- CDCgov/phdi - (1 month ago)
- CDCgov/terraform-aws-dibbs-ecr-viewer - (1 month ago)
- CDCgov/dibbs-aws - (1 month ago)
- CDCgov/phdi-playground - (3 months ago)
- alismx/dibbs-tfmodule-ecs - (3 months ago)
- add basic autoscaling based on mem and cpu usage on CDCgov/terraform-aws-dibbs-ecr-viewer (1 month ago)
- Load testing script for process-zip π€ on CDCgov/phdi (1 month ago)
- update phdi_version + issue tempates π on CDCgov/dibbs-aws (1 month ago)
- Fixes the missing aws secrets manager data object on CDCgov/terraform-aws-dibbs-ecr-viewer (1 month ago)
- Docker Compose (ECR Viewer, Query Connector) +portainer π³ on CDCgov/dibbs-vm (1 month ago)
- (10 months ago)
- Hidden content in markdown (2 years ago)
- This creates a lock based on the existence of a file (2 years ago)
- This is a script to sync to s3 compatible tools (AWS S3, Digital Ocean Spaces) (2 years ago)
- Python script to generate fake data (2 years ago)