- NodeJS ~= 12.16.2
- NPM ~= 6.14.4 May work for other versions but not guaranteed
Clone the repository and open the command line for the upcoming instructions.
- Navigate to the server folder.
npm install
npm app.js
- The server should be accessible via
- Navigate to the client folder.
npm install
npm start
- The client should be open by itself.
- If you have done #1-2 in
, go ahead to the next step. If not, do that. npm build
- All of the files you need are in the
Part of The National Science Foundation's Grant for Developing Experiential Laboratories for Computing Accessibility Education. Grant #1825023
Information for this grant can be found at https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1825023&HistoricalAwards=false
The website for all of the accessibility labs can be found at http://all.rit.edu
Please make a fork of the repositry and submit a pull request to make changes to our system. Pull requests will need to be approved before the changes can be accepted by a member of the organization.