This is going to be a small tool to manage your SSH settings.
I'm using Dart because I want this to be a CLI with a GUI on top later on. And I'm looking forward to Flutter supporting desktop environments. Let's see how that works out.
is only the project name. I haven't decided on a real name, yet.
Some name ideas are:
- clam (coming from "giant clam")
- sesh (alternative abbreviation for "secure shell")
- kee (alternative spelling for "key")
- Hosts
- List
- Add
- Edit
- Remove
- Use global config file
- Keys
- Generate
- Copy
- Change Passphrase
- Upload
# run the GUI version (if available)
# display help
sshtool --help
# list all hosts
sshtool [--global|-g] hosts ls
sshtool [--global|-g] hosts list
# add host interactively
sshtool [--global|-g] hosts add
# add host directly
sshtool [--global|-g] hosts add <host-name> --host <host-addr>
# remove host
sshtool [--global|-g] host remove <host-name>
By default, the config file in your user directory is being used.
Use the --global
flag to use the global config file.
# generate key pair
sshtool key generate
# copy public key to clipboard
sshtool key copy
# change key passphrase
sshtool key change-passphrase
# upload public key to a remote
# --key Optionally specify which key to upload
# --target-file Optionally specify where the
# "authorized_keys" file is located.
sshtool key upload <remote-name> [--key|-k <key-file>] [--target-file|-t <file>]