summarize Browser Fuzz Summarize / 浏览器模糊测试综述
- [66星][5y] [Py] hikerell/bfuzzer A Browser Fuzzer for Vulnerbilities
- 2019.05 [360] 通过Fuzzing找出浏览器的一些怪癖
- 2019.05 [portswigger] Provoking browser quirks with behavioural fuzzing | Blog
- 2016.01 [freebuf] 从零开始学Fuzzing系列:浏览器fuzz工具探究之框架篇
- 2015.12 [freebuf] 从零开始学Fuzzing系列:浏览器挖掘框架Morph诞生记
- 2015.11 [nsfocus] 浏览器fuzz框架介绍
- 2013.09 [null] My experience with the Browser Fuzzing Humla session – 31st August 2013
- 2012.08 [freebuf] X-Fuzzer – 动态浏览器Fuzz工具
- 2006.03 [rapid7] Browser fuzzing for fun and profit
- [318星][28d] [Py] cisco-talos/mutiny-fuzzer a network fuzzer that operates by replaying PCAPs through a mutational fuzzer.
- [243星][1y] [Py] hgascon/pulsar 具有自动学习、模拟协议功能的网络 fuzzer
- [235星][5m] [C] dongdongshe/neuzz neural network assisted fuzzer
- [221星][29d] [Py] nccgroup/fuzzowski the Network Protocol Fuzzer that we will want to use.
- [197星][2m] [C] denandz/fuzzotron A TCP/UDP based network daemon fuzzer
- [172星][1y] [Py] niloofarkheirkhah/nili 网络扫描工具,中间人,协议逆向工程和 Fuzzing
- [147星][1y] [Py] brain-research/tensorfuzz A library for performing coverage guided fuzzing of neural networks
- [74星][1y] [Py] dobin/ffw A fuzzing framework for network servers
- [65星][3y] [Py] plantdaddy/fuzzap A python script for obfuscating wireless networks
- [57星][3y] [C] hbowden/nextgen A Genetic File, Syscall and Network Fuzzer.
- [50星][6y] [Py] isecpartners/rtspfuzzer RTSP network protocol fuzzer
- [44星][1y] [Perl] wireghoul/doona Network based protocol fuzzer
- [35星][5m] [Py] amossys/fragscapy Fragscapy is a command-line tool to fuzz network protocols by automating the modification of outgoing network packets. It can run multiple successive tests to determine which options can be used to evade firewalls and IDS.
- [20星][4m] [Py] m-zakeri/iust_deep_fuzz A file format fuzzer base on deep neural networks.
- [15星][2m] [C++] vitaliy-grigoriev/protocol-analyzer Fuzz testing framework for network protocols.
- [5星][2y] [Shell] foospidy/fuzzcat Rudimentary network protocol fuzzer using bash, netcat, and other tools.
- [1星][2m] [Py] ins1gn1a/woollymammoth Toolkit for manual buffer exploitation, which features a basic network socket fuzzer, offset pattern generator and detector, bad character identifier, shellcode carver, and a vanilla EIP exploiter
- 2018.06 [freebuf] beSTORM之网络协议Fuzz入门教程
- 2015.12 [nsfocus] SCADA网络fuzzing测试及防护
- 2015.09 [topsec] 用alphafuzzer挖掘网络协议漏洞
- 2015.09 [topsec] 用alphafuzzer挖掘网络协议漏洞
- 2013.10 [pediy] [原创]基于SKIPE的网络协议Fuzzing技术
- 2013.10 [toolswatch] [New Tool] Doona Network fuzzing tool v0.7 released
- [208星][4m] [Java] h3xstream/http-script-generator ZAP/Burp plugin that generate script to reproduce a specific HTTP request (Intended for fuzzing or scripted attacks)
- [62星][6m] [Py] pinnace/burp-jwt-fuzzhelper-extension Burp扩展, 用于Fuzzing JWT
- [42星][3y] team-firebugs/burp-lfi-tests Fuzzing for LFI using Burpsuite
- [28星][3y] [Py] floyd-fuh/burp-httpfuzzer Burp plugin to do random fuzzing of HTTP requests
- [18星][3m] [Py] mgeeky/burpcontextawarefuzzer BurpSuite's payload-generation extension aiming at applying fuzzed test-cases depending on the type of payload (integer, string, path; JSON; XML; GWT; binary) and following encoding-scheme applied originally.
- [12星][3y] [Java] portswigger/reissue-request-scripter ZAP/Burp plugin that generate script to reproduce a specific HTTP request (Intended for fuzzing or scripted attacks)
- 2018.11 [d0znpp] Extending fuzzing with Burp by FAST
- 2017.09 [360] 如何使用Burp Suite Macros绕过防护进行自动化fuzz测试
- 2017.08 [4hou] 如何使用Burp Suite模糊测试SQL注入、XSS、命令执行漏洞
- 2017.07 [hackingarticles] Fuzzing SQL,XSS and Command Injection using Burp Suite
- 2013.10 [debasish] Fuzzing Facebook for $$$ using Burpy
- 2010.09 [netspi] Fuzzing Parameters in CSRF Resistant Applications with Burp Proxy
- 2019.08 [aliyun] fuzz闭源pdf查看器
- 2017.11 [SECConsult] The Art of Fuzzing - Demo 7: How to detect when a PDF finished loading
- 2013.01 [coldwind] PDF Fuzzing Fun Continued: Status Update
- 2013.01 [vexillium] PDF Fuzzing Fun Continued: Status Update
- 2013.01 [vexillium] PDF Fuzzing Fun Continued: Status Update
- 2012.08 [coldwind] PDF fuzzing and Adobe Reader 9.5.1 and 10.1.3 multiple critical vulnerabilities
- 2012.08 [vexillium] PDF fuzzing and Adobe Reader 9.5.1 and 10.1.3 multiple critical vulnerabilities
- 2012.08 [vexillium] PDF fuzzing and Adobe Reader 9.5.1 and 10.1.3 multiple critical vulnerabilities
- [849星][3m] [Swift] googleprojectzero/fuzzilli A JavaScript Engine Fuzzer
- [456星][14d] [TS] fuzzitdev/jsfuzz coverage guided fuzz testing for javascript
- 2018.01 [fuzzstation] Fuzz Stati0n Pivots to Node JS
- 2017.10 [nul] 开源了我之前做的jsfuzzer
- [1386星][23d] [C] googleprojectzero/winafl A fork of AFL for fuzzing Windows binaries
- [39星][11m] [C] ivanfratric/winafl Windows 二进制文件fuzz工具
- [28星][1y] [C] mxmssh/netafl winAFL patch to enable network-based apps fuzzing
- [27星][1y] [C] intelpt/winafl-intelpt A fork of AFL for fuzzing Windows binaries
- 2019.11 [freebuf] 模糊测试工具WinAFL使用指南
- 2019.05 [aliyun] WinAFL 源码分析
- 2019.02 [riusksk] winafl中基于插桩的覆盖率反馈原理
- 2019.02 [riusksk] winafl中基于插桩的覆盖率反馈原理
- 2017.11 [SECConsult] The Art of Fuzzing - Demo 4: WinAFL workflow to fuzz Mimikatz and Taint Analysis
- 2017.09 [sec] Hack the Hacker – Fuzzing Mimikatz On Windows With WinAFL & Heatmaps (0day)
- 2017.09 [360] 使用 WinAFL 对 MSXML6 库进行模糊测试
- 2017.06 [knownsec] 初识 Fuzzing 工具 WinAFL
- 2017.01 [4hou] 智能模糊测试工具 Winafl 的使用与分析
- 2016.09 [jowto] 智能模糊测试工具 Winafl 的使用与分析
- 2016.08 [360] 初探Windows Fuzzing神器----Winafl
- 2016.07 [n0where] Fuzzing Windows Binaries: WinAFL
- [462星][3y] [C] nccgroup/triforceafl AFL/QEMU fuzzing with full-system emulation.
- [148星][3y] [C] nccgroup/triforcelinuxsyscallfuzzer A linux system call fuzzer using TriforceAFL
- [41星][3y] [C] nccgroup/triforceopenbsdfuzzer System call fuzzing of OpenBSD amd64 using TriforceAFL (i.e. AFL and QEMU)
- 2019.07 [aliyun] 内核漏洞挖掘技术系列(6)——TriforceAFL和KAFL
- [412星][2y] [Py] rub-syssec/kafl Code for the USENIX 2017 paper: kAFL: Hardware-Assisted Feedback Fuzzing for OS Kernels
- [310星][16d] [C] aflsmart/aflsmart Smart Greybox Fuzzing (
- 2019.04 [freebuf] AFLSmart工具简单分析及使用介绍
- [831星][17d] [C] rust-fuzz/afl.rs run AFL on code written in the Rust programming language.
- [808星][8d] [C] google/afl american fuzzy lop - a security-oriented fuzzer
- [549星][2y] [C] mirrorer/afl american fuzzy lop (copy of the source code for easy access)
- [546星][10m] [Py] shellphish/fuzzer Americanfuzzy lop 的 Python 版本接口
- [446星][7d] [C] vanhauser-thc/aflplusplus 带社区补丁的afl 2.56b
- [428星][7m] [C] mykter/afl-training Exercises to learn how to fuzz with American Fuzzy Lop
- [386星][2y] [C] battelle/afl-unicorn afl-unicorn lets you fuzz any piece of binary that can be emulated by Unicorn Engine.
- [364星][2y] [Py] rc0r/afl-utils Utilities for automated crash sample processing/analysis, easy afl-fuzz job management and corpus optimization
- [298星][1y] [Py] mrash/afl-cov Produce code coverage results with gcov from afl-fuzz test cases
- [296星][4m] [C] mboehme/aflfast AFLFast (extends AFL with Power Schedules)
- [246星][3y] [C] ele7enxxh/android-afl Fuzzing Android program with american fuzzy lop (AFL)
- [215星][6m] [C] hunter-ht-2018/ptfuzzer 通过使用Intel PT收集分支信息来改善AFL
- [208星][4m] [Py] jwilk/python-afl American Fuzzy Lop fork server and instrumentation for pure-Python code
- [199星][13d] [C] aflgo/aflgo Directed Greybox Fuzzing with AFL
- [192星][2m] [Py] fgsect/unicorefuzz Fuzzing the Kernel Using AFL-Unicorn
- [187星][30d] [C] tunz/afl-fuzz-js afl-fuzz for javascript
- [183星][8d] microsvuln/awesome-afl A curated list of different AFL forks and AFL inspired fuzzers with detailed equivalent academic papers with AFL-fuzzing tutorials
- [177星][2y] [C] mcarpenter/afl DEPRECATED. Will be removed 09/2019. Please see
- [175星][1y] [C] carolemieux/afl-rb AFL Fuzz 工具的修改版,针对 Rare Branches
- [168星][4y] [C] jdbirdwell/afl american fuzzy lop for network fuzzing (unofficial) -- official afl site is
- [152星][5y] [C++] mothran/aflpin aflpin enables afl to fuzz blackbox binaries using a pin tool to trace execution branches.
- [141星][9d] [C++] talos-vulndev/afl-dyninst American Fuzzy Lop + Dyninst == AFL Fuzzing blackbox binaries
- [141星][3m] [Py] wmliang/pe-afl
- [135星][2y] [Java] isstac/kelinci AFL-based fuzzing for Java
- [125星][26d] [C#] metalnem/sharpfuzz AFL-based fuzz testing for .NET
- [119星][1m] [C] zyw-200/firmafl FIRM-AFL is the first high-throughput greybox fuzzer for IoT firmware.
- [110星][2y] [C++] vegard/prog-fuzz Compiler/source code fuzzing tool using AFL instrumentation
- [78星][3m] [JS] andreafioraldi/frida-js-afl-instr An example on how to do performant in-memory fuzzing with AFL++ and Frida
- [75星][3m] [C] puppet-meteor/mopt-afl MOpt-AFL provided by the paper "MOPT: Optimized Mutation Scheduling for Fuzzers"
- [74星][1y] [C] forte-research/untracer-afl An AFL implementation with UnTracer (our coverage-guided tracer)
- [73星][5m] vanhauser-thc/afl-patches Patches to afl to fix bugs or add enhancements
- [72星][4m] [C] shellphish/afl-other-arch AFL, with scripts to support other architectures.
- [63星][2m] [C] riscure/optee_fuzzer This repository contains the code for a fuzzing prototype for the OP-TEE system call interface using AFL.
- [60星][2m] [Py] shellphish/shellphish-afl A pip wrapper around AFL.
- [58星][2y] mrash/afl-cve AFL fuzzer发现的漏洞集合
- [53星][2y] [C] rc0r/afl-fuzz Non-official repository for lcamtuf's American Fuzzy Lop
- [43星][8m] [C++] vanhauser-thc/afl-pin run AFL with pintool
- [41星][3y] [C] kanglictf/afl-qai A demo project for AFL with QEMU Augmented Instrumentation (qai)
- [38星][1m] [Py] adrianherrera/afl-mutation-graph Recover mutation graph from an AFL seed
- [38星][1m] [Py] adrianherrera/afl-mutation-graph Recover mutation graph from an AFL seed
- [36星][1y] [C] abiondo/afl My fork of American Fuzzy Lop
- [36星][10m] [C] mboehme/pythia Pythia (extends AFL with Predictions)
- [36星][7d] [C++] vanhauser-thc/afl-dyninst American Fuzzy Lop + Dyninst == AFL Fuzzing blackbox binaries
- [31星][2y] [Java] barro/java-afl Binary rewriting approach with fork server support to fuzz Java applications with afl-fuzz.
- [31星][2y] [C] tigerpuma/afl_unicorn
- [30星][3y] [Py] bshastry/afl-sancov AFL coverage tool using Clang SanitizerCoverage
- [29星][4y] [Go] bnagy/afl-launch Boring tool to launch multiple afl-fuzz instances
- [25星][4y] [C] leetchicken/afl Unofficial American Fuzzy Lop repo
- [24星][4y] [C] arizvisa/afl-cygwin AFL "mostly" ported to cygwin
- [23星][3y] [Py] markusteufelberger/afl-ddmin-mod Test case minimizer for afl-fuzz
- [23星][2y] proteas/afl-swift use afl to fuzz swift program
- [22星][8m] [C] junxzm1990/afl-pt
- [22星][3y] [Py] reflare/afl-monitor A monitoring script for AFL
- [20星][2m] [Py] axt/afl-cov AFL fuzzing coverage CFG visualization
- [20星][3y] [C] bnagy/osx-afl-llvm Barely working LLVM mode for AFL on OSX
- [18星][5m] [C++] kirasys/unicorn-fuzzer expansion of afl-unicorn using c++
- [15星][1y] [Py] rc0r/afl-utils
- [14星][9d] [C++] vanhauser-thc/afl-dynamorio run AFL with dynamorio
- [14星][2m] [C] vanhauser-thc/afl-simulate Simulate afl-fuzz
- [13星][18d] [C] wrauner/afl-fuzzing-training AFL training workshop materials
- [12星][5y] [C] jonasnick/bitcoinconsensus_testcases These testcases are generated by running afl-fuzz against libbitcoinconsensus.
- [10星][5y] [Go] bnagy/aflfix Use any program to perform fixups for afl via AFL_POST_LIBRARY
- [10星][1y] [C] spolu/gym_fuzz1ng OpenAI Gym environment for binary fuzzing based on afl
- [10星][9m] [C++] atrosinenko/afl-dr Experiment in implementation of an instrumentation for American Fuzzy Lop using DynamoRIO
- [7星][1y] [C] cloudsriseup/fuzzy A faster version of AFL-Fuzz used for DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge with optimized scheduler code
- [7星][8m] [C++] orbitcowboy/afl_cppcheck A script to start fuzzing of cppcheck with american fuzzy lop
- [6星][3m] [C++] spinpx/afl_pin_mode Yet another AFL instrumentation tool implemented by Intel Pin.
- [6星][5m] [C++] alexandrecarlton/afl-docker american fuzzy lop in a Docker container
- [4星][3m] [Py] putsi/afl-mruby Docker-based AFL-Fuzzer for MRuby
- [4星][5m] wolframroesler/afl-demo Simple demonstration for how to fuzz test a C++ program with AFL.
- [1星][4y] [C] jhector/sphinxfuzz AFL Fuzzing environment for fuzzing pocketsphinx
- [1星][7m] [PHP] antonin-deniau/php-fuzz A somewhat functional PHP fuzzer heavily inspired by AFL
- [0星][5m] [C] innovimax/afl-1 Unofficial American Fuzzy Lop repo
- 2020.01 [freebuf] 基于AFL的Java程序Fuzz工具:Kelinci
- 2019.12 [4hou] 基于AFL对Linux内核模糊测试的过程详述
- 2019.10 [HackersOnBoard] AFL's Blindspot and How to Resist AFL Fuzzing for Arbitrary ELF Binaries
- 2019.10 [4hou] 使用AFL对Linux内核Fuzzing的总结
- 2019.08 [aliyun] 使用 afl-unicorn: Fuzzing 任意二进制代码
- 2019.08 [aliyun] 内核漏洞挖掘技术系列(6)——使用AFL进行内核漏洞挖掘(2)
- 2019.08 [aliyun] 使用 afl-unicorn: Fuzzing 任意二进制代码
- 2019.07 [robertheaton] How to write an afl wrapper for any language
- 2019.06 [doyler] AFL Introduction – Installation and Basic Fuzzing
- 2019.05 [nextplatform] Cray, AMD Tag Team On 1.5 Exaflops “Frontier” Supercomputer
- 2019.04 [freebuf] Pe-afl:一款支持对Windows二进制程序的afl fuzz工具
- 2019.04 [aliyun] AFL源码分析笔记(一)
- 2019.03 [freebuf] AFL漏洞挖掘技术漫谈(二):Fuzz结果分析和代码覆盖率
- 2019.03 [4hou] Chafer使用的新的基于Python的有效载荷MechaFlounder
- 2019.03 [aliyun] 初探Fuzz-AFL
- 2019.03 [venus] AFL 漏洞挖掘技术漫谈(二):Fuzz 结果分析和代码覆盖率
- 2019.03 [topsec] AFL漏洞挖掘技术漫谈(一):用AFL开始你的第一次Fuzzing
- 2019.03 [paloaltonetworks] New Python-Based Payload MechaFlounder Used
- 2019.02 [robertheaton] Introducing Afl-Ruby: fuzz your Ruby programs using afl
- 2019.01 [mijailovic] SharpFuzz: Bringing the power of afl-fuzz to .NET platform
- 2019.01 [klee] SAFL: Increasing and Accelerating Testing Coverage with Symbolic Execution and Guided Fuzzing
- 2018.10 [obscuritylabs] Docker + AFL: Effective, scalable reproducible fuzzing
- 2018.10 [cloudflare] Mapping Factorio with Leaflet
- 2018.09 [aliyun] 利用Java Security Manager进行Java AFL Fuzz
- 2018.09 [aliyun] 提高AFL qemu模式性能
- 2018.09 [aliyun] [翻译] 使用AFL对CSGO进行模糊测试
- 2018.08 [phoenhex] Fuzzing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive maps files with AFL
- 2018.05 [0x00sec] Does American fuzzy lop works on windows?
- 2018.04 [0x00sec] Fuzzing projects with american fuzzy lop (AFL)
- 2018.04 [countuponsecurity] Intro to American Fuzzy Lop – Fuzzing with ASAN and beyond
- 2018.03 [countuponsecurity] Intro to American Fuzzy Lop – Fuzzing in 5 steps
- 2018.02 [arxiv] [1802.10215] Var-CNN and DynaFlow: Improved Attacks and Defenses for Website Fingerprinting
- 2018.02 [hyperiongray] Fuzzing Linux GUI/GTK Programs With American Fuzzy Lop (AFL) For Fun And Pr... You Get the Idea. Part One.
- 2018.02 [tunnelshade] Internals of AFL fuzzer - QEMU Instrumentation
- 2018.02 [intideceukelaire] OEPS: Dit verklapt Facebook over de afloop van Temptation Island
- 2018.01 [tunnelshade] AFL fuzzer 内部实现之:Compile Time Instrumentation
- 2018.01 [venus] AFL(American Fuzzy Lop)实现细节与文件变异
- 2017.11 [pediy] [翻译]类似AFL软件实现的属性测试技术
- 2017.11 [SECConsult] The Art of Fuzzing - Demo 2: AFL workflow with FFMPEG
- 2017.11 [aliyun] AFL-FUZZ 启用 llvm
- 2017.11 [njvoss299] afl-unicorn: Part 2 — Fuzzing the ‘Unfuzzable’
- 2017.10 [njvoss299] afl-unicorn: Fuzzing Arbitrary Binary Code
- 2017.09 [fuzzstation] Preparing an Application for AFL-Fuzz
- 2017.09 [fuzzstation] Breaking Ruby’s Unmarshal with AFL-Fuzz
- 2017.09 [fuzzstation] Fuzz Testing: Choosing a Seed File for AFL
- 2017.08 [fuzzstation] Quick-start: Fuzzing with AFL
- 2017.07 [thecyberrecce] Exploit Development with AFL, PEDA and PwnTools
- 2017.07 [reverse] How to compile AFL's LLVM mode in OS X
- 2017.06 [pediy] [原创]afl-fuzz源码情景分析,详细读码笔记,freemind版本和word版本
- 2017.06 [sensepost] Fuzzing Apache httpd server with American Fuzzy Lop + persistent mode
- 2017.05 [animal0day] Fuzzing Apache httpd server with American Fuzzy Lop + persistent mode
- 2017.04 [geeknik] A quick and dirty guide to "Fuzzing with AFL for fun and maybe a little profit"
- 2017.04 [360] OpenSSH模糊测试技巧之AFL的妙用(二)
- 2017.04 [360] OpenSSH模糊测试技巧之AFL的妙用(一)
- 2017.03 [thecyberrecce] Software Exploit Development – Fuzzing with AFL
- 2017.03 [vegardno] Fuzzing the OpenSSH daemon using AFL
- 2017.03 [venus] 在Linux上使用AFL对Stagefright进行模糊测试
- 2017.03 [pediy] [原创]在Linux上使用AFL对Stagefright进行模糊测试
- 2017.03 [ele7enxxh] 在Linux上使用AFL对Stagefright进行模糊测试
- 2017.01 [aurainfosec] Hunting For Bugs With AFL 101 - A PRIMER
- 2016.09 [ele7enxxh] 使用afl-dyninst fuzz无源码的二进制程序
- 2016.08 [geeknik] Fuzzing Perl: A Tale of Two American Fuzzy Lops
- 2016.07 [hackingdistributed] Graph Databases: Dataflow vs. Traditional Models
- 2016.07 [moyix] Fuzzing with AFL is an Art
- 2016.04 [n0where] American Fuzzy Lop Utilities: afl-utils
- 2016.02 [theobsidiantower] AFL
- 2015.11 [freebuf] 我是如何对dnsmasq使用afl-fuzz差点拯救互联网的?
- 2015.10 [fuzzing] Network fuzzing with american fuzzy lop
- 2015.10 [hackingarticles] Logical Forensics of an Android Device using AFLogical
- 2015.09 [n0where] Security Oriented Fuzzer: American Fuzzy Lop
- 2015.08 [metaflows] MetaFlows Announces Virtual Sandboxing in Amazon Cloud: Advanced Feature in MSS Delivers Unlimited Scalability for Sandboxes
- 2015.07 [fastly] How to fuzz a server with American Fuzzy Lop
- 2015.07 [skullsecurity] How I nearly almost saved the Internet, starring afl-fuzz and dnsmasq
- 2015.06 [metaflows] MetaFlows New Packet Data Viewer
- 2015.06 [metaflows] MetaFlows at BlackHat 2015
- 2015.05 [metaflows] MetaFlows in the Top-20 Security Companies for 2015
- 2015.04 [evilsocket] Fuzzing With AFL-Fuzz, a Practical Example ( AFL vs Binutils )
- 2015.04 [alexgaynor] Introduction to Fuzzing in Python with AFL
- 2015.03 [danluu] Combining AFL and QuickCheck for directed fuzzing
- 2015.01 [] Let's have (not) fun with afl
- 2015.01 [] Let's have some fun with afl
- 2015.01 [] Is fuzzing obsolete? No, afl rocks!
- 2014.12 [metaflows] MetaFlows: SC Magazine Innovators Hall of Fame
- 2014.08 [toolswatch] [New Tool] American Fuzzy Lop v0.26b Released
- 2014.06 [rapid7] Google Cloud DataFlow – A Game Changer?
- 2012.01 [metaflows] Payload and Event Reporting by MetaFlows CEO Livio Ricciulli, Part III
- 2012.01 [metaflows] MetaFlows Launches Low-cost SaaS Product That Unifies network Security
- 2012.01 [metaflows] MetaFlows Announces Software-Based IDPS, Enables IDPS Hardware for 1/10 the Price
- 2012.01 [metaflows] Network Security Performance Tuning by MetaFlows CEO Livio Ricciulli, Part II
- 2012.01 [metaflows] Network Security Monitoring Delivered Through a Software as a Service Model by MetaFlows CEO Livio Ricciulli, Part I
- 2011.07 [yurichev] 27-Jul-2011: Dataflow tracker
- 2009.11 [metaflows] MetaFlows Helps Secure Supercomputing 2009
- 2009.08 [metaflows] MetaFlows Awarded NSF Phase II Grant
- 2008.07 [sans] A twist in fluxnet operations. Enter Hydraflux
- 2005.08 [jeremiahgrossman] after the GGAFL Grand Finals links
- [790星][2y] [C++] dor1s/libfuzzer-workshop Repository for materials of "Modern fuzzing of C/C++ Projects" workshop.
- [501星][12d] [Rust] rust-fuzz/cargo-fuzz libFuzzer的wrapper
- [251星][6m] [C] pagalaxylab/unifuzzer A fuzzing tool for closed-source binaries based on Unicorn and LibFuzzer
- [142星][1y] [C++] guidovranken/libfuzzer-gv 加强版 libFuzzer:超快速Fuzzing 的新技巧
- [58星][3y] [Shell] ouspg/libfuzzerfication libfuzzerfication - fuzzing for the rest of us!
- [58星][9m] [C++] mozillasecurity/libfuzzer-python-bridge A Python3 bridge for implementing custom libFuzzer mutators
- [3星][2y] [C] jcupitt/vips-libfuzzer experiment with libfuzzer
- [1星][11m] [C++] butterflyhack/hunspell-crash find a crash by libfuzzer
- [0星][21d] [C++] rust-fuzz/libfuzzer-sys ARCHIVED version of rust-fuzz/libfuzzer
- 2019.11 [freebuf] uniFuzzer:一款基于Unicorn和LibFuzzer的闭源模糊测试工具
- 2019.08 [venus] 基于 Unicorn 和 LibFuzzer 的模拟执行 fuzzing
- 2019.03 [4hou] 通过libFuzzer实现结构敏感型的模糊测试技术(下)
- 2019.03 [4hou] 通过libFuzzer实现结构敏感型的模糊测试技术(上)
- 2017.11 [SECConsult] The Art of Fuzzing - Demo 3: LibFuzzer Demonstration
- 2017.07 [4hou] 一款更快的 libFuzzer:libFuzzer-gv
- 2017.07 [guidovranken] libFuzzer-gv: new techniques for dramatically faster fuzzing
- 2017.07 [guidovranken] libFuzzer 介绍
- 2017.07 [geeknik] Quick and Dirty Guide to Fuzzing V8 with libFuzzer
- 2017.01 [da] Finding Bugs in TensorFlow with LibFuzzer
- 2016.12 [insinuator] TR17 Training: Fuzzing with American Fuzzy Lop, Address Sanitizer and LibFuzzer
- [323星][26d] [Py] mozillasecurity/dharma Generation-based, context-free grammar fuzzer.
- 2019.02 [aliyun] 用DHARMA实现FUZZ LOGICS
- 2019.01 [zerodayinitiative] Implementing Fuzz Logics with Dharma
- [282星][10m] [Py] mozillasecurity/peach Peach is a fuzzing framework which uses a DSL for building fuzzers and an observer based architecture to execute and monitor them.
- [70星][3y] [C] payatu/emffuzzer Enhanced Meta File Fuzzer based on Peach Fuzzing Framework
- [60星][3y] [Py] sirusdv/edgehttp2fuzzer Peach Pit for HTTP/2 Targeting Microsoft Edge
- [48星][4m] [Py] hatriot/peachorchard Peach Fuzzer Web Frontend
- [44星][2m] [C] tidesec/peach_fuzzing 在学习使用peach进行模糊测试时,搜集到的一些不错的资料,以及配套的一些软件或脚本。
- [39星][6y] [Py] proteansec/fuzzyftp The FTP fuzzer for Sulley and Peach.
- [29星][3y] [Py] calebstewart/peach Simple vulnerability scanning framework
- [25星][6y] [C#] isecpartners/peachfarmer A log collector for Peach fuzzing in the cloud
- [3星][3y] [Py] o0xmuhe/filefmt_fuzz_with_peach
- [2星][1y] [Java] peachtech/peachapisec-burp Peach API Security Burp Integration
- 2019.11 [freebuf] 使用Peach进行模糊测试从入门到放弃
- 2019.11 [freebuf] Peach原理简介与实战:以Fuzz Web API为例
- 2018.10 [arxiv] [1810.02066] Turning Lemons into Peaches using Secure Computation
- 2017.08 [rootedconmadrid] YIHAN LIAN & ZHIBIN HU - Smarter Peach: Add Eyes to Peach Fuzzer [Rooted CON 2017 - ENG]
- 2017.03 [freebuf] 智能模糊测试工具Peach Fuzzer官方文档翻译
- 2016.12 [duo] HTTP/2 Peach Pit for Microsoft Edge
- 2016.11 [freebuf] 深入探究文件Fuzz工具之Peach实战
- 2016.08 [myonlinesecurity] Voice Message from Outside Caller (3m 54s) Peach Telecom delivers #Locky /#Zepto
- 2016.05 [freebuf] PitGen:帮你利用010Editor的模板生成对应的Peach PIT
- 2015.12 [freebuf] 工控网络协议模糊测试:用peach对modbus协议进行模糊测试
- 2015.10 [myonlinesecurity] Invoice 1377 peachsoftware.co.uk – fake PDF malware
- 2015.07 [nsfocus] 浅析Peach Fuzz
- 2013.07 [pediy] [原创]文件Fuzz教程之四:Peach Pit模版调试技巧
- 2013.07 [pediy] [原创]文件Fuzz教程之三:Peach实战之gif文件格式
- 2013.07 [pediy] [原创]文件Fuzz教程之二:Peach语法实战
- 2013.07 [pediy] [原创]文件Fuzz教程之一:Peach语法介绍
- 2011.12 [pediy] [原创]用peach又发现一个飞秋bug,不知道对不
- 2011.04 [toolswatch] Peach The Fuzzing Platform v2.3.8 released
- 2008.11 [trendmicro] Malware Watch: Obama ‘Impeachment’ Spam
- [25星][3y] [C] guilhermeferreira/spikepp SPIKE is a protocol fuzzer creation kit. It provides an API that allows a user to create their own fuzzers for network based protocols using the C++ programming language. The tool defines a number of primitives that it makes available to C coders, which allows it to construct fuzzed messages called “SPIKES” that can be sent to a network service …
- 2018.08 [aliyun] 自动化SPIKE fuzzer
- 2018.08 [aliyun] 使用SPIKE fuzzer挖掘漏洞
- 2017.06 [hackers] Exploit Development, Part 3: Finding Vulnerabilities by Fuzzing with Spike
- 2011.12 [riusksk] 基于SPIKE的网络协议Fuzzing技术
- 2009.05 [pediy] SPIKE使用总结
- 2008.07 [pediy] [技术专题]软件漏洞挖掘之一_SPIKE
- [548星][3m] [Py] shellphish/driller augmenting AFL with symbolic execution!
- [66星][3y] [C] shellphish/driller-afl A version of AFL tailored for Driller's use in analyzing CGC binaries.
- [13星][1y] [Py] cxm95/ida_wrapper An IDA_Wrapper for linux, shipped with an Function Identifier. It works well with Driller on static linked binaries.
- [2748星][7d] [Go] google/syzkaller 一个unsupervised、以 coverage 为导向的Linux 系统调用fuzzer
- 2019.06 [aliyun] 内核漏洞挖掘技术系列(4)——syzkaller(5)
- 2019.05 [aliyun] 内核漏洞挖掘技术系列(4)——syzkaller(4)
- 2019.05 [aliyun] 内核漏洞挖掘技术系列(4)——syzkaller(3)
- 2019.05 [aliyun] 内核漏洞挖掘技术系列(4)——syzkaller(2)
- 2019.05 [aliyun] 内核漏洞挖掘技术系列(4)——syzkaller(1)
- 2019.04 [OffensiveCon] OffensiveCon19 - Andrey Konovalov - Coverage-Guided USB Fuzzing with Syzkaller
- 2017.11 [n0where] Unsupervised Coverage-Guided Kernel Fuzzer: syzkaller
- 2017.08 [freebuf] Syzkaller:Linux内核模糊测试工具分享
- 2016.08 [vegardno] Debugging a kernel crash found by syzkaller
- [4100星][7d] [Py] google/clusterfuzz 可扩展的Fuzzing基础架构
- 2019.02 [n0where] Scalable Fuzzing Infrastructure: ClusterFuzz
- 2012.04 [freebuf] Google为Chrome引入“ClusterFuzz”严酷测试环境
- [4941星][7d] [C] google/oss-fuzz 对开源软件进行持续性fuzzing
- [23星][2y] [Shell] aflgo/oss-fuzz OSS-Fuzz - integrated with AFLGo for Patch Testing
- 2019.01 [googleblog] A new chapter for OSS-Fuzz
- 2016.12 [alexgaynor] OSS-Fuzz initial impressions
- [86星][2y] [JS] vspandan/ifuzzer
- [166星][3m] [F#] softsec-kaist/codealchemist Semantics-aware Code Generation for Finding JS engine Vulnerabilities
- 2019.03 [securitygossip] CodeAlchemist: Semantics-Aware Code Generation to Find Vulnerabilities in JavaScript Engines
- 2019.03 [sjtu] CodeAlchemist: Semantics-Aware Code Generation to Find Vulnerabilities in JavaScript Engines
- [1760星][15d] [C] google/honggfuzz Security oriented fuzzer with powerful analysis options. Supports evolutionary, feedback-driven fuzzing based on code coverage (software- and hardware-based)
- [165星][6m] [Rust] rust-fuzz/honggfuzz-rs Fuzz your Rust code with Google-developed Honggfuzz !
- 2019.06 [360] 使用honggfuzz挖掘VLC的一个double-free RCE漏洞
- 2019.06 [pentestpartners] Double-Free RCE in VLC. A honggfuzz how-to
- 2018.11 [pediy] [原创] honggfuzz漏洞挖掘技术深究系列
- 2018.10 [riusksk] honggfuzz漏洞挖掘技术深究系列(5)—— Intel Processor Trace
- 2018.10 [riusksk] honggfuzz漏洞挖掘技术深究系列(4)—— 扩展Fuzzer
- 2018.09 [riusksk] honggfuzz漏洞挖掘技术深究系列(3)——Fuzz策略
- 2018.09 [tunnelshade] Internals of Hongfuzz - Intel PT
- 2018.08 [riusksk] honggfuzz漏洞挖掘技术深究系列(2)—— Persistent Fuzzing
- 2018.07 [riusksk] honggfuzz漏洞挖掘技术深究系列(1)——反馈驱动(Feedback-Driven)
- 2015.06 [n0where] General Purpose Fuzzing: Honggfuzz
- 2010.12 [toolswatch] honggfuzz easy-to-use fuzzer v0.1 released
- [396星][8d] [Haskell] crytic/echidna Ethereum fuzz testing framework
- 2019.09 [freebuf] Echidna:功能强大的以太坊模糊测试框架
- 2018.05 [trailofbits] State Machine Testing with Echidna
- 2018.03 [trailofbits] echidna介绍
- [292星][1y] [C++] gamozolabs/applepie A hypervisor for fuzzing built with WHVP and Bochs
- 2019.11 [freebuf] Applepie:一款整合了WHVP和Bochs的模糊测试工具
- [154星][9y] [Shell] spiderlabs/jboss-autopwn A JBoss script for obtaining remote shell access
- [122星][1y] [Shell] mi-al/wifi-autopwner script to automate searching and auditing Wi-Fi networks with weak security
- [97星][2y] [Py] danmcinerney/msf-autopwn Autoexploitation of some of the most common vulnerabilities in wild
- [89星][1y] [Shell] rpranshu/autopwn A simple bash based metasploit automation tool!
- [84星][1m] [Ruby] hahwul/metasploit-autopwn db_autopwn plugin of metasploit
- [77星][1m] [Py] bannsec/autopwn Automate repetitive tasks for fuzzing
- [26星][2y] [Py] danmcinerney/smb-autopwn Discovers and exploits hosts vulnerable to MS08-067/MS17-010
- [23星][5y] [Py] vnik5287/wpa-autopwn WPA/WPA2 autopwn script that parses captured handshakes and sends them to the Crackq
- [11星][5y] [Shell] christianpapathanasiou/jboss-autopwn JBoss Autopwn as featured at BlackHat Europe 2010 - this version incorporates CVE-2010-0738 the JBoss authentication bypass VERB manipulation vulnerability as discovered by Minded Security
- 2019.07 [freebuf] autoPwn :一款功能强大的模糊测试重复执行自动化任务框架
- 2016.01 [evilsocket] Autopwn Every Android < 4.2 Device on Your Network Using BetterCap and the addJavascriptInterface Vulnerability.
- 2015.07 [rapid7] The New Metasploit Browser Autopwn: Strikes Faster and Smarter - Part 2
- 2015.07 [rapid7] The New Metasploit Browser Autopwn: Strikes Faster and Smarter - Part 1
- 2013.02 [freebuf] [汉化并修复]渗透测试框架winAUTOPWN v3.2
- 2012.11 [freebuf] JBOSS服务器渗透测试工具—JBoss Autopwn
- 2012.10 [freebuf] 渗透测试框架(WIN)—winAUTOPWN v3.2 Released
- 2012.04 [pentestlab] Metasploit Browser Autopwn
- 2011.10 [toolswatch] winAUTOPWN v2.8 released
- 2011.03 [g0tmi1k] Owning Windows (XP SP3 vs. Metasploit's File_autopwn)
- 2011.03 [toolswatch] winAUTOPWN The Windows AutoHack Tool v2.6 released
- 2011.03 [toolswatch] Pentesting Jboss servers with jboss-autopwn
- 2011.01 [g0tmi1k] Owning Windows (XP SP2 vs. Metasploit's Browser_autopwn)
- 2011.01 [g0tmi1k] Owning Windows (XP SP1 vs. Metasploit's Db_autopwn)
- [3291星][2m] [Go] dvyukov/go-fuzz 针对Go包的以覆盖为导向的Fuzzing解决方案
- [64星][5m] [Go] dvyukov/go-fuzz-corpus Corpus for github.com/dvyukov/go-fuzz examples
- 2019.07 [twistlock] Finding a DoS vulnerability in NATS with go-fuzz – CVE-2019-13126
- 2018.05 [parsiya] Learning Go-Fuzz 2: goexif2
- 2018.04 [parsiya] Learning Go-Fuzz 1: iprange
- 2017.07 [mijailovic] Going down the rabbit hole with go-fuzz
- 2015.11 [filippo] "Automated Testing with go-fuzz" @ GothamGo
- [938星][7d] [Py] swisskyrepo/ssrfmap Automatic SSRF fuzzer and exploitation tool
- [39星][1y] [Ruby] dreadlocked/ssrfmap Simple Server Side Request Forgery services enumeration tool.
- 2019.03 [freebuf] SSRFmap:一款功能强大的自动化SSRF模糊测试&漏洞利用工具
- [802星][8d] [Py] jtpereyda/boofuzz 网络协议Fuzzing框架, sulley的继任者
- 2019.05 [aliyun] 初探BooFuzz
- 2019.01 [doyler] Boofuzz Introduction – Installation and Basic Usage
- 2017.04 [securestate] Fuzzing with Boofuzz – Primer
- 2017.04 [securestate] Fuzzing with Boofuzz – Primer
- 2016.01 [n0where] Network Protocol Fuzzing: boofuzz
- [1125星][12m] [Py] openrce/sulley A pure-python fully automated and unattended fuzzing framework.
- 2019.01 [fuzzysecurity] Installing Sulley on Windows
- 2018.08 [aliyun] Sulley fuzzer learning---5
- 2018.08 [aliyun] Sulley fuzzer learning---4
- 2018.08 [aliyun] Sulley fuzzer learning---3
- 2018.08 [aliyun] Sulley fuzzer learning---2
- 2018.08 [aliyun] Sulley fuzzer learning---4
- 2018.08 [aliyun] Sulley fuzzer learning---3
- 2018.08 [aliyun] Sulley fuzzer learning---2
- 2018.08 [aliyun] Sulley fuzzer learning---1
- 2014.08 [3xp10it] quick start sulley
- 2014.08 [3xp10it] quick start sulley
- 2013.05 [htbridge] Fuzzing: An introduction to Sulley Framework
- 2011.06 [pediy] [翻译]sulley 网络协议Fuzzing 测试文档
- 2008.12 [pediy] [原创]利用sulley framework进行简单的漏洞挖掘
- [1123星][2y] aoh/radamsa a general-purpose fuzzer
- [122星][2y] [Py] blazeinfosec/pcrappyfuzzer Scapy+ radamsa 的简单组合,从 pcap 文件中提取数据,执行快速 Fuzz
- [71星][2y] [Java] ikkisoft/bradamsa Burp Suite extension to generate Intruder payloads using Radamsa
- [52星][1m] [C] anestisb/radamsa-android An Android port of radamsa fuzzer
- [43星][8m] [Erlang] darkkey/erlamsa Erlang port of famous radamsa fuzzzer.
- [40星][1y] [scheme] aki helin/radamsa a general-purpose fuzzer
- [19星][7y] raz0r/burp-radamsa Radamsa fuzzer extension for Burp Suite
- [8星][2y] [Py] lokori/heartbreaker HeartBreaker, GUI for Radamsa
- [6星][12d] [Java] nscuro/bradamsa-ng Burp Suite extension for Radamsa-powered fuzzing with Intruder
- [0星][1m] [TS] rarecoil/sinkdweller A TypeScript-based frontend to the radamsa fuzzer. No dependencies on most platforms.
- 2017.07 [pediy] [翻译]凭借Scapy, radamsa工具和少量明文数据包对专有协议进行Fuzzing测试
- 2016.11 [n0where] What the Fuzz: Radamsa
- 2016.05 [n0where] General Purpose Fuzzer: Radamsa
- 2013.06 [raz0r] Radamsa Fuzzer Extension for Burp Suite
- [1337星][19d] [Go] ffuf/ffuf Fast web fuzzer written in Go
- 2019.12 [hakin9] Ffuf - A fast web fuzzer written in Go
- [1112星][2m] [Py] googleprojectzero/domato ProjectZero 开源的 DOM fuzzer
- 2017.09 [googleprojectzero] domato 介绍
- [788星][22d] [HTML] tennc/fuzzdb 一个fuzzdb扩展库
- [227星][2y] [Py] euphrat1ca/fuzzdb-collect 集合github平台上的安全行业从业者自研开源扫描器的仓库,包括子域名枚举、数据库漏洞扫描、弱口令或信息泄漏扫描、端口扫描、指纹识别以及其他大型扫描器或模块化扫描器
- [102星][4y] yoojinl/fuzzdb Use
- [81星][2y] [PHP] nixawk/fuzzdb Web Fuzzing Discovery and Attack Pattern Database
- [27星][5y] [HTML] infosec-au/fuzzdb Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/fuzzdb
- 2016.01 [n0where] Open Source Database Fuzzing: FuzzDB
- 2014.04 [freebuf] 使用fuzzDB进行web安全测试
- 2013.08 [freebuf] Mozilla推出FuzzDB,安全测试用例数据库
- 2012.11 [freebuf] 渗透测试神器Burp弹药扩充-fuzzdb
- 2011.08 [raz0r] FuzzDB – умный фаззинг
- [809星][3y] [Py] fuzzbunch/fuzzbunch NSA finest tool
- [122星][3m] [Py] mdiazcl/fuzzbunch-debian Fuzzbunch deployment for Debian - Intructions: Readme.md
- [80星][2y] [Py] peterpt/fuzzbunch Shadow Brokers NSA fuzzbunch tool leak . With windows auto instalation script
- [58星][3y] [Py] nopernik/fuzzbunch_wrapper Fuzzbunch Python-Wine wrapper
- [39星][3y] [Py] exploitx3/fuzzbunch FUZZBUNCH - NSA security tools
- [27星][3y] [Py] 3gstudent/fuzzbunch NSA finest tool
- [1星][2y] [Ruby] peterpt/pipe_auditor_fb pipe auditor for smb from metasploit framework with fuzzbunch pipe name list
- 2018.11 [zerosum0x0] 查找永恒之蓝客户端(FuzzBunch)未能在我的XP实验机执行成功的原因, 发现了个永恒之蓝客户端的Bug
- 2018.06 [zerosum0x0] 解析方程式公开的永恒浪漫(EternalRomance)客户端中的bug
- 2017.05 [aliyun] NSAFuzzbunch中EaseBee利用方法研究及MDaemon漏洞分析
- 2017.05 [topsec] NSA Fuzzbunch中EaseBee利用方法研究及MDaemon漏洞分析
- 2017.05 [0x00sec] Porting the leaked Equation Group (EQGRP) "Fuzzbunch" tool to Linux
- 2017.04 [freebuf] NSA Fuzzbunch中EternalRomance工具复现过程
- 2017.04 [360] NSA泄露黑客工具之 FuzzBunch & DanderSpritz 分析
- [536星][2m] [C++] angorafuzzer/angora Angora is a mutation-based fuzzer. The main goal of Angora is to increase branch coverage by solving path constraints without symbolic execution.
- [28星][1y] [Shell] angorafuzzer/fuzzingrealprogrambenchstatistics List the real world programs evaluated in fuzzing papers.
- 2019.01 [securitygossip] Angora: Efficient Fuzzing by Principled Search
- 2019.01 [sjtu] Angora: Efficient Fuzzing by Principled Search
- 2018.03 [arxiv] Angora Fuzzing: 通过解决路径约束提高分支覆盖率, 无需符号执行, 效率远超现有主流Fuzzing技术(基于符号执行:慢;随机产生输入:难以生成高质量的输入)
- [2521星][8d] [Py] xmendez/wfuzz Web application fuzzer
- 2019.04 [HackerSploit] Bug Bounty Hunting - Wfuzz - Web Content Discovery & Form Manipulation
- 2018.06 [freebuf] Web模糊测试:WFuzz的坑和快速入门
- 2017.09 [n0where] Bruteforcing Web Applications: Wfuzz
- 2017.08 [arxiv] [1708.08437] SlowFuzz: Automated Domain-Independent Detection of Algorithmic Complexity Vulnerabilities
- 2017.02 [toolswatch] Wfuzz v2.2 – Web Bruteforcer
- 2016.06 [freebuf] Wfuzz:一款强大的Web Fuzz测试工具
- 2011.08 [toolswatch] Black Hat USA 2011: ToolsTube with Christian Martorella on WFuzz & WebSlayer v2.0
- [603星][1m] [Py] marin-m/pbtk A toolset for reverse engineering and fuzzing Protobuf-based apps
- 2019.12 [freebuf] PBTK:一款针对Protobuf App的逆向工程与模糊测试套件
- [385星][3y] [Ruby] stephenfewer/grinder Grinder is a system to automate the fuzzing of web browsers and the management of a large number of crashes.
- [54星][1m] [Py] sdnewhop/grinder
- [4星][7y] [Perl] cyberisltd/accessgrinder A Perl script to test access controls on large web applications
- 2016.05 [freebuf] 从零开始学Fuzzing系列:带领nduja突破Grinder的壁垒
- [4113星][2y] [Py] xoreaxeaxeax/sandsifter x86 处理器 Fuzzer,查找 Intel 的隐藏指令和 CPU bug
- [242星][2y] [Py] battelle/sandsifter The x86 processor fuzzer
- [27星][21d] [C++] blitz/baresifter A bare-metal x86 instruction set fuzzer a la Sandsifter
- [17星][6m] [Py] rigred/sandsifter The x86 processor fuzzer
- 2018.10 [freebuf] Sandsifter:一款专门针对X86处理器的模糊测试工具
- 2018.08 [n0where] The x86 Processor Fuzzer: sandsifter
- [501星][7d] [Py] trailofbits/deepstate A unit test-like interface for fuzzing and symbolic execution
- [5星][3m] [C] agroce/testfs DeepState testing for TestFS, a user level toy file system that is similar to ext3
- [4星][8m] [C++] agroce/testleveldb DeepState testing for levelDB
- [2星][8m] [C] agroce/rb_tree_demo DeepState version of code accompanying a blog post about fuzzing a red-black tree implementation:
- [0星][27d] [C++] trailofbits/deepstate-test-suite Automated continuous testing integration using DeepState
- 2019.09 [trailofbits] DeepState Now Supports Ensemble Fuzzing
- 2019.05 [trailofbits] Fuzzing Unit Tests with DeepState and Eclipser
- 2019.04 [4hou] 使用DeepState对API进行模糊测试(下)
- 2019.03 [4hou] 使用DeepState对API进行模糊测试(上)
- 2019.01 [trailofbits] Fuzzing an API with DeepState (Part 2)
- 2019.01 [trailofbits] Fuzzing an API with DeepState (Part 1)
- [647星][1m] [C] kernelslacker/trinity Linux system call fuzzer
- 2019.04 [aliyun] 内核fuzz技术系列(1)——trinity
- 2017.07 [pediy] [原创]移植Trinity对android system call进行fuzz
- 2016.01 [n0where] Linux System Call Fuzzer: Trinity
- [484星][4m] [Py] netzob/netzob 通信协议逆向、建模和模糊测试
- 2017.02 [360] 使用Netzob逆向未知协议
- 2017.02 [n0where] Reverse Engineering Communication Protocols: Netzob
- 2015.11 [amossys] Tutorial: How to reverse unknown protocols using Netzob
- 2012.05 [freebuf] 逆向模拟通信工具-netzob 0.3.2
- [350星][13d] [Jupyter Notebook] uds-se/fuzzingbook The Book "Generating Software Tests"
- [4046星][4m] [PHP] fuzzdb-project/fuzzdb 通过动态App安全测试来查找App安全漏洞, 算是不带扫描器的漏洞扫描器
- [1552星][21d] [Py] thekingofduck/fuzzdicts Web Pentesting Fuzz 字典,一个就够了。
- [506星][1y] [Py] c0ny1/upload-fuzz-dic-builder 上传漏洞fuzz字典生成脚本
- [205星][3y] tuuunya/fuzz_dict 常用的一些fuzz及爆破字典,欢迎大神继续提供新的字典及分类。
- [115星][1m] 3had0w/fuzzing-dicts Web Security Dictionary
- [56星][3y] [Py] test-pipeline/orthrus A tool to manage, conduct, and assess dictionary-based fuzz testing
- [3星][6m] c1h2e1/myfuzzingdict
- [22709星][14d] [PHP] danielmiessler/seclists 多种类型资源收集:用户名、密码、URL、敏感数据类型、Fuzzing Payload、WebShell等
- [2959星][1m] secfigo/awesome-fuzzing A curated list of fuzzing resources ( Books, courses - free and paid, videos, tools, tutorials and vulnerable applications to practice on ) for learning Fuzzing and initial phases of Exploit Development like root cause analysis.
- [2721星][19d] xairy/linux-kernel-exploitation Linux 内核 Fuzz 和漏洞利用的资源收集
- [511星][27d] [Py] mozillasecurity/funfuzz 用于测试SpiderMonkey JavaScript引擎的fuzzer集合
- [379星][5m] lcatro/source-and-fuzzing 一些阅读源码和Fuzzing 的经验,涵盖黑盒与白盒测试..
- [247星][8d] cpuu/awesome-fuzzing A curated list of awesome Fuzzing(or Fuzz Testing) for software security
- [235星][12d] [CSS] 7dog7/bottleneckosmosis 瓶颈渗透,web渗透,red红队,fuzz param,注释,js字典,ctf
- [219星][28d] shogunlab/awesome-hyper-v-exploitation A curated list of Hyper-V exploitation resources, fuzzing and vulnerability research.
- [213星][2y] k0keoyo/some-kernel-fuzzing-paper Some kernel fuzzing paper about windows and linux
- [149星][3m] bin2415/fuzzing_paper Fuzzing相关论文
- [123星][2m] [HTML] mozillasecurity/fuzzmanager A fuzzing management tools collection
- [36星][1m] [C] atrosinenko/kbdysch A collection of user-space Linux kernel specific guided fuzzers based on LKL
- [11星][2y] dictionaryhouse/sql-injection-fuzzpayload-collection Sql-injection FuzzPayload 集合
- [703星][12d] [Go] google/gofuzz Fuzz testing for go.
- [449星][5m] [Perl] wireghoul/dotdotpwn DotDotPwn - The Directory Traversal Fuzzer
- [419星][2y] [Ruby] fuzzapi/fuzzapi Fuzzapi is a tool used for REST API pentesting and uses API_Fuzzer gem
- [385星][20d] [Rust] microsoft/lain A fuzzer framework built in Rust
- [378星][21d] [C++] sslab-gatech/qsym A Practical Concolic Execution Engine Tailored for Hybrid Fuzzing
- [360星][5m] [C++] googleprojectzero/brokentype TrueType and OpenType font fuzzing toolset
- [355星][12d] [Java] google/graphicsfuzz A testing framework for automatically finding and simplifying bugs in graphics shader compilers.
- [335星][3y] [Shell] 0xm3r/cgpwn A lightweight VM for hardware hacking, RE (fuzzing, symEx, exploiting etc) and wargaming tasks
- [320星][12m] [Py] cisco-sas/kitty Fuzzing framework written in python
- [311星][11d] [HTML] mozillasecurity/fuzzdata Fuzzing resources for feeding various fuzzers with input.
- [310星][2y] [Py] ioactive/xdiff Extended Differential Fuzzing Framework
- [307星][1y] [Py] mseclab/pyjfuzz PyJFuzz - Python JSON Fuzzer
- [296星][2y] [Py] orangetw/tiny-url-fuzzer A tiny and cute URL fuzzer
- [281星][14d] [Py] tomato42/tlsfuzzer SSL and TLS protocol test suite and fuzzer
- [278星][1y] [C++] dekimir/ramfuzz Combining Unit Tests, Fuzzing, and AI
- [257星][3y] [Mask] lcatro/fuzzing-imagemagick OpenSource My ImageMagick Fuzzer ..
- [250星][4y] [Py] census/choronzon An evolutionary knowledge-based fuzzer
- [234星][8d] [JS] andreafioraldi/frida-fuzzer This experimetal fuzzer is meant to be used for API in-memory fuzzing.
- [226星][14d] [PHP] nikic/php-fuzzer Experimental fuzzer for PHP libraries
- [219星][5m] [C++] lifting-bits/grr High-throughput fuzzer and emulator of DECREE binaries
- [211星][20d] [C++] google/libprotobuf-mutator Library for structured fuzzing with protobuffers
- [202星][5m] [C++] mc-imperial/jfs an experimental constraint solverdesigned to investigate using coverage guided fuzzing as an incomplete strategyfor solving boolean, BitVector, and floating-point constraints.
- [199星][11d] [Java] rohanpadhye/jqf JQF + Zest: Coverage-guided semantic fuzzing for Java.
- [196星][28d] [OCaml] bitblaze-fuzzball/fuzzball Vine-based Binary Symbolic Execution
- [196星][4m] [C#] jakobbotsch/fuzzlyn Fuzzer for the .NET toolchains, developed as a project for the 2018 Language-Based Security course at Aarhus University.
- [190星][21d] [Py] certcc/certfuzz This project contains the source code for the CERT Basic Fuzzing Framework (BFF) and the CERT Failure Observation Engine (FOE).
- [189星][12m] [Haskell] cifasis/quickfuzz An experimental grammar fuzzer in Haskell using QuickCheck
- [186星][1y] [Py] hexhive/t-fuzz a fuzzing tool based on program transformation, and a tool that verifies whether crashes found transformed programs are true bugs in the original program or not (coming soon).
- [181星][3y] [Ruby] fuzzapi/api-fuzzer API Fuzzer which allows to fuzz request attributes using common pentesting techniques and lists vulnerabilities
- [180星][2y] [Py] tr3jer/dnsautorebinding ssrf、ssrfIntranetFuzz、dnsRebinding、recordEncode、dnsPoisoning、Support ipv4/ipv6
- [173星][1m] [Py] d0c-s4vage/gramfuzz gramfuzz is a grammar-based fuzzer that lets one define complex grammars to generate text and binary data formats.
- [170星][4m] [Py] lc/theftfuzzer TheftFuzzer is a tool that fuzzes Cross-Origin Resource Sharing implementations for common misconfigurations.
- [166星][26d] [Py] walkerfuz/morph An open source fuzzing framework for fun.
- [165星][1m] [Java] fuzzitdev/javafuzz coverage guided fuzz testing for java
- [162星][2y] [Py] alephsecurity/abootool 基于静态知识(从bootloader 镜像中提取的字符串)动态 fuzz 隐藏的 fastboot OEM 指令
- [154星][14d] [Py] renatahodovan/fuzzinator Fuzzinator Random Testing Framework
- [152星][5m] [Py] trailofbits/protofuzz Google Protocol Buffers message generator
- [147星][22d] [C] grimm-co/killerbeez A distributed fuzzer which aims to pull in the best technologies, make them play nicely together, and run on multiple O/Ses.
- [143星][2y] [Py] julieeen/kleefl 结合了符号执行的Fuzzer,针对普通 C/C++ 应用程序
- [142星][3y] [Java] chora10/fuzzdomain FuzzDomain
- [138星][12m] [Rust] shnatsel/libdiffuzz Custom memory allocator that helps discover reads from uninitialized memory
- [138星][3m] [Rust] gamozolabs/fzero_fuzzer A fast Rust-based safe and thead-friendly grammar-based fuzz generator
- [137星][3m] [Go] fuzzitdev/fuzzit CLI to integrate continuous fuzzing with Fuzzit
- [136星][17d] [Py] fuzzitdev/pythonfuzz coverage guided fuzz testing for python
- [134星][3y] [C++] nezha-dt/nezha 高效的domain-independent differential fuzzer
- [131星][4m] [Py] chrispetrou/fdsploit File Inclusion & Directory Traversal fuzzing, enumeration & exploitation tool.
- [125星][4m] [Go] yahoo/yfuzz 利用 Kubernetes 实现分布式 fuzzing
- [124星][10m] [Rust] rub-syssec/nautilus a grammar based feedback fuzzer
- [123星][2y] [Py] riverloopsec/tumblerf a unified fuzzing framework for low-level RF and HW protocol/PHY/MAC analysis
- [120星][8y] [C] cr4sh/ioctlfuzzer Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/ioctlfuzzer
- [120星][1y] [C] zombiecraig/uds-server CAN UDS Simulator and Fuzzer
- [119星][3y] [Py] nccgroup/hodor Hodor! Fuzzer..
- [119星][22d] [C] rohanpadhye/fuzzfactory Domain-Specific Fuzzing with Waypoints
- [115星][5y] [JS] demi6od/chromefuzzer fuzz
- [113星][6y] [Py] nccgroup/zulu The Zulu fuzzer
- [108星][3y] [JS] attekett/nodefuzz
- [108星][3y] [JS] sensepost/wadi Wadi Fuzzing Harness
- [107星][5y] [C] ioactive/melkor_elf_fuzzer Melkor is a very intuitive and easy-to-use ELF file format fuzzer to find functional and security bugs in ELF parsers.
- [107星][4y] [C] rootkitsmm/win32k-fuzzer Fuzz and Detect "Use After Free" vulnerability in win32k.sys ( Heap based )
- [105星][5y] [Py] fooying/3102 A domain/ip fuzzing tool for vulnerability mining
- [101星][26d] [Rust] loiclec/fuzzcheck-rs Structure-aware, in-process, coverage-guided, evolutionary fuzzing engine for Rust functions.
- [101星][1y] [C] x41sec/x41-smartcard-fuzzing X41 Smartcard Fuzzer
- [99星][3m] [C++] oxagast/ansvif A Not So Very Intelligent Fuzzer: An advanced fuzzing framework designed to find vulnerabilities in C/C++ code.
- [96星][3y] [PHP] jas502n/fuzz-wooyun-org WooYun Fuzz 库
- [96星][8m] [Py] localh0t/backfuzz protocol fuzzing toolkit
- [95星][7d] [C] guidovranken/cryptofuzz
- [95星][4m] [Py] demantz/frizzer Frida-based general purpose fuzzer
- [94星][2m] [JS] mozillasecurity/octo A fuzzing library in JavaScript.
- [87星][2y] [Py] andresriancho/jwt-fuzzer JWT fuzzer
- [87星][5y] [C++] piscou/fuzzwin
- [86星][27d] [JS] fgsect/fexm Automated fuzzing framework
- [86星][3m] [C++] vusec/vuzzer64 This implements a 64-bit version of vusec/vuzzer fuzzing tool.
- [81星][4y] [Py] cifasis/neural-fuzzer an experimental fuzzer designed to use state-of-the-art Machine Learning to learn from a set of initial files
- [81星][3y] [Py] coffeehb/ocift 一个半自动化命令注入漏洞Fuzz工具(One Semi-automation command injection vulnerability Fuzz tool)
- [81星][7d] [C] trailofbits/mishegos A differential fuzzer for x86 decoders
- [78星][2y] [Py] softsec-kaist/imf Inferred Model-based Fuzzer
- [77星][20d] [Rust] phayes/sidefuzz Fuzzer to automatically find side-channel (timing) vulnerabilities
- [73星][2y] [Ruby] dyjakan/interpreter-bugs Fuzzing results for various interpreters.
- [73星][10m] [C++] niklasb/bspfuzz
- [72星][4y] [C] rcvalle/vmmfuzzer A hypervisor or virtual machine monitor (VMM) fuzzer.
- [72星][2m] motherfuzzers/meetups Materials from Fuzzing Bay Area meetups
- [71星][3y] [JS] attekett/surku Surku is a general-purpose mutation-based fuzzer.
- [70星][10m] [Go] mmcloughlin/cryptofuzz Fuzzing Go crypto
- [68星][1y] [ObjC] alexdenisov/fuzzer Do not crash when your server lies
- [67星][2y] [Py] debasishm89/openxmolar A MS OpenXML Format Fuzzing Framework
- [67星][28d] [Rust] trailofbits/siderophile Find the ideal fuzz targets in a Rust codebase
- [64星][4y] [Py] halit/isip Interactive sip toolkit for packet manipulations, sniffing, man in the middle attacks, fuzzing, simulating of dos attacks.
- [64星][4y] [Py] halit/isip Interactive sip toolkit for packet manipulations, sniffing, man in the middle attacks, fuzzing, simulating of dos attacks.
- [61星][1y] [Py] cisco-sas/katnip Extension library for the Kitty fuzzing framework
- [61星][2y] wtsxdev/fuzzing-resources List of fuzzing resources for learning Fuzzing and initial phases of Exploit Development like root cause analysis
- [60星][2y] [JS] monkeym4ster/domainfuzz Domain name permutation engine for detecting typo squatting, phishing and corporate espionage
- [59星][1m] [C] rub-syssec/antifuzz Impeding Fuzzing Audits of Binary Executables
- [58星][14d] [JS] softsec-kaist/fuzzing-survey The Art, Science, and Engineering of Fuzzing: A Survey
- [57星][2y] ouspg/fuzz-testing-beginners-guide Fuzz testing: Beginner's guide
- [54星][3y] [C] fuzzstati0n/fuzzgoat A vulnerable C program for testing fuzzers.
- [53星][2y] [Py] coffeehb/sstif 一个Fuzzing服务器端模板注入漏洞的半自动化工具
- [52星][1y] [Py] alexknvl/fuzzball Scala fuzzer
- [51星][7y] [Py] 0xd012/wifuzzit a 802.11 wireless fuzzer
- [50星][1m] [Py] kisspeter/apifuzzer Fuzz your application using you Swagger or API Blueprint definition without coding
- [49星][2y] [Py] softscheck/scff softScheck Cloud Fuzzing Framework
- [48星][3y] [Py] debasishm89/iefuzz A static Internet Explorer Fuzzer.
- [48星][4y] [Py] signalsec/kirlangic-ttf-fuzzer TrueType Font Fuzzer
- [48星][10m] [C] sslab-gatech/perf-fuzz
- [47星][2y] [JS] hackvertor/visualfuzzer A visual fuzzer written in NodeJS to find Zalgo characters
- [46星][4y] [C] laginimaineb/fuzz_zone Fuzzing utility which enables sending arbitrary SCMs to TrustZone
- [46星][1y] [C] zznop/flyr Block-based software vulnerability fuzzing framework
- [46星][5y] [Py] f-secure/mqtt_fuzz A simple fuzzer for the MQTT protocol
- [44星][1y] [Py] christhecoolhut/easy-pickings Automatic function exporting and linking for fuzzing cross-architecture binaries.
- [43星][11m] [Shell] forte-research/forte-fuzzbench FoRTE-Research's fuzzing benchmarks
- [42星][1y] [C] hannob/bignum-fuzz Code to fuzz bignum libraries
- [42星][2y] [Py] talos-vulndev/fuzzflow
- [42星][3y] [C] z4ziggy/zigfrid A Passive RFID fuzzer
- [40星][1y] [Py] debasishm89/dotnetfuzz A quick and dirty .NET "Deserialize_*" fuzzer based on James Forshaw's (@tiraniddo) DotNetToJScript.
- [40星][1m] [JS] lydell/eslump Fuzz testing JavaScript parsers and suchlike programs.
- [40星][3y] [Py] xiphosresearch/phuzz Find exploitable PHP files by parameter fuzzing and function call tracing
- [39星][3m] [C++] attackercan/cpp-sql-fuzzer
- [39星][5y] [Julia] danluu/fuzz.jl World's dumbest fuzzer
- [36星][8m] [Py] fkie-cad/luckycat A distributed fuzzing management framework
- [36星][3m] [Go] fuzzitdev/example-go Go Fuzzit Example
- [36星][5m] [Py] teebytes/tnt-fuzzer OpenAPI 2.0 (Swagger) fuzzer written in python. Basically TnT for your API.
- [35星][2y] [Shell] seanheelan/funserialize Scripts and auxiliary files for fuzzing PHP's unserialize function
- [34星][4m] [JS] ronomon/mime Fast, robust, standards-compliant MIME decoder. Ships with extensive tests and fuzz tests.
- [33星][4y] cz-nic/dns-fuzzing Repository to store unique seeds for DNS server fuzzing
- [33星][2y] [PHP] jhaddix/seclists SecLists is the security tester's companion. It is a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensitive data grep strings, fuzzing payloads, and many more.
- [33星][2y] [Go] pbnj/s3-fuzzer A concurrent, command-line AWS S3 Fuzzer.
- [33星][2y] [Go] pbnj/s3-fuzzer
- [32星][2m] [C] hfiref0x/rocall ReactOS x86-32 syscall fuzzer
- [32星][7y] [Py] isecpartners/fuzzbox A multi-codec media fuzzing tool.
- [32星][29d] [Haskell] ymherklotz/verismith Verilog Fuzzer to test the major simulators and sythesisers by generating random, valid Verilog.
- [32星][2m] [Py] eth-sri/ilf AI based fuzzer based on imitation learning
- [31星][3y] [C] jaybosamiya/fuzzing-numpy
- [31星][2y] [Rust] nikomatsakis/cargo-incremental A fuzzing tool for incremental compilation that walks git history
- [31星][13d] [Go] hahwul/ras-fuzzer RAS(RAndom Subdomain) Fuzzer
- [29星][11y] [C] dmolnar/smartfuzz Valgrind extension for whitebox fuzz testing
- [29星][4y] [Ruby] nahamsec/cmsfuzz
- [28星][6y] [Py] bl4ckic3/modbus-fuzzer Modbus Protocol Fuzzer
- [28星][4y] brandonprry/clamav-fuzz A fuzz job for ClamAV
- [28星][2m] [C++] regehr/opt-fuzz llvm opt fuzzer and bounded exhaustive test generator
- [27星][28d] [Shell] enfuzz/enfuzz
- [27星][4y] [C] hannob/selftls Sample application to let OpenSSL talk to itself (for fuzzing)
- [26星][2y] [JS] 0xsobky/regaxor A regular expression fuzzer.
- [25星][8y] [JS] hdm/axman AxMan ActiveX Fuzzer
- [25星][2m] [Py] mozillasecurity/laniakea Laniakea is a utility for managing instances at various cloud providers and aids in setting up a fuzzing cluster.
- [25星][3m] [Py] mozillasecurity/avalanche Avalanche is a document generator which uses context-free grammars to generate randomized outputs for fuzz-testing.
- [24星][1m] [C++] curl/curl-fuzzer Quality assurance testing for the curl project
- [24星][26d] [Py] yelp/fuzz-lightyear A pytest-inspired, DAST framework, capable of identifying vulnerabilities in a distributed, micro-service ecosystem through chaos engineering testing and stateful, Swagger fuzzing.
- [23星][5y] [C++] certcc/dranzer Dranzer is a tool that enables users to examine effective techniques for fuzz testing ActiveX controls
- [23星][7y] [Ruby] nuke99/sqlnuke SQLNuke | Fast Performing MYSQL Injection load_file() Fuzzer
- [23星][6m] [C] sslab-gatech/fuzzification We hinder fuzzing
- [22星][5y] [Py] 0x90/wifuzz Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/wifuzz
- [22星][4y] [Py] camoufl4g3/sqli-payload-fuzz3r sqli payload
- [22星][9y] [Diff] jrmuizel/kemufuzzer Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/kemufuzzer
- [22星][9m] rootup/phdays9 My fuzzing workshop from PHDays9
- [22星][2y] [Py] saulty4ish/fuzzsafedog 安全狗sql注入绕过
- [22星][6y] [Py] ganapati/spaf Static Php Analysis and Fuzzer
- [21星][12m] [Makefile] tum-i22/munch Greybox fuzzer for optimizing function coverage and finding low-level vulnerabilities in C programs
- [21星][2y] [Py] migolovanov/libinjection-fuzzer This tool was written as PoC to article
- [20星][11m] [Py] enigmatos/fuzzlon 802.15.4 Fuzzer
- [20星][5y] [C] iagox86/dnsmasq-fuzzing
- [20星][11m] [Makefile] icing/h2fuzz everyone can fuzz h2
- [20星][4m] [Py] manhnho/brutality A fuzzer for any GET entries
- [20星][6m] [LLVM] trailofbits/krfanalysis Collection of LLVM passes and triage tools for use with the KRF fuzzer
- [20星][3y] [C] aoncyberlabs/mbedtls-fuzz
- [19星][3y] [Java] doyensec/ajpfuzzer Apache JServ 协议的fuzzer
- [18星][12m] [JS] dubzzz/fuzz-rest-api Derive property based testing fact-check into a fuzzer for REST APIs
- [17星][2y] [C] deanjerkovich/rage_fuzzer a dumb protocol-unaware packet fuzzer/replayer
- [17星][4m] [Rust] fuzzitdev/example-rust Continuous Rust Fuzzing Example
- [17星][2y] [Shell] hugsy/raspi-fuzz-cluster A bunch of fuzzers, scripts and config tools for building & managing a Raspberry-Pi fuzzing cluster
- [17星][7m] [JS] mozillasecurity/virgo Crowdsourced fuzzing cluster.
- [16星][1y] gamozolabs/adventures_in_fuzzing Fuzzing的探险之旅
- [16星][2y] [R] mdlincoln/fuzzr Fuzz-Test R Functions
- [15星][2y] [Go] chriscooney/fuzz-monkey Fuzzing tool written in Golang. Insane monkey not included.
- [15星][6y] [Py] glmcdona/meddle Framework for vulnerability fuzzing and reverse-engineering tool development.
- [15星][1y] [C] regehr/rb_tree_demo code accompanying a blog post about fuzzing a red-black tree implementation:
- [15星][2y] [Ruby] secforce/fixer FIX (Financial Information eXchange) protocol fuzzer
- [15星][7y] [Ruby] yakindanegitim/mbfuzzer Mobile Application Fuzzer via SSL MITM
- [14星][21d] [Py] ash09/angr-static-analysis-for-vuzzer64 Angr-based static analysis tool for vusec/vuzzer64 fuzzing tool
- [14星][3y] [Shell] ouspg/cloudfuzzer
- [14星][4m] [Scala] satelliteapplicationscatapult/tribble Coverage based JVM Fuzz testing tool.
- [14星][10m] [Py] tg12/openmailrelayfuzzer Fuzzer for finding Open Mail Relays
- [14星][6y] [C#] aoncyberlabs/fizzer Fizzer is an assessment tool for fuzzing FIX messages.
- [13星][2y] [Py] debasishm89/stupid The dumbest file format fuzzer in the whole world.Written in Python and it uses PyDBG.
- [13星][1y] [C++] houjingyi233/alpc-fuzz-study
- [13星][Elm] janiczek/elm-architecture-test [Elm 0.18] A library for fuzz testing TEA models by simulating user interactions
- [13星][3y] [Py] lucaboni92/bluefuzz BlueFuzz is a Bluetooth fuzz tester. The scanner is general purpose, while the pseudo-random data generator is customized for OBDII - Bluetooth car adapter.
- [13星][3y] mdsecresearch/uartfuzz An arduino UARTFuzzer
- [13星][1y] [Py] pinkp4nther/revshfuzz A tool for fuzzing for ports that allow outgoing connections
- [13星][6m] [JS] strongcourage/fuzzing-corpus My fuzzing corpus
- [13星][3m] [Py] dark-lbp/snmp_fuzzer snmp_fuzzer
- [12星][2y] [Py] 0x8b30cc/sftpfuzzer Simple FTP Fuzzer
- [12星][2y] [C] cocoahuke/universalmigparser Extract and generate code based on name and type for mig func/arg/request&reply member etc, ideal helper for creating monitor, tracker, fuzzer etc for Mach Remote Procedure Calls.
- [12星][2y] [Py] josephbisch/pyircfuzz An IRC client fuzzer written in Python 3
- [12星][3m] [Py] jtpereyda/boofuzz-ftp Simple FTP fuzzer to demonstrate boofuzz usage.
- [12星][2m] [Py] jtpereyda/boofuzz-http
- [12星][1y] [Dockerfile] killswitch-gui/fuzz-ffmpeg
- [11星][3y] [Visual Basic .NET] meliton/ispiggy Decentralized DNS fuzzer to mitigate ISP Snooping
- [11星][3y] [Py] moshekaplan/fuzzimagemagick Sample files for fuzzing ImageMagick
- [11星][3y] [C++] nitayart/heimdall_fuzz An S-Boot fuzzer based on Heimdall
- [11星][8y] [Ruby] zedshaw/rfuzz (DEAD) Old code I used to fuzz attack the original Mongrel.
- [10星][1y] [JS] jeffersonmourak/jest-fuzz Fuzz testing for jest
- [10星][1y] [Scala] mrvplusone/singularity Singularity: Pattern Fuzzing for Worst-Case Algorithmic Complexity
- [10星][5m] [Go] braaaax/gfuzz
- [9星][2y] [C] guidovranken/softethervpn-fuzz-audit
- [9星][2m] [C++] zhunki/superion Superion is a fuzzer which extends the famous AFL to support structured inputs such as JavaScript and XML.
- [8星][2m] [ANTLR] renatahodovan/fuzzinator-configs Configurations written for Fuzzinator
- [8星][2m] [JS] songboyu/defect-mining 模糊器与符号测试结合的漏洞挖掘系统(fuzzer, concolic-execution)
- [7星][3y] [Py] agustingianni/inmemoryfuzzer Prototype for an in memory fuzzer
- [7星][2y] [Py] avilum/smart-url-fuzzer Explore URLs of domains fast and efficiently using fuzzing techniques
- [7星][5y] [Shell] contactleft/sqlifuzzer Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/sqlifuzzer
- [7星][2y] [Py] petrs/pyapdufuzzer A fuzzer for APDU-based smartcard interfaces
- [6星][4y] [C] brandonprry/ical-fuzz Results from fuzzing libical across many versions
- [6星][1y] [Prolog] geeknik/cve-fuzzing-poc PoCs discovered through fuzzing which resulted in a CVE assignment.
- [6星][2y] [Py] ujin5/av_ioctlfuzzer
- [6星][2y] [Rust] paulgrandperrin/fuzztest-rs Easily test your software using powerful evolutionary, feedback-driven fuzzing technology.
- [4星][10y] [C] agustingianni/ffuzzer Unix File Fuzzer
- [4星][10m] [Py] doyler/vulnserver Repository for Vulnserver exploits, fuzzing templates, write-ups, etc.
- [4星][2y] [Py] gilks/boofuzz-primer Getting started with fuzzing using the boofuzz python framework.
- [4星][4y] [Java] mc-imperial/vkfuzzer A fuzzer for the Vulkan API
- [4星][2y] [Py] momenfathi/path-fuzzer-v4 Host, IP, Domain, URL / Path Fuzzer
- [4星][2y] [Py] raphx/fuzza Generic template-based fuzzer
- [4星][10m] [Py] mozillasecurity/orangfuzz [Deprecated and unmaintained] An experimental UI fuzzer based on the orangutan framework for Firefox OS devices
- [3星][2y] [Py] arunmagesh/blefuzz My personal BLE char fuzzer.
- [3星][8m] [C] maelswarm/cfuzzer url-fuzzer
- [1星][10m] [C++] guidovranken/gfwx-fuzzers
- [1星][11m] [C++] guidovranken/lame-fuzzers
- [1星][3y] ics/domainfuzzer Fuzz domains to detect possible typosquatters, phishing attacks, etc
- [1星][7y] [Py] lukasrypl/snmp-fuzzer A simple tool for random testing (fuzzing) SNMP managers listening for traps.
- [1星][7m] [Py] tylerp96/pcap-blaster General Purpose PCAP Fuzzer
- [0星][6y] [Py] samdory/modfuzzer Modbus Fuzzer Project
- [0星][2y] twi1ight/fuzzing-pocs
- [0星][3y] hanno böck/irssi-fuzzing
- [0星][4y] [Ruby] duraki/vircar-fuzzer A fuzzer written in Ruby to act as an virtual attack tool against vircar.
- [1142星][25d] bo0om/fuzz.txt Potentially dangerous files
- [1025星][3m] [C] google/fuzzer-test-suite Set of tests for fuzzing engines
- 2020.01 [riusksk] 从研究者的视角看Fuzzing技术发展30年
- 2020.01 [riusksk] Fuzzing平台建设的研究与设计(paper)
- 2020.01 [tencent] Fuzzing平台建设的研究与设计
- 2020.01 [engineeringblog] Automated IDOR Discovery through Stateful Swagger Fuzzing
- 2019.12 [freebuf] 谈高效漏洞挖掘之Fuzzing的艺术
- 2019.11 [riusksk] Frida框架在Fuzzing中的应用
- 2019.11 [riusksk] Fuzzing平台建设的研究与设计
- 2019.11 [aliyun] 从一道CTF题学习Fuzz思想
- 2019.11 [regehr] Helping Generative Fuzzers Avoid Looking Only Where the Light is Good, Part 1
- 2019.10 [trailofbits] Destroying x86_64 instruction decoders with differential fuzzing
- 2019.10 [4hou] Fragscapy:通过协议Fuzz的方法探测IDS/防火墙检测规则的漏洞
- 2019.10 [aliyun] 基于qemu和unicorn的Fuzz技术分析
- 2019.09 [aliyun] 记一次 afdko fuzzing
- 2019.09 [amossys] Fragscapy: Fuzzing protocols to evade firewalls and IDS
- 2019.07 [riusksk] 一些值得学习的Fuzzer开源项目
- 2019.07 [0x00sec] Defensive Fuzzing [ Game Hax ]
- 2019.07 [freebuf] 检测工控设备SNMP漏洞工具:SNMP Fuzzer
- 2019.06 [4hou] 模糊测试基础指南(下)
- 2019.06 [sjtu] REDQUEEN: Fuzzing With Input-to-State Correspondence
- 2019.05 [pentestpartners] Tesla Killer: The Fuzzed and the Furious
- 2019.05 [guidovranken] Differential fuzzing of cryptographic libraries
- 2019.04 [4hou] 模糊测试基础指南(上)
- 2019.04 [trailofbits] User-Friendly Fuzzing with Sienna Locomotive
- 2019.04 [nebelwelt] The Fuzzing Hype-Train: How Random Testing Triggers Thousands of Crashes
- 2019.03 [4hou] 模糊测试与漏洞利用实战:MikroTik无需认证的远程代码执行漏洞(CVE-2018–7445)(下)
- 2019.03 [4hou] 模糊测试与漏洞利用实战:MikroTik无需认证的远程代码执行漏洞(CVE-2018–7445)(上)
- 2019.03 [DanielC7] Introduction to File Format Fuzzing & Exploitation
- 2019.02 [4hou] 如何在安全研究中使用模糊测试
- 2019.02 [ixiacom] How to Use Fuzzing in Security Research
- 2019.02 [alexgaynor] Notes on fuzzing ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick
- 2019.01 [nullprogram] The Day I Fell in Love with Fuzzing
- 2019.01 [mwrinfosecurity] What the Fuzz
- 2019.01 [f] What the Fuzz
- 2019.01 [securitygossip] ContractFuzzer: Fuzzing Smart Contracts for Vulnerability Detection
- 2019.01 [sjtu] ContractFuzzer: Fuzzing Smart Contracts for Vulnerability Detection
- 2019.01 [pediy] [推荐][分享]fuzzing技术总结
- 2019.01 [skylined] RegExpFuzzer3 for sale
- 2019.01 [freebuf] 简单高效的模糊测试——Fuzzing
- 2019.01 [pediy] [原创]手写fuzzer实现anti-debugging趣味实验 XD
- 2019.01 [arxiv] [1901.01142] V-Fuzz: Vulnerability-Oriented Evolutionary Fuzzing
- 2019.01 [sans] Whats all the fuzz about?
- 2019.01 [klee] Deferred Concretization in Symbolic Execution via Fuzzing
- 2019.01 [klee] Compositional Fuzzing Aided by Targeted Symbolic Execution
- 2018.12 [trailofbits] Fuzzing Like It’s 1989
- 2018.12 [tindie] Caught by the Fuzz Pedal!
- 2018.12 [4hou] 50天收获50个CVE:针对Adobe Reader的模糊测试
- 2018.12 [venus] 如何使用 KittyFuzzer 结合 ISF 中的工控协议组件对工控协议进行 Fuzz
- 2018.12 [freebuf] Smart Greybox Fuzzing:一种功能更强效率更高的Fuzzer模型
- 2018.12 [skylined] RegExpFuzzer2 for sale
- 2018.12 [checkpoint] 我是如何在50天内挖掘到50个AdobeReader漏洞的
- 2018.11 [freebuf] SQL注入常规Fuzz全记录
- 2018.11 [pediy] [原创]我的二进制漏洞挖掘方法思路(不仅是fuzz)希望有缘人指点
- 2018.11 [fortinet] Predictions: AI Fuzzing and Machine Learning Poisoning
- 2018.11 [insinuator] Hack.lu 2018: Fuzzing Workshop by René Freingruber
- 2018.10 [n0where] Mutiny Fuzzing Framework
- 2018.10 [skylined] Fuzz in sixty seconds
- 2018.10 [360] 漏洞挖掘之乱拳打死老师傅——Fuzzer
- 2018.10 [trailofbits] How to Spot Good Fuzzing Research
- 2018.10 [amossys] MemITM, a memory fuzzer/sniffer
- 2018.09 [acolyer] QSYM: a practical concolic execution engine tailored for hybrid fuzzing
- 2018.07 [freebuf] PTFuzzer:一个基于硬件加速的二进制程序Fuzz工具
- 2018.07 [guidovranken] VrankenFuzz – a multi-sensor, multi-generator mutational fuzz testing engine
- 2018.06 [aliyun] sql注入fuzz bypass waf
- 2018.06 [vegardno] Compiler fuzzing, part 1
- 2018.06 [n0where] RF Fuzzing Framework: TumbleRF
- 2018.06 [securitygossip] IOTFUZZER: Discovering Memory Corruptions in IoT Through App-based Fuzzing
- 2018.06 [sjtu] IOTFUZZER: Discovering Memory Corruptions in IoT Through App-based Fuzzing
- 2018.05 [localh0t] backfuzz v0.3 released
- 2018.05 [localh0t] backfuzz v0.2
- 2018.05 [payatu] CloudFuzz: Machine learning powered content specific input generation for fuzzing
- 2018.04 [freebuf] 一系列用于Fuzzing学习的资源汇总
- 2018.04 [pediy] [翻译]模糊测试: 初学者入门指南
- 2018.03 [repret] Protected: Reducing Fuzzing Coverage Overhead using “Disposable Probes”
- 2018.03 [freebuf] 利用视觉模糊测试技术探索Z͌̈́̾a͊̈́l͊̿g̏̉͆o̾̚̚S̝̬ͅc̬r̯̼͇ͅi̼͖̜̭͔p̲̘̘̹͖t̠͖̟̹͓͇ͅ
- 2018.03 [360] 如何Fuzz ELF文件中的任意函数
- 2018.03 [360] 如何采用可视化Fuzz技术探索Z͌̈́̾a͊̈́l͊̿g̏̉͆o̾̚̚S̝̬ͅc̬r̯̼͇ͅi̼͖̜̭͔p̲̘̘̹͖t̠͖̟̹͓͇ͅ
- 2018.03 [portswigger] 利用headless Chrome Fuzzing Z͌̈́̾a͊̈́l͊̿g̏̉͆o̾̚̚S̝̬ͅc̬r̯̼͇ͅi̼͖̜̭͔p̲̘̘̹͖t̠͖̟̹͓͇ͅ(特殊字符脚本)
- 2018.03 [n0where] Fuzzing and Data Manipulation Framework: Fuddly
- 2018.02 [pediy] [原创]inject fuzz python脚本
- 2018.02 [fidusinfosec] 远程桌面管理工具NoMachine提权/DoS漏洞(CVE-2018-6947)
- 2018.02 [freebuf] Fuzz自动化Bypass软WAF姿势
- 2018.02 [payatu] 利用 AI 提高 Fuzzing 效率的解决方案 CloudFuzz
- 2018.01 [blahcat] Fuzzing arbitrary functions in ELF binaries
- 2018.01 [microsoft] Application fuzzing in the era of Machine Learning and AI
- 2018.01 [talosintelligence] Tutorial: Mutiny Fuzzing Framework and Decept Proxy
- 2017.12 [cn0xroot] 密码保护:Hijack IoT devices with USRP and OpenBTS | IoT Module fuzzing with OpenBTS Part ②
- 2017.12 [talosintelligence] The Mutiny Fuzzing Framework and Decept Proxy
- 2017.12 [aliyun] Fuzzing 与人脸识别绕过
- 2017.11 [pediy] [翻译]Fuzzing(模糊测试)与一种基于属性的测试
- 2017.11 [sec] The Art of Fuzzing – Slides and Demos
- 2017.10 [fortinet] A 14-day Journey through Embedded Open Type Font Fuzzing
- 2017.10 [fortinet] 安全人员讲述:我们如何组合使用粗糙简陋的和高端智能的开源 fuzzer 发现多个 Embedded Open Type (EOT) 漏洞
- 2017.09 [ouspg] Fuzz testing: Beginner’s guide
- 2017.09 [fuzzstation] What is “Continuous Fuzzing”?
- 2017.09 [freebuf] 我如何使用Cloud Fuzzing挖到了一个Tcpdump漏洞
- 2017.09 [tarlogic] Fuzzing Tales 0x01: Yadifa DNS
- 2017.08 [guidovranken] Bitcoin fuzzers
- 2017.08 [guidovranken] Bitcoin fuzzers
- 2017.08 [cybrary] Your Complete Guide to Fuzzing
- 2017.08 [heelan] Fuzzing PHP’s unserialize Function
- 2017.08 [4hou] 我是如何通过fuzz apache httpd服务发现CVE-2017-7668
- 2017.08 [360] 看我如何对Apache进行模糊测试并挖到了一个价值1500刀的漏洞
- 2017.08 [360] Scapy Fuzz实现——S7协议从建连到“正常交流“(二)
- 2017.07 [4hou] Fuzz 私有协议的经验分享
- 2017.07 [fuzzstation] What Applications Should Be Fuzz Tested?
- 2017.07 [z4ziggy] Zigfrid – A Passive RFID Fuzzer.
- 2017.07 [360] Scapy Fuzz实现——S7协议从建连到“正常交流“(一)
- 2017.07 [nul] 使用ChakraCore来Fuzz NScript(3)——构建符合NScript的Funfuzz脚本
- 2017.07 [animal0day] From fuzzing Apache httpd server to CVE-2017-7668 and a $1500 bounty
- 2017.07 [nul] 使用ChakraCore来Fuzz NScript
- 2017.07 [nul] 以子之矛,陷子之盾,何如?——使用ChakraCore来Fuzz NScript (2)
- 2017.07 [4hou] 炒鸡棒的模糊测试技术
- 2017.06 [ecforce] Fixer – Fix Protocol Fuzzing Tool
- 2017.06 [guidovranken] OpenVPN fuzzers released + notes
- 2017.06 [f] Super Awesome Fuzzing, Part One
- 2017.06 [trustwave] ModSecurity version 3: Fuzzing as part of the QA
- 2017.06 [nul] 精简了一下mozilla的funfuzzer,有兴趣的可以直接拿去玩
- 2017.06 [acolyer] Node.fz: fuzzing the server-side event-driven architecture
- 2017.06 [pediy] [原创]从模糊测试到漏洞利用--WRT54G无线路由器漏洞挖掘分析实战
- 2017.05 [fastly] 以 H2O HTTP 服务器、HTTP/2为例,介绍如何使用 OSS-Fuzz“bootstrapself-service continuous fuzzing”
- 2017.05 [debasish] OpenXMolar - A MS OpenXML Format Fuzzing Framework
- 2017.05 [websecurify] 诡异技巧 Fuzz JSON,将你的Fuzz 技术带入下一个境界
- 2017.05 [pediy] 【OSG】以福昕阅读器为例实现高性能Fuzz Applied high-speed in-process fuzzing: the case of Foxit Reader
- 2017.05 [websecurify] Landing The Fuzzer
- 2017.05 [freebuf] 云端模糊测试挖洞实例
- 2017.05 [repret] 静态分析提高 Fuzzing 的代码覆盖率:使用 IDA 脚本枚举所有 CMP 指令及与CMP 相关的 JUMP 指令,生成反转 CMP 条件的字典,Fuzzing 时由 KFUZZ 注入。
- 2017.04 [freebuf] beSTORM之DLL Fuzz入门教程
- 2017.04 [repret] KFUZZ, a fuzzer story.
- 2017.04 [360] 看我如何使用Cloud Fuzzing挖到了一个tcpdump漏洞
- 2017.04 [polaris] 一个半自动化命令注入漏洞Fuzz工具
- 2017.03 [nul] 是否可行?Let's "Fuzz"
- 2017.03 [ocallahan] Thoughts On "Java and Scala’s Type Systems are Unsound" And Fuzz Testing
- 2017.03 [softscheck] 我们是如何使用cloud fuzzing在tcpdump中发现漏洞的。
- 2017.03 [win] The Fuzz about Terminal Services Session Hijacking
- 2017.03 [pediy] [翻译]资源:开源Fuzzers工具列表 (以及其它fuzzing工具)
- 2017.03 [pediy] [转帖]趋势科技研究员从漏洞、漏洞利用、Fuzz、利用缓解四个方面总结的一张脑图
- 2017.03 [elearnsecurity] Fuzzing for Security and Stability
- 2017.02 [freebuf] FuzzDomain域名爆破工具发布以及开源
- 2017.02 [360] 文件格式Fuzz实践
- 2017.02 [oherrala] QuickCheck or Fuzzing? Which one to use?
- 2017.02 [sizzop] Intro to Fuzzing - BSides Tampa 2017
- 2017.02 [geeknik] Fuzzing tcpdump nets multiple CVE assignments
- 2017.02 [toolswatch] GramTest – Fuzzing with grammars
- 2017.01 [cn0xroot] 使用OpenBTS基站测试物联网模块 IoT Module fuzzing with OpenBTS Part ①
- 2017.01 [acunetix] Getting Started with the Acunetix HTTP Fuzzer
- 2017.01 [fuzzing] Fuzzing Irssi with Perl Scripts
- 2017.01 [exodusintel] Fuzzing Grammars in Python: gramfuzz
- 2016.12 [4hou] 高性能Fuzz:以Fuzz福昕阅读器为例
- 2016.12 [n0where] Fuzzer for Individual Method Parameters: RamFuzz
- 2016.12 [n0where] Python JSON Fuzzer: PyJFuzz
- 2016.11 [freebuf] WAFNinja:灵活的WAF自动化Fuzz工具
- 2016.11 [pediy] [原创]PassiveFuzz框架试用与调试小记
- 2016.11 [turingh] PassiveFuzz框架试用与调试小记
- 2016.11 [deepsec] DeepSec 2016 Talk: Systematic Fuzzing and Testing of TLS Libraries – Juraj Somorovsky
- 2016.11 [n0where] High Throughput Fuzzer: Grr
- 2016.10 [vectra] Triggering MS16-030 via targeted fuzzing
- 2016.10 [360] 基于802.11Fuzz技术的研究
- 2016.10 [n0where] CERT Basic Fuzzing Framework: BFF
- 2016.10 [cmu] Announcing CERT Basic Fuzzing Framework Version 2.8
- 2016.09 [] 利用Python开发Fuzz漏洞插件
- 2016.09 [360] DIY个人ftp fuzzer
- 2016.09 [mgba] The Importance of Fuzzing…Emulators?
- 2016.09 [geeknik] Fuzzing Perl Follow-up #1
- 2016.08 [nul] fuzz程序的第一步:打开edge的几种方法
- 2016.08 [ixiacom] FaX - An Enhanced ActiveX Fuzzing Framework
- 2016.08 [lafintel] Circumventing Fuzzing Roadblocks with Compiler Transformations
- 2016.08 [polaris] 一个Fuzzing服务器端模板注入漏洞的半自动化工具
- 2016.07 [cybrary] Tradecraft Tuesday – Fuzzing for Vulnerabilities
- 2016.07 [n0where] Evolutionary Knowledge Based Fuzzer: Choronzon
- 2016.07 [ikotler] Fuzzing The Kill Chain
- 2016.07 [knownsec] 非主流Fuzzing-模糊测试在⾮内存型漏洞挖掘中的应⽤
- 2016.07 [n0tr00t] 非主流Fuzzing - 模糊测试在非内存型漏洞挖掘中的应用
- 2016.06 [foxglovesecurity] Finding pearls; fuzzing ClamAV
- 2016.05 [n0where] Protocol Learning and Stateful Fuzzing: Pulsar
- 2016.05 [cybersecpolitics] The common thread: Fuzzing, Bug Triage, and Attacker Automation
- 2016.04 [heelan] Fuzzing Language Interpreters Using Regression Tests
- 2016.03 [freebuf] Kitty:Python语言编写的Fuzzing框架
- 2016.03 [allsoftwaresucks] Fuzzing Vulkans, how do they work?
- 2016.02 [360] Fuddly:fuzzing和数据处理框架
- 2016.02 [freebuf] 关于Fuzz工具的那些事儿
- 2016.02 [n0where] Python Fuzzing Framework: Kitty
- 2016.01 [securityblog] Security oriented open source fuzzer
- 2015.12 [freebuf] 剑走偏锋:基于静态检测的IE漏洞检测工具IEFuzz
- 2015.12 [debasish] IEFuzz - A Static Internet Explorer Fuzzer
- 2015.12 [pediy] 用内存fuzz来挖掘软件漏洞
- 2015.12 [fuzzing] Fuzzing Math - miscalculations in OpenSSL's BN_mod_exp (CVE-2015-3193)
- 2015.12 [pediy] [原创]并行化入侵式Fuzzing系统—Parallel Aggressive Fuzzing System(PAFS)
- 2015.11 [topsec] AlphaFuzzer内存fuzz框架即将发布
- 2015.11 [topsec] AlphaFuzzer内存fuzz框架即将发布
- 2015.11 [flanker017] Fuzzing binder for fun and profit
- 2015.11 [freebuf] Fuzzing初学者指南:利用Address Sanitizer找到更多BUG
- 2015.11 [n0where] SSL and TLS protocol test suite and fuzzer: tlsfuzzer
- 2015.11 [freebuf] Fuzzing初学者指南:教你如何使用zzuf
- 2015.10 [sensepost] Wadi Fuzzer
- 2015.09 [gdssecurity] Fuzzing the mbed TLS Library
- 2015.09 [fuzzing] September report of the Fuzzing Project
- 2015.09 [tox] Fuzzing The New Groupchats
- 2015.08 [filippo] DNS parser, meet Go fuzzer
- 2015.08 [cloudflare] DNS parser, meet Go fuzzer
- 2015.07 [pediy] 漏洞挖掘框架AlphaFuzzer [更新至1.4]
- 2015.07 [topsec] AlphaFuzzer(更新至1.6)
- 2015.07 [fuzzing] Quarterly report on Fuzzing Project
- 2015.07 [topsec] AlphaFuzzer即将发布
- 2015.06 [fuzzing] Fuzzing Project gets support from the Core Infrastructure Initiative
- 2015.06 [vimeo] Ben Nagy Fuzzing OSX At Scale
- 2015.06 [vimeo] Nathan Rittenhouse Problems in Symbolic Fuzzing
- 2015.05 [n0where] Multi Purpose Fuzzer: zzuf
- 2015.05 [nickler] Fuzzing Bitcoin Consensus
- 2015.05 [n0tr00t] WordPress tags fuzz test - wct.py
- 2015.04 [fuzzing] Why it can make sense to fuzz config files / two out of bounds vulnerabilities in curl (TFPA 004/2015)
- 2015.03 [freebuf] 国产工具:渗透测试助手PKAV HTTP Fuzzer发布
- 2015.02 [fuzzing] Multiple issues in GnuPG found through keyring fuzzing (TFPA 001/2015)
- 2015.01 [pediy] [原创]用EasyFuzzer1.8挖掘某FTP服务器远程溢出漏洞(可利用)
- 2014.11 [hboeck] The Fuzzing Project
- 2014.11 [fuzzing] Advisories by the Fuzzing Project
- 2014.11 [ioactive] ELF Parsing Bugs by Example with Melkor Fuzzer
- 2014.10 [pediy] [原创]用EasyFuzzer 挖掘软件漏洞
- 2014.08 [websecurify] Formfuzz - Now Part Of The Classic Pack
- 2014.07 [debasish] Releasing Stupid v0.1 - The Dumbest File Format Fuzzer (Python+Pydbg)
- 2014.06 [] [译]对CVE-2010-3856的模糊测试和利用
- 2014.05 [corelan] HITB2014AMS – Day 1 – Harder, Better, Faster Fuzzer: Advances in BlackBox Evolutionary Fuzzing
- 2014.05 [bromium] Understanding how Fuzzing Relates to a Vulnerability like Heartbleed
- 2014.05 [techorganic] From fuzzing to 0-day
- 2014.05 [threatstack] Monitorama 2014: “Warm Fuzzies”
- 2014.04 [websecurify] Fuzzing With Custom Payloads
- 2014.04 [martinvigo] Lyft, fuzzing and Denial of Service attacks
- 2014.04 [] 建站之星模糊测试实战之任意文件上传漏洞
- 2013.11 [tencent] Fuzz漏洞挖掘漫谈
- 2013.11 [] Fuzz漏洞挖掘漫谈
- 2013.09 [gdssecurity] Fuzzing FIX
- 2013.08 [tunnelshade] Way to fuzz (I learnt it this way :P)
- 2013.08 [cmu] Mining Ubuntu for Interesting Fuzz Targets
- 2013.08 [mwrinfosecurity] 15 minute guide to fuzzing
- 2013.07 [pediy] [原创]文件Fuzz教程系列索引
- 2013.07 [securiteam] Fuzzing Samsung Kies
- 2013.05 [] 简单而快速的MySQL注射LOAD_FILE() Fuzzer
- 2013.04 [debasish] Fuzzing Monitoring with WinDBG Console Debugger(cdb.exe)
- 2013.03 [securiteam] S. Korea Cyber Attack Crashes Navigation Devices. Time to fuzz your GPS?
- 2013.03 [immunityproducts] Infiltrate Preview - TrueType Font Fuzzing and Vulnerability
- 2013.02 [agarri] Mutation-based fuzzing of XSLT engines
- 2013.02 [agarri] Mutation-based fuzzing of XSLT engines
- 2012.12 [htbridge] In-Memory Fuzzing with Java
- 2012.12 [websecurify] Landing Xmlfuzz
- 2012.11 [cmu] A Look Inside CERT Fuzzing Tools
- 2012.10 [cmu] Updates to CERT Fuzzing Tools (BFF 2.6 & FOE 2.0.1)
- 2012.10 [securityblog] Fuzzing with Metasploit
- 2012.10 [pediy] [原创]对ActiveX控件进行Fuzzing测试发掘漏洞--希望对新手有帮助
- 2012.09 [trustwave] Chat server fuzzing, Part 1. The Beginning
- 2012.09 [sans] TCP Fuzzing with Scapy
- 2012.08 [pediy] [原创]RDP FUZZER DEMO
- 2012.08 [] 超简单的溢出漏洞发掘技术Fuzzing
- 2012.07 [freebuf] 脚本本地/远程文件包含/读取及文件名截断漏洞FUZZ工具详解
- 2012.07 [] Fuzz war ftp1.65(科普2)
- 2012.07 [] Fuzz war ftp1.65(科普1)
- 2012.07 [] Fuzz Testing(模糊测试)
- 2012.07 [heelan] Better Interpreter Fuzzing with Clang
- 2012.06 [freebuf] [笔记]AWVS应用之HTTP Fuzzer
- 2012.06 [freebuf] 下一代模糊测试框架 – Dizzy
- 2012.05 [insinuator] Fuzzing VMDK files
- 2012.05 [gironsec] HTTP Fuzzer in PHP
- 2012.04 [cmu] CERT Basic Fuzzing Framework 2.5 Released
- 2012.03 [taosecurity] Impressions: Fuzzing
- 2012.03 [pediy] [原创]非常粗糙的FileFuzz源码[0325更新]
- 2011.12 [rachelbythebay] Hive mind: update on "temporal fuzzing"
- 2011.11 [toolswatch] rtspFUZZ v0.1 a Real Time Streaming Server Fuzzer
- 2011.11 [debasish] rtspFUZZ a Real Time Streaming Server Fuzzer
- 2011.11 [rachelbythebay] Multithreaded bug finding, and an idea: temporal fuzzing
- 2011.09 [deepsec] Talk: Intelligent Bluetooth fuzzing – Why bother?
- 2011.09 [deepsec] Talk: SMS Fuzzing – SIM Toolkit Attack
- 2011.09 [] 漫谈Fuzz测试技术
- 2011.08 [toolswatch] RegExFuzz Regular expression fuzzing tool 1.1.0 released
- 2011.08 [toolswatch] MiniFuzz basic file fuzzing Tool released
- 2011.05 [toolswatch] nuf-fuzzer v0.0.1 pre-release available
- 2011.05 [insinuator] update for your fuzzing toolkit
- 2011.04 [toolswatch] DEFENSICS Universal Fuzzer™ – A Global Fuzzer for Everything !!
- 2011.04 [firebitsbr] >O que é um Fuzzer em Penetration Testing (Pentesting)
- 2011.04 [ptsecurity] Тестирование методом fuzzing и эксплуатация уязвимости CVE-2010-3856
- 2011.04 [firebitsbr] >Dranzer – fuzz testing ActiveX controls
- 2011.04 [firebitsbr] >Dranzer – fuzz testing ActiveX controls
- 2011.03 [toolswatch] OWASP JBroFuzz v2.5 released
- 2011.03 [pediy] [翻译]Fuzzing(一个off-by-one漏洞)
- 2011.03 [dankaminsky] Fuzzmarking: Towards Hard Security Metrics For Software Quality?
- 2011.03 [g0tmi1k] Sickfuzz v0.2
- 2011.02 [cmu] Announcing the CERT Basic Fuzzing Framework 2.0
- 2011.01 [toolswatch] Focus on FuzzOr The Oracle Fuzzing Tool
- 2011.01 [sans] After cross_fuzz leak: More Internet Explorer Vulnerabilities reported
- 2010.12 [toolswatch] ioctlfuzzer v1.2 released
- 2010.12 [cr4] Обновление программы IOCTL Fuzzer
- 2010.11 [pediy] [下载]漏洞挖掘工具FileFuzz
- 2010.11 [corelan] Metasploit module : HTTP Form field fuzzer
- 2010.10 [corelan] In Memory Fuzzing
- 2010.10 [microsoft] New Tool: SDL Regex Fuzzer
- 2010.09 [cmu] CERT Basic Fuzzing Framework Update
- 2010.07 [microsoft] Writing Fuzzable Code
- 2010.05 [cmu] CERT Basic Fuzzing Framework
- 2010.05 [g] Fuzzing lib released
- 2010.05 [gdssecurity] Fuzzing GWT RPC Requests
- 2010.03 [pediy] [翻译]自动化模糊测试ActiveX控件漏洞
- 2010.01 [pediy] [翻译]PHP Fuzzing行动——源码审计
- 2009.11 [g] Releasing ICMPv4/IP fuzzer prototype
- 2009.10 [corelan] Fuzzing with Metasploit : Simple FTP fuzzer
- 2009.05 [willhackforsushi] SANS Introduces “Fuzzing for Bug Discovery”
- 2009.04 [cmu] Release of Dranzer ActiveX Fuzzing Tool
- 2009.01 [rapid7] Fuzzing Flash For Fun (ASNative)
- 2008.10 [pediy] [技术专题]软件安全测试(fuzz)之大家一起学2:认识PNG文件格式
- 2008.10 [pediy] [技术专题]软件安全测试(fuzz)之大家一起学1: fuzz platform架构
- 2008.09 [hboeck] Fuzzing is easy
- 2008.08 [pediy] [看雪读书月]软件漏洞挖掘Fuzz工具之五-autodafe](https://bbs.pediy.com/thread-70319.htm)
- 2008.08 [pediy] [看雪读书月]软件漏洞挖掘Fuzz工具之四-Dfuz
- 2008.08 [pediy] [看雪读书月]软件漏洞挖掘Fuzz工具之三-入门篇
- 2008.07 [pediy] [技术专题]软件漏洞挖掘Fuzz工具之二_Bunny
- 2008.07 [morepypy] Finding Bugs in PyPy with a Fuzzer
- 2007.09 [microsoft] Fuzz Testing at Microsoft and the Triage Process
- 2007.02 [pediy] 《The Shellcoder's handbook》第十五_Fuzzing的技巧
- 2006.08 [immunityinc] MSRPC Fuzzing
- 2006.07 [jeremiahgrossman] How is fuzzing like AI?
- 2006.03 [recurity] The big Fuzz
- 2019.06 [arxiv] [1906.11133] A Review of Machine Learning Applications in Fuzzing
- 2019.06 [arxiv] [1906.00621] Evolutionary Fuzzing of Android OS Vendor System Services
- 2019.05 [arxiv] [1905.13055] MoonLight: Effective Fuzzing with Near-Optimal Corpus Distillation
- 2019.05 [arxiv] [1905.12228] Matryoshka: fuzzing deeply nested branches
- 2019.05 [arxiv] [1905.10499] PTrix: Efficient Hardware-Assisted Fuzzing for COTS Binary
- 2019.05 [arxiv] [1905.10311] SpecFuzz: Bringing Spectre-type vulnerabilities to the surface
- 2019.05 [arxiv] [1905.09532] SynFuzz: Efficient Concolic Execution via Branch Condition Synthesis
- 2019.05 [arxiv] [1906.03043] A Fuzzy-Fuzzy Vault Scheme
- 2019.05 [arxiv] [1905.07561] Discrete Logarithmic Fuzzy Vault Scheme
- 2019.05 [arxiv] [1905.07147] Targeted Greybox Fuzzing with Static Lookahead Analysis
- 2019.05 [arxiv] [1905.06944] Harvey: A Greybox Fuzzer for Smart Contracts
- 2019.04 [arxiv] [1904.12111] A Novel Fuzzy Search Approach over Encrypted Data with Improved Accuracy and Efficiency
- 2019.04 [arxiv] [1904.08790] Intrusion Detection Mechanism Using Fuzzy Rule Interpolation
- 2019.04 [arxiv] [1904.04710] Secure Biometric-based Remote Authentication Protocol using Chebyshev Polynomials and Fuzzy Extractor
- 2019.03 [arxiv] [1904.00264] A New Biometric Template Protection using Random Orthonormal Projection and Fuzzy Commitment
- 2019.03 [arxiv] [1903.05675] Fuzzy Rough Set Feature Selection to Enhance Phishing Attack Detection
- 2019.02 [arxiv] [1902.02538] Optimizing seed inputs in fuzzing with machine learning
- 2018.11 [arxiv] [1811.09447] Smart Greybox Fuzzing
- 2018.11 [arxiv] [1811.08954] Fuzzy Rule Interpolation and SNMP-MIB for Emerging Network Abnormality
- 2018.11 [arxiv] [1811.07005] DifFuzz: Differential Fuzzing for Side-Channel Analysis
- 2018.10 [arxiv] [1810.04755] Leveraging Textual Specifications for Grammar-based Fuzzing of Network Protocols
- 2018.09 [arxiv] [1809.01266] DeepHunter: Hunting Deep Neural Network Defects via Coverage-Guided Fuzzing
- 2018.08 [arxiv] [1808.09700] Evaluating Fuzz Testing
- 2018.07 [arxiv] [1807.07875] Learning Inputs in Greybox Fuzzing
- 2018.07 [arxiv] [1807.05620] NEUZZ: Efficient Fuzzing with Neural Program Smoothing
- 2018.07 [arxiv] [1807.03932] ContractFuzzer: Fuzzing Smart Contracts for Vulnerability Detection
- 2018.07 [arxiv] [1807.02606] SmartSeed: Smart Seed Generation for Efficient Fuzzing
- 2018.07 [arxiv] [1807.01838] Improving Fuzzing Using Software Complexity Metrics
- 2018.05 [arxiv] [1805.07487] Lightweight (Reverse) Fuzzy Extractor with Multiple Referenced PUF Responses
- 2018.03 [arxiv] [1803.11377] Fuzzy Graph Modelling of Anonymous Networks
- 2018.01 [arxiv] [1801.04589] Deep Reinforcement Fuzzing
- 2017.11 [arxiv] [1711.02807] Faster Fuzzing: Reinitialization with Deep Neural Models
- 2017.09 [arxiv] [1709.07101] FairFuzz: Targeting Rare Branches to Rapidly Increase Greybox Fuzz Testing Coverage
- 2017.08 [arxiv] [1709.01597] Multi-color image compression-encryption algorithm based on chaotic system and fuzzy transform
- 2017.06 [arxiv] [1706.00206] Static Exploration of Taint-Style Vulnerabilities Found by Fuzzing
- 2017.05 [arxiv] [1705.06715] Continuous Implicit Authentication for Mobile Devices based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
- 2017.01 [arxiv] [1701.07232] Learn&Fuzz: Machine Learning for Input Fuzzing
- 2016.09 [arxiv] [1611.03343] Fuzzy Logic-based Implicit Authentication for Mobile Access Control
- 2016.03 [arxiv] [1603.06830] Fuzzy Commitment Scheme based on Reed Solomon Codes
- 2014.08 [arxiv] [1408.3985] Offline Signature-Based Fuzzy Vault (OSFV: Review and New Results
- 2014.06 [arxiv] [1406.1154] Decodability Attack against the Fuzzy Commitment Scheme with Public Feature Transforms
- 2014.05 [arxiv] [1405.3272] Fast and Fuzzy Private Set Intersection
- 2014.03 [arxiv] [1403.0766] Service-Fingerprinting mittels Fuzzing
- 2014.03 [arxiv] [1403.0439] Verbesserung von OS- und Service-Fingerprinting mittels Fuzzing
- 2013.12 [arxiv] [1312.5225] Security of the Improved Fuzzy Vault Scheme in the Presence of Record Multiplicity (Full Version)
- 2013.04 [arxiv] [1304.4028] A Fuzzy Logic Based Certain Trust Model for E-Commerce
- 2013.04 [arxiv] [1304.3535] Current Studies On Intrusion Detection System, Genetic Algorithm And Fuzzy Logic
- 2013.03 [arxiv] [1303.0459] An Advanced Certain Trust Model Using Fuzzy Logic and Probabilistic Logic theory
- 2013.02 [arxiv] [1302.4233] The Robust Digital Image Watermarking using Quantization and Fuzzy Logic Approach in DWT Domain
- 2013.02 [arxiv] [1302.0629] Phishing Dynamic Evolving Neural Fuzzy Framework for Online Detection Zero-day Phishing Email
- 2012.11 [arxiv] [1211.2087] Secured Wireless Communication using Fuzzy Logic based High Speed Public-Key Cryptography (FLHSPKC)
- 2012.11 [arxiv] [1211.3682] Fuzzy Keyword Search over Encrypted Data using Symbol-Based Trie-traverse Search Scheme in Cloud Computing
- 2012.10 [arxiv] [1210.7190] Subspace Fuzzy Vault
- 2012.04 [arxiv] [1204.6416] FuGeIDS: Fuzzy Genetic paradigms in Intrusion Detection Systems
- 2011.07 [arxiv] [1107.1600] On fuzzy syndrome hashing with LDPC coding
- 2010.12 [arxiv] [1101.0173] Maximizing Strength of Digital Watermarks using Fuzzy Logic
- 2010.11 [arxiv] [1011.3101] A New Fuzzy MCDM Framework to Evaluate E-Government Security Strategy
- 2010.08 [arxiv] [1008.0807] Performance of the Fuzzy Vault for Multiple Fingerprints (Extended Version)
- 2010.05 [arxiv] [1005.4501] Fuzzy Aided Application Layer Semantic Intrusion Detection System - FASIDS
- 2009.01 [arxiv] [0901.1095] FAIR: Fuzzy-based Aggregation providing In-network Resilience for real-time Wireless Sensor Networks
- 2008.09 [arxiv] [0809.1318] A Fuzzy Commitment Scheme
- 2008.07 [arxiv] [0807.0799] An Improved Robust Fuzzy Extractor
- 2007.10 [arxiv] [0710.5425] Fuzzy Private Matching (Extended Abstract)
- 2007.08 [arxiv] [0708.2974] The Fuzzy Vault for fingerprints is Vulnerable to Brute Force Attack
- 2007.05 [arxiv] [0705.3740] Optimal Iris Fuzzy Sketches
- 2006.02 [arxiv] [cs/0602007] Fuzzy Extractors: How to Generate Strong Keys from Biometrics and Other Noisy Data
- 2019.12 [mediacccde] 36C3 - No source, no problem! High speed binary fuzzing
- 2019.12 [HackersOnBoard] DEF CON 27 - How To Improve Coverage-Guided Fuzzing and Find New 0days in Tough Targets
- 2019.12 [DefCampRO] Fuzzing the Stack for Fun and Profit at DefCamp 2019
- 2019.10 [HackersOnBoard] Follow the White Rabbit Simplifying Fuzz Testing Using FuzzExMachina
- 2019.10 [HackersOnBoard] Black Hat USA 2017 Automated Testing of Crypto Software Using Differential Fuzzing
- 2019.10 [HackersOnBoard] Black Hat USA 2017 WiFuzz Detecting & Exploiting Logical Flaws in the Wi Fi Cryptographic Handshake
- 2019.09 [hitbsecconf] #HITBGSEC D2: Launching Feedback-Driven Fuzzing On TrustZone TEE - Andrey Akimov
- 2019.09 [hitbsecconf] #HITBGSEC D2: Creating A Fuzzer For Diameter And LTE Telecom Protocols - Sergey Mashukov
- 2019.09 [hitbsecconf] #HITBGSEC D1: Advanced Mutation Fuzzing Method For Wireless Protocols - Lidong Li and Xianzi Kong
- 2019.08 [mediacccde] (emulate|fuzz|break) kernels
- 2019.08 [PositiveTechnologies] Fuzzing 101
- 2019.07 [SecPgh] Death by Thumb Drive: File System Fuzzing With Cert BFF - Will Dormann
- 2019.06 [GynvaelEN] Hacking Livestream #80: Fuzzing Gosu
- 2019.06 [hitbsecconf] #HITB2019AMS D1T2 - For The Win: The Art Of The Windows Kernel Fuzzing - Guangming Liu
- 2019.06 [hitbsecconf] #HITB2019AMS D1T2 - Hourglass Fuzz: A Quick Bug Hunting Method - M. Li, T. Han, L. Jiang and L. Wu
- 2019.06 [hitbsecconf] #HITB2019AMS D1T2 - fn_fuzzy: Fast Multiple Binary Diffing Triage With IDA - Takahiro Haruyama
- 2019.04 [h2hconference] Playing Web Fuzzer - Wagner Elias - H2HC 2009
- 2019.04 [mediacccde] Easterhegg 2019 - Black-Box Live Protocol Fuzzing
- 2019.04 [OffensiveCon] OffensiveCon19 - Samuel Groß - FuzzIL: Guided Fuzzing for JavaScript Engines
- 2019.04 [OffensiveCon] OffensiveCon19 - Ned Williamson - Modern Source Fuzzing
- 2019.04 [NDSSSymposium] NDSS 2019 - Life after Speech Recognition: Fuzzing Semantic Misinterpretation for Voice Assistants
- 2019.04 [NDSSSymposium] NDSS 2019 PeriScope: An Effective Probing and Fuzzing Framework for the Hardware-OS Boundary
- 2019.04 [NDSSSymposium] NDSS 2019 REDQUEEN: Fuzzing with Input-to-State Correspondence
- 2019.04 [NDSSSymposium] NDSS 2019 Send Hardest Problems My Way: Probabilistic Path Prioritization for Hybrid Fuzzing
- 2019.04 [TROOPERScon] TR19: Evolution of kernel fuzzers in NetBSD
- 2019.03 [LoiLiangYang] Cross Site Scripting and Fuzzing (Cybersecurity)
- 2019.02 [MarcusNiemietz] Rene Freingruber: "An overview on modern fuzzing techniques"
- 2018.12 [HackerSploit] DotDotPwn - Directory Traversal Fuzzing
- 2018.12 [hitbsecconf] #HITB2018DXB D1T1: Virtualizing IoT With Code Coverage Guided Fuzzing - KJ Lau and Nguyen Anh Quynh
- 2018.10 [PancakeNopcode] r2con2018 - Fuzzing with Erlamsa - by dark_key
- 2018.06 [SECConsult] Finding security vulnerabilities with modern fuzzing techniques - Rene Freingruber (RuhrSec 2018)
- 2018.06 [HackmanitGmbH] RuhrSec 2018: "Finding security vulnerabilities with modern fuzzing techniques", Rene Freingruber
- 2018.03 [OffensiveCon] OffensiveCon18 - Vitaly Nikolenko - Concolic Testing for Kernel Fuzzing and Vulnerability Discovery
- 2018.03 [NDSSSymposium] NDSS 2018 - IoTFuzzer: Discovering Memory Corruptions in IoT Through App-based Fuzzing
- 2018.03 [NDSSSymposium] NDSS 2018 - What You Corrupt Is Not What You Crash: Challenges in Fuzzing Embedded Devices
- 2018.03 [NDSSSymposium] NDSS 2018 Enhancing Memory Error Detection for Large-Scale Applications and Fuzz Testing
- 2018.01 [ZeroNights] Nguyen Anh Quynh - Building Advanced Coverage guided Fuzzer for Program Binaries
- 2017.12 [GynvaelEN] Hacking Livestream #41: Fuzzing again
- 2017.11 [SECConsult] The Art of Fuzzing - Demo 9: In-memory Fuzzing HashCalc using WinAppDbg
- 2017.11 [SECConsult] The Art of Fuzzing - Demo 10: In-memory Fuzzing HashCalc using DynamoRio
- 2017.11 [SECConsult] The Art of Fuzzing - Demo 12: Using PageHeap and ApplicationVerifier to find bugs in mimikatz
- 2017.11 [SECConsult] The Art of Fuzzing - Demo 5: Adobe Reader Breakpoint Instrumentation
- 2017.11 [SECConsult] The Art of Fuzzing - Demo 6: Extract Coverage Information using DynamoRio
- 2017.11 [SECConsult] The Art of Fuzzing - Demo 8: How to find the in-memory fuzzing function (HashCalc)
- 2017.11 [SECConsult] The Art of Fuzzing - Demo 11: Fuzzing the CTF chat binary with a custom fuzzer
- 2017.11 [SECConsult] The Art of Fuzzing - Demo 1: Find flaws in CTF Chat binary
- 2017.08 [KirkJackson] Huzzer, the tree based generational mutating HTTP fuzzer - Matthew Daley
- 2017.07 [TechnicalMujeeb] ínfσrmαtíσn gαthєríng ín αndrσíd tєrmuх αngrч fuzzєr ín híndí
- 2017.05 [GynvaelEN] Hacking Livestream #19: Genetic fuzzing (implementation)
- 2017.04 [GynvaelEN] Hacking Livestream #18: Genetic fuzzing (theory)
- 2017.04 [NDSSSymposium] NDSS 2017: VUzzer: Application-aware Evolutionary Fuzzing
- 2017.04 [GynvaelEN] Hacking Livestream #17: Basics of fuzzing
- 2017.02 [BsidesLisbon] BSides Lisbon 2016 - Keynote - The Smart Fuzzer Revolution by Dan Guido
- 2017.01 [HackersOnBoard] DEF CON 24 - Platform Agnostic Kernel Fuzzing
- 2016.02 [ZeroNights] Jeremy Brown — Browser Fuzzing with a Twist (and a Shake)
- 2016.02 [ZeroNights] Nikolaos Naziridis, Zisis Sialveras — Choronzon: an approach to knowedgebased evolutionary fuzzing
- 2014.10 [MarcusNiemietz] Tuomas Kärkkäinen - Fuzzing at Scale and in Style
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