Simplenote client for iOS as a sample application for learning Swift which includes the following elements.
- Basic master-detail view navigation
- Alamofire to access to Simplenote server
- SwiftyJSON to handle JSON data
- Markingbird to render Markdown formatted note
- CoreData manipulation for caching note data
- NSFetchedResultsController to sync table view with CoreData
- Setting screen using table view with static cells
- Search bar implementation by UISearchController (newly-introduced in iOS 8)
- XCode 7.2
- iOS 8.0 or higher
Before building the project, install and setup CocoaPods.
sudo gem install cocoapods
pod setup
Get source code from GitHub and install libraries provided from CocoaPods.
git clone --recursive
cd Simplenote-Swift
pod install
Open Simplenote-Swift/Simplenote.xcworkspace
by XCode and build it!
- Support editting note (Now working on this)
- Support Simplenote tags
- Store password securely by KeyChain
- Support multi languages
- 2016/1 Update to support Swift 2.0 (with xcode7.2)
- 2015/1 Initial Release
- Thanks to designshock for application icon