Releases: aliyun/aliyun-oss-go-sdk
repalce version 3.0.0
- 增加:support return callback body.
- 增加:support response header api
- 增加:add region field in listBuckets
- 增加:add ResponseVary field in CORSXML
- 增加:support force path style option.
- 增加:support context.Context option.
- 修改:remove LifecycleFilterNot.Prefix omitempty attribute.
- 增加:support EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
- 增加:support describe regions api.
- 增加:support create bucket with server encryption parameters.
- 增加:support referer black list.
- 增加:support aysnc process object api.
- 增加:support ObjectSizeGreaterThan and ObjectSizeLessThan in lifecycle rule.
- 增加:add DeepColdArchive storage class.
增加:support get info form EC & x-oss-err.
增加:support bucket replication time control api.
增加:support bucket style api.
增加:support list bucket cname api.
增加:support bucket resource group api.
修复:do not use uname -* cmd to get platform information.
修复:call rand.Seed only once.
增加:the object name cannot be empty in object's apis.
增加:support access monitor api.
修复:fix GetBucketStat bug.
增加:lifecycle rule supports filter configuration.
增加:support deleting the specified bucket tags.
修复:can't delete objects where the keys contain special characters.
增加:add meta data indexing api
删除:remove deps.
修改:remove chartset info in text/* mime type.
增加:add restore info in listObjects/listObjectVersions
增加:add x-oss-ac-* into subresource list.
修改:fix select object bug.
增加:getBucketStat api returns more info
增加:support X-Oss-Notification header in CompleteMultipartUpload api.