rslearn is a library and tool for developing remote sensing datasets and models.
rslearn helps with:
- Developing remote sensing datasets, starting with defining spatiotemporal windows (roughly equivalent to training examples) that should be annotated.
- Importing raster and vector data from various online or local data sources into the dataset.
- Annotating new categories of vector data (like points, polygons, and classification labels) using integrated web-based labeling apps.
- Fine-tuning remote sensing foundation models on these datasets.
- Applying models on new locations and times.
Quick links:
- CoreConcepts summarizes key concepts in rslearn, including datasets, windows, layers, and data sources.
- Examples contains more examples, including customizing different stages of rslearn with additional code.
rslearn requires Python 3.10+ (Python 3.12 is recommended).
git clone
cd rslearn
pip install .[extra]
This is an example of building a remote sensing dataset, and then training a model on that dataset, using rslearn. Specifically, we will train a model that inputs Sentinel-2 images and predicts land cover through a semantic segmentation task.
Let's start by defining a region of interest and obtaining Sentinel-2 images. Create a
directory /path/to/dataset
and corresponding configuration file at
as follows:
"layers": {
"sentinel2": {
"type": "raster",
"band_sets": [{
"dtype": "uint8",
"bands": ["R", "G", "B"]
"data_source": {
"name": "rslearn.data_sources.gcp_public_data.Sentinel2",
"index_cache_dir": "cache/sentinel2/",
"max_time_delta": "1d",
"sort_by": "cloud_cover",
"use_rtree_index": false
Here, we have initialized an empty dataset and defined a raster layer called
. Because it specifies a data source, it will be populated automatically. In
particular, the data will be sourced from a
public Google Cloud Storage bucket containing Sentinel-2 imagery.
The sort_by
option sorts scenes in ascending order by cloud cover, so we will end up
choosing the scenes with minimal cloud cover.
Next, let's create our spatiotemporal windows. These will correspond to training examples.
export DATASET_PATH=/path/to/dataset
rslearn dataset add_windows --root $DATASET_PATH --group default --utm --resolution 10 --grid_size 128 --src_crs EPSG:4326 --box=-122.6901,47.2079,-121.4955,47.9403 --start 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 --end 2024-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 --name seattle
This creates windows along a 128x128 grid in the specified projection (i.e., appropriate UTM zone for the location with 10 m/pixel resolution) covering the specified bounding box, which is centered at Seattle.
We can now obtain the Sentinel-2 images by running prepare, ingest, and materialize.
- Prepare: lookup items (in this case, Sentinel-2 scenes) in the data source that match with the spatiotemporal windows we created.
- Ingest: retrieve those items. This step populates the
directory within the dataset. - Materialize: crop/mosaic the items to align with the windows. This populates the
folder in each window directory.
rslearn dataset prepare --root $DATASET_PATH --workers 32 --batch-size 8
rslearn dataset ingest --root $DATASET_PATH --workers 32 --no-use-initial-job --jobs-per-process 1
rslearn dataset materialize --root $DATASET_PATH --workers 32 --no-use-initial-job
For ingestion, you may need to reduce the number of workers depending on the available memory on your system.
You should now be able to open the GeoTIFF images. Let's find the window that corresponds to downtown Seattle:
import shapely
from rslearn.const import WGS84_PROJECTION
from rslearn.dataset import Dataset
from rslearn.utils import Projection, STGeometry
from upath import UPath
# Define longitude and latitude for downtown Seattle.
downtown_seattle = shapely.Point(-122.333, 47.606)
# Iterate over the windows and find the closest one.
dataset = Dataset(path=UPath("/path/to/dataset"))
best_window_name = None
best_distance = None
for window in dataset.load_windows(workers=32):
shp = window.get_geometry().to_projection(WGS84_PROJECTION).shp
distance = shp.distance(downtown_seattle)
if best_distance is None or distance < best_distance:
best_window_name =
best_distance = distance
It should be seattle_54912_-527360
, so let's open it in qgis (or your favorite GIS
qgis $DATASET_PATH/windows/default/seattle_54912_-527360/layers/sentinel2/R_G_B/geotiff.tif
Before we can train a land cover prediction model, we need labels. Here, we will use the ESA WorldCover land cover map as labels.
Start by downloading the WorldCover data from
mkdir world_cover_tifs
unzip -d world_cover_tifs/
It would require some work to write a script to re-project and crop these GeoTIFFs so
that they align with the windows we have previously defined (and the Sentinel-2 images
we have already ingested). We can use the LocalFiles data source to have rslearn
automate this process. Update the dataset config.json
with a new layer:
"layers": {
"sentinel2": {
"worldcover": {
"type": "raster",
"band_sets": [{
"dtype": "uint8",
"bands": ["B1"]
"resampling_method": "nearest",
"data_source": {
"name": "rslearn.data_sources.local_files.LocalFiles",
"src_dir": "file:///path/to/world_cover_tifs/"
Repeat the materialize process so we populate the data for this new layer:
rslearn dataset prepare --root $DATASET_PATH --workers 32 --batch-size 8
rslearn dataset ingest --root $DATASET_PATH --workers 32 --no-use-initial-job --jobs-per-process 1
rslearn dataset materialize --root $DATASET_PATH --workers 32 --no-use-initial-job
We can visualize both the GeoTIFFs together in qgis:
qgis $DATASET_PATH/windows/default/seattle_54912_-527360/layers/*/*/geotiff.tif
Create a model configuration file land_cover_model.yaml
class_path: rslearn.train.lightning_module.RslearnLightningModule
# This part defines the model architecture.
# Essentially we apply the SatlasPretrain Sentinel-2 backbone with a UNet decoder
# that terminates at a segmentation prediction head.
# The backbone outputs four feature maps at different scales, and the UNet uses
# these to compute a feature map at the input scale.
# Finally the segmentation head applies per-pixel softmax to compute the land
# cover class.
class_path: rslearn.models.singletask.SingleTaskModel
- class_path: rslearn.models.satlaspretrain.SatlasPretrain
model_identifier: "Sentinel2_SwinB_SI_RGB"
- class_path: rslearn.models.unet.UNetDecoder
in_channels: [[4, 128], [8, 256], [16, 512], [32, 1024]]
# We use 101 classes because the WorldCover classes are 10, 20, 30, 40
# 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95, 100.
# We could process the GeoTIFFs to collapse them to 0-10 (the 11 actual
# classes) but the model will quickly learn that the intermediate
# values are never used.
out_channels: 101
conv_layers_per_resolution: 2
- class_path: rslearn.train.tasks.segmentation.SegmentationHead
# Remaining parameters in RslearnLightningModule define different aspects of the
# training process like initial learning rate.
lr: 0.0001
class_path: rslearn.train.data_module.RslearnDataModule
# Replace this with the dataset path.
path: /path/to/dataset/
# This defines the layers that should be read for each window.
# The key ("image" / "targets") is what the data will be called in the model,
# while the layers option specifies which layers will be read.
data_type: "raster"
layers: ["sentinel2"]
bands: ["R", "G", "B"]
passthrough: true
data_type: "raster"
layers: ["worldcover"]
bands: ["B1"]
is_target: true
# Train for semantic segmentation.
# The remap option is only used when visualizing outputs during testing.
class_path: rslearn.train.tasks.segmentation.SegmentationTask
num_classes: 101
remap_values: [[0, 1], [0, 255]]
batch_size: 8
num_workers: 32
# These define different options for different phases/splits, like training,
# validation, and testing.
# Here we use the same transform across splits except training where we add a
# flipping augmentation.
# For now we are using the same windows for training and validation.
- class_path: rslearn.train.transforms.normalize.Normalize
mean: 0
std: 255
- class_path: rslearn.train.transforms.normalize.Normalize
mean: 0
std: 255
- class_path: rslearn.train.transforms.flip.Flip
image_selectors: ["image", "target/classes", "target/valid"]
groups: ["default"]
groups: ["default"]
groups: ["default"]
groups: ["predict"]
load_all_patches: true
skip_targets: true
patch_size: 512
max_epochs: 10
- class_path: lightning.pytorch.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint
save_top_k: 1
save_last: true
monitor: val_accuracy
mode: max
Now we can train the model:
rslearn model fit --config land_cover_model.yaml
Let's apply the model on Portland, OR (you can change it to Portland, ME if you like). We start by defining a new window around Portland. This time, instead of creating windows along a grid, we just create one big window. This is because we are just going to run the prediction over the whole window rather than use different windows as different training examples.
rslearn dataset add_windows --root $DATASET_PATH --group predict --utm --resolution 10 --src_crs EPSG:4326 --box=-122.712,45.477,-122.621,45.549 --start 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 --end 2024-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 --name portland
rslearn dataset prepare --root $DATASET_PATH --workers 32 --batch-size 8
rslearn dataset ingest --root $DATASET_PATH --workers 32 --no-use-initial-job --jobs-per-process 1
rslearn dataset materialize --root $DATASET_PATH --workers 32 --no-use-initial-job
We also need to add an RslearnPredictionWriter to the trainer callbacks in the model configuration file, as it will handle writing the outputs from the model to a GeoTIFF.
- class_path: lightning.pytorch.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint
- class_path: rslearn.train.prediction_writer.RslearnWriter
path: /path/to/dataset/
output_layer: output
Because of our predict_config
, when we run model predict
it will apply the model on
windows in the "predict" group, which is where we added the Portland window.
And it will be written in a new output_layer called "output". But we have to update the dataset configuration so it specifies the layer:
"layers": {
"sentinel2": {
"worldcover": {
"output": {
"type": "raster",
"band_sets": [{
"dtype": "uint8",
"bands": ["output"]
Now we can apply the model:
# Find model checkpoint in lightning_logs dir.
ls lightning_logs/*/checkpoints/last.ckpt
rslearn model predict --config land_cover_model.yaml --ckpt_path lightning_logs/version_0/checkpoints/last.ckpt
And visualize the Sentinel-2 image and output in qgis:
qgis $DATASET_PATH/windows/predict/portland/layers/*/*/geotiff.tif
We can visualize the logged metrics using Tensorboard:
tensorboard --logdir=lightning_logs/
However, because our training and validation data are identical, the validation metrics are not meaningful.
There are two suggested ways to split windows into different subsets:
- Assign windows to different groups.
- Use different key-value pairs in the windows' options dicts for different splits.
We will use the second approach. The script below sets a "split" key in the options
dict (which is stored in each window's metadata.json
file) to "train" or "val"
based on the SHA-256 hash of the window name.
import hashlib
import tqdm
from rslearn.dataset import Dataset, Window
from upath import UPath
ds_path = UPath("/path/to/dataset/")
dataset = Dataset(ds_path)
windows = dataset.load_windows(show_progress=True, workers=32)
for window in tqdm.tqdm(windows):
if hashlib.sha256([0] in ["0", "1"]:
split = "val"
split = "train"
if "split" in window.options and window.options["split"] == split:
window.options["split"] = split
Now we can update the model configuration file to use these splits:
- class_path: rslearn.train.transforms.normalize.Normalize
mean: 0
std: 255
- class_path: rslearn.train.transforms.normalize.Normalize
mean: 0
std: 255
- class_path: rslearn.train.transforms.flip.Flip
image_selectors: ["image", "target/classes", "target/valid"]
groups: ["default"]
split: train
groups: ["default"]
split: val
groups: ["default"]
split: val
groups: ["predict"]
load_all_patches: true
skip_targets: true
patch_size: 512
The tags
option that we are adding here tells rslearn to only load windows with a
matching key and value in the window options.
Previously when we run model fit
, it should show the same number of windows for
training and validation:
got 4752 examples in split train
got 4752 examples in split val
With the updates, it should show different numbers like this:
got 4167 examples in split train
got 585 examples in split val
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
For questions and suggestions, please open an issue on GitHub.