80 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
- revert to cmd for the wrapper name by @coreyoconnor in #1349
Documentation changes
- Add advanced installation page by @alexarchambault in #1168
Updates / maintenance
- Update scalafmt-core, scalafmt-dynamic to 3.7.15 by @scala-steward in #1276
- Run scala-cli with --server=false when running ITs by @alexarchambault in #1282
- Update utest to 0.8.2 by @scala-steward in #1279
- Update os-lib to 0.9.2 by @scala-steward in #1278
- Update fs2-core, fs2-core_2.13 to 3.9.3 by @scala-steward in #1280
- Update case-app, case-app-annotations to 2.1.0-M26 by @scala-steward in #1277
- Update mdoc to 2.5.0 by @scala-steward in #1281
- Update fs2-core_2.13 to 3.9.3 by @scala-steward in #1283
- Update mill-mima to 0.1.0 by @scala-steward in #1288
- Update mill-main to 0.10.13 by @scala-steward in #1287
- Update mdoc to 2.5.1 by @scala-steward in #1284
- Update coursier, coursier-launcher_2.13 to 2.1.8 by @scala-steward in #1294
- Update fs2-core, fs2-core_2.13 to 3.9.4 by @scala-steward in #1306
- Update mdoc to 2.5.2 by @scala-steward in #1303
- Update os-lib to 0.9.3 by @scala-steward in #1301
- Update mill-main to 0.10.15 by @scala-steward in #1300
- Bump jinja2 from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3 in /examples by @dependabot in #1299
- Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #1296
- Update upickle, upickle_2.13 to 3.1.4 by @scala-steward in #1302
- Various minor things by @alexarchambault in #1308
- Update Mill to 0.11 by @scala-steward in #1239
- Update fs2-core_2.13 to 3.9.4 by @scala-steward in #1310
- Update coursier, coursier-launcher_2.13 to 2.1.9 by @scala-steward in #1312
- Don't retain output of successful ITs on CI by @alexarchambault in #1309
- Update jeromq to 0.6.0 by @scala-steward in #1314
- Clean-up ITs jobs output by @alexarchambault in #1316
- Update scala-collection-compat to 2.12.0 by @scala-steward in #1346
- Update scalaparse to 3.1.0 by @scala-steward in #1343
- Update os-lib to 0.10.0 by @scala-steward in #1341
- Update fansi to 0.5.0 by @scala-steward in #1340
- Bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2 in /docs/website by @dependabot in #1335
- Update utest to 0.8.3 by @scala-steward in #1345
- Update scalatags to 0.13.1 by @scala-steward in #1344
- Stay on macos-12 for now by @alexarchambault in #1348
- Update ammonite to Scala 3 toolchain by @lolgab in #1289
- Update coursier, coursier-launcher_2.13 to 2.1.10 by @scala-steward in #1354
- Update pprint to 0.9.0 by @scala-steward in #1342
- Update test-util to 0.1.5 by @scala-steward in #1331
- Bump jinja2 from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 in /examples by @dependabot in #1352
- Update fs2-core, fs2-core_2.13 to 3.10.2 by @scala-steward in #1336
- Update os-lib to 0.10.1 by @scala-steward in #1360
- Update munit to 1.0.0 by @scala-steward in #1363
- Update ammonite-compiler, ammonite-repl, ... to 3.0.0-M2-1-3763a1d4 by @scala-steward in #1357
- Update Scala to 2.13.13 by @alexarchambault in #1366
- Update Scala to 2.12.19 by @alexarchambault in #1365
- Update Scala to 2.13.14 by @alexarchambault in #1367
- Update ammonite-compiler, ammonite-repl, ... to 3.0.0-M2-6-38698450 by @scala-steward in #1364
- Update Scala to 3.3.3 by @alexarchambault in #1371
- Update os-lib to 0.10.2 by @scala-steward in #1369
New Contributors
- @lolgab made their first contribution in #1289
- @coreyoconnor made their first contribution in #1349
Full Changelog: v0.14.0-RC14...v0.14.0-RC15