library code for esp8266, for showing multiple info screens with data on them, that refreshes automatically for you onscreen (currently only ssd1306 is supported), and also a menu system navigated with one button.
Based on sming:
Screen (I2C), SCL=5, SDA=4:
MultiFunctionButton GPIO 0 //Built into Nodemcu devkit
Create extended display
//* SSD1306 - I2C
Extended_SSD1306 display(4);
//Declare InfoScreens
InfoScreens *infos;
infos = new InfoScreens(&display, BTN_PIN);
// Add a new Page
InfoPage* p1 = infos->createPage("Main");
//Add a line item
InfoLine* el = p1->createLine("P1Test");
//add a time parameter (data that can be updated whenever)
el->addParam("time", currentTime)->t.x = getXOnScreenForString(currentTime, 1);
p1->createLine("time:")->addParam("time", currentTime)->t.x = getXOnScreenForString(currentTime, 1);
InfoPage* p2 = infos->createPage("P2");
InfoLine* el2 = p2->createLine("P2Test");
//add the time param (again, different page)
el2->addParam("time", currentTime)->t.x = getXOnScreenForString(currentTime, 1);
InfoPage* p3 = infos->createPage("P3");
p3->createLine("P3Test")->addParam("time", currentTime)->t.x = getXOnScreenForString(currentTime, 1);
p3->createLine("param1: ")->addParam("aa", "not edit");
InfoLine* el4 = p1->createLine("sta:");
el4->addParam("station", "EditXXX", true, 6);
//add a list of static Values
paramDataValues* stationVals = new paramDataValues();
stationVals->addValue(new String("s1"));
stationVals->addValue(new String("s2"));
//assign the values to the id=station parameter
infos->setEditModeValues("station", stationVals);
//add a new parameter without adding a list of parameters
paramStruct* ps1 = p1->createLine("ID: ")->addParam("ssid", "No Vals", true, 6);
InfoLine* el22 = p2->createLine("apdd: ");
set a function to get screen info callback (with the ability to consume events)
Sample code to handle callbacks, and specifically target the "ssid" parameter which is dynamic
int counter = 0;
bool menuEventLister(paramStruct* data, ViewMode vmode, InfoScreenMenuAction actionType, String newValue) {
debugf("menuEventLister received on id=%s, viewmode=%i, actiontype=%i, newVal=%s", data->id.c_str(), vmode, actionType, newValue.c_str());
if (data->id == "ssid" && actionType == InfoScreenMenuAction::InfoNextValue) {
infos->updateParamValue(data->id, "test" + String(counter++));
if (counter>10) {
counter =0;
return true;
return false;
Show the InfoScreen
Now update a value:
void handleUpdateTimer() {
currentTime =;
infos->updateParamValue("time", currentTime);
updater.initializeMs(300, handleUpdateTimer).start();
Hey, why not update another value (different interval)
void handle2UpdateTimer() {
infos->updateParamValue("ap", String(millis()));
updater2.initializeMs(120, handle2UpdateTimer).start();
Click - move to next Screen
DoubleClick- move to previous Screen
Click and hold - move to global edit mode
Click - move to next Screen
DoubleClick - move to previous Screen
Click and hold - move to field edit mode
*A small E will blink
Click - move to next field value
Click and hold - Rapid fire (100ms) of click event (move to next value) field value
DoubleClick - return to global edit mode (not just this field)
*A small F will blink
This button implementation can sense:
- Click
- Double Click
If enableClickAndHold = true then if button is still pressed after click, it will send a click event every 100ms
if enableClickAndHold = false then lib will detect:
3. Long click - no Click events fired while key is kept down
4. Hold click - (longer interval) - no Click events fired while key is kept down
MultiFunctionButton(int buttonPin, ButtonActionDelegate handler = null, bool pressAndHold = true)
// init to set button, handler is optional here
void initBtn(int buttonPin, ButtonActionDelegate handler = null, bool pressAndHold = true)
//set how to handle long press
void enablePressAndHold(bool pressAndHold)
//Delegated call when event is triggered
void setOnButtonEvent(ButtonActionDelegate handler)