Roadmap to becoming a Node.js Engineer in 2025:
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Table of Contents
- Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Bhargava (English) (Paid)
- Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell (English) (Paid)
- Data Structure and Algorithmic Thinking with Python: Data Structure and Algorithmic Puzzles by Narasimha Karumanchi (English) (Paid)
- A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms, Second Edition, 2nd Edition (English) (Paid)
- Data Structures And Algorithms Course by Mosh Hamedani (English) (Paid)
- LeetCode (English)
- HackerRank (English)
- CodeWars (English)
- TheAlgorithms (English)
- Codeforces (English)
- Quera (Persian)
- Coding University (English)
- Book
- System Design Interview by Alex Xu (English) (Paid)
- System Design Interview: Volume 2 by Alex Xu & Sahn Lam (English) (Paid)
- Course
- Educative - Grokking the System Design Interview (English) (Paid)
- Mastering the System Design Interview (English) (Paid)
- Book
- Git and GitHub for Beginners - Crash Course (English) (Paid)
- Git Course by Mosh Hamedani (English) (Paid)
- Git Course by Jadi (Persian) (Free)
- Pro Git (English) (Free)
- Learning Git (English) (Paid)
- Learn Git - Atlassian (Free) ✰
- Learn Git Branching (English) (Free)
- Book
- Eloquent JavaScript (Persian) (Free)
- You Don't Know JS (English) (Free)
- JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (English) (Paid)
- Head First JavaScript Programming (English) (Paid)
- Platform
- Ditty (Persian) (Free)
- w3schools (English) (Free)
- (English) (Free)
- Book
- Programming TypeScript (English) (Paid)
- Effective TypeScript (English) (Paid)
- Learning TypeScript (English) (Paid)
- Platform
- w3schools (English) (Free)
- TypeScript Tutorial (English) (Free)
- Book
- Book
- Mastering TypeScript (English) (Paid)
- Advanced TypeScript Programming Projects (English) (Paid)
- TypeScript 4 Design Patterns and Best Practices (English) (Paid)
- TypeScript Microservices (English) (Paid)
- Platform
- codecademy (English) (Paid)
- Book
- Book
- Get Programming with Node.js (English) (Paid)
- Learning Node: Moving to the Server-Side (English) (Paid)
- Node.js in Action (English) (Paid)
- Node Cookbook (English) (Paid)
- Platform
- (English) (Free)
- w3schools (English) (Free)
- codecademy (English) (Paid)
- Book
- Book
- Mastering Node.js (English) (Paid)
- Node.js Design Patterns (English) (Paid)
- Distributed Systems with Node.js (English) (Paid)
- Advanced Node.js Development (English) (Paid)
- Book
Complete Courses
- The Complete Node.js Course with Mosh (English) (Paid)
- The Complete Node.js Developer Course with Andrew Mead (English) (Paid)
Choose a library according to your project requirements and do not get confused between multiple frameworks.
- Book
- Web Development with Node and Express (English) (Paid)
- Express in Action (English) (Paid)
- Platform
- codecademy (English) (Paid)
- Video
- Node.js & Express.js (English) (Free)
- NodeJS - The Complete Guide by Maximilian (English) (Paid)
- Book
- NestJs documentation (English) (Free)
- Official NestJS Courses by Kamil Mysliwiec (Creator of NestJS) (English) (Paid)
- Documentation
- Fastify documentation (English)
- Video
- Fastify Crash Course (English) (Free)
- Documentation
- Documentation
- Koa documentation (English)
- Documentation
- Documentation
- restify documentation (English)
- Documentation
- Documentation
- hapi documentation (English)
- Documentation
- Lpic-1 Course by Jadi (English) (Free)
- Lpic-1 Course by Jadi (Persian) (Free)
- Linux Journey (English)
🎉 Congrats!
👋 You have passed steps 1, 2, 3 and 4, Now, Let's get your hands dirty!
✅ Choose topics that you are interested in or suit your needs.
- SQL Course by Mosh Hamedani (English) (Paid)
- SQL & PostgreSQL for Beginners (English) (Paid)
- PostgreSQL Tutorial (English) (Free)
- tutorialspoint (English) (Free)
- Clean Code (English) (Paid)
- Clean Code in JavaScript (English) (Paid)
- Clean Code concepts adapted for TypeScript (Engilsh) (Free)
- Book
- Caching at Scale with Redis (English) (Free)
(In Progress)
- Book
- Docker in Action, Second Edition (English) (Paid)
- Docker Deep Dive: Zero to Docker in a single book (English) (Paid)
- Platform
- Docker for beginners (English) (Paid) ✰
- Video
- Docker Tutorial for Beginners with Nana (English) (Free)
- Docker Course by Mosh Hamedani (English) (Paid)
- Docker Course by Jadi (Persian) (Free)
- Book
- Video
- "Just me and Opensource" YouTube channel (English) (Free)
- Book
- Kubernetes: Up and Running, 2nd Edition (English) (Paid)
- Kubernetes in Action, Second Edition (English) (Paid)
- Video
- Book
- Object-Oriented JavaScript (English)(paid)
- Book
- Building Microservices (English) (Paid)
- Microservice Architecture (English) (Paid)
- Monolith to Microservices (English) (Paid)
- Hands-On Microservices with Node.js (English) (Paid)
- Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (English) (Paid)
- Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging Solutions (English) (Paid)
(In Progress)
- Head First Design Patterns: Building Extensible and Maintainable Object-Oriented Software (English) (Paid)
- JavaScript Patterns (English) (Paid)
- TypeScript 4 Design Patterns and Best Practices (English) (Paid)
- Dive Into Design Patterns by Alexander Shvets (English) (Paid)
- Design Patterns Course by Mosh Hamedani (English) (Paid)
(In Progress)
- Book
- NGINX Cookbook (English) (Free)
- Book
- Book
- Apache Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for Apache Administrators (English) (Paid)
- Book
(In Progress)
(In Progress)
(In Progress)
- Book
- The Web Application Hacker's Handbook (English) (Paid)
- WebSite
- OWASP Top 10 (English) (Free)
(In Progress)
(In Progress)
Feel free to contribute and add more resources.
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