This repository can be used for detecting objects with an RGBD-camera, currently a RealSense-camera. It is intended to be used alongside other RCDT robotics projects.
It contains two ROS packages: one for the actual detection, and one containing required custom message- and service definitions.
This repository contains one service: /detect_objects
. You can launch this service, and the required RealSense-node, using:
ros2 launch rcdt_detection
Once the service is running, you can call it using:
ros2 service call /detect_objects rcdt_detection_msgs/srv/DetectObjects {}
This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 - see LICENSE for details.
Please read CODE_OF_CONDUCT, CONTRIBUTING, and PROJECT GOVERNANCE located in the overarching RCDT robotics project repository for details on the process for submitting pull requests to us.