- NodeJS ~= v20.11.0
- NPM ~= 10.2.4 May work for other versions but not guaranteed
Clone the repository and open the command line for the upcoming instructions.
After cloning the repository in the top level directory, run npm install
this will install all of the tools needed to
commit and correctly format all code within the project.
After installing the dependencies for the super directory, first run pm2 -v
to ensure that pm2 is installed correctly
if it gives you any issues install it to your global npm registry with this command: npm i -g pm2
Next add the ecosystem.config.js file to your top level directory and this will allow you to have the correct env for client and server. after thats complete then you can follow the install st`eps below.
To develop on the full architecture developers can now utilize the ability to run the full system without needing to ssh into another server. To do this users are required to install the latest version of Docker to perform this task. in doing so they are able to run.
To start the database container
docker compose up
To run in detached mode
docker compose up -d
To shut down database container
docker compose down
- Navigate to top level folder.
- Run
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
. - Connect to the port of your local db or production.
- For local dev
cd server/database
docker compose up -d
- if you want reuse this volume to keep your changes use
docker compose start
- in the event you want to stop it without losing the volume
docker compose stop
- if you want reuse this volume to keep your changes use
- For dev connecting to staging or production
- run the documented developer instructions to connect.
- For local dev
pm2 start
- to check the logs and see if things built correctly use
pm2 log
- if there are any errors run:
pm2 delete all
pm2 start
- to stop the application run
pm2 stop all
and also run if run local dev configurationdocker compose down
- Navigate to the server folder.
npm install
node app.js
- The server should be accessible via
- Navigate to the client folder.
npm install
npm start
- The client should be open by itself.
- If you have done #1-2 in
, go ahead to the next step. If not, do that. npm build
- All the files you need are in the
Part of The National Science Foundation's Grant for Developing Experiential Laboratories for Computing Accessibility Education. Grant #1825023
Information for this grant can be found at https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1825023
The website for all the Accessible Learning Labs can be found at https://all.rit.edu
Please make a fork of the repository and submit a pull request to make changes to our system. Pull requests will need to be approved before the changes can be accepted by a member of the organization.