Welcome to my aspiring Full Stack Web Developer portfolio! I'm Ali Hinnawe, an enthusiastic and dedicated Full Stack Developer venturing into the world of web development. My journey is fueled by a passion for creating impactful web applications and a genuine curiosity to explore both front-end and back-end technologies.
Hello, I'm Ali Hinnawe, an aspiring full-stack web developer. I'm passionate about building innovative web applications, and I thrive in collaborative environments where I can contribute to creative problem-solving.
Front-End Development:
Back-End Development:
Deep Learning & Machine Learning
Version Control:
- Test-Driven Development (TDD)
- Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)
Project 1: portfolio-react
- Description: Building my portfolio with React.
- Technologies Used: Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, React.
- Description: A noteworthy achievement during this period was successfully leading the development of a responsive and user-friendly web application using React for the AID-LINGUA-AI-NEWS newsletter, catering to individuals with accessibility needs.
- Technologies Used: React, Mongo DB, Node Js.
Project 3:Tourio App
- Description: The best friend of all travelers: it displays sights you want to visit and lets you edit them.
- Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Project 4:Weather & Activities App
- Description: An app that fetches a weather object from an API and conditionally picks activities from a list to display as suggestions.
- Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Project 5: Rick and Morty App
- Description: Create a single-page app for browsing all the characters of the famous TV show Rick and Morty.
- Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.
MongoDB: MongoDB fundamentals
20-1-2024 to 31-01-2024
- What I learned:
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of MongoDB's architecture and data model.
- Learn to perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) in MongoDB.
- Understand indexing strategies for optimizing query performance.
- Discover MongoDB's aggregation framework for complex data analysis.
MongoDB: Full Stack Development withMongoDB
01-02-2024 to 02-02-2024
- What I learned:
- Using JavaScript (Node.js) with MongoDB.
- Installing Node.js and setting up the environment for server-side JavaScript.
- Installing and setting up the NPM MongoDB library.
- Connecting and working with MongoDB server using Node.js
Master of Science / Cognitive Systems: Language, Learning and Reasoning Universität Potsdam, Graduation Date: January 2022
FiGD Akademie / FULL-Stack Web Developer
25 November 2024 - current
- 12-week intensive OOP JAVA.
17 June - 23 August 2024
- 12-week intensive Programmierung und Design fürs Web.
26 August 2024 - 22 November 2024
- 12-week intensive Mobile Web App Development.
17 June - 23 August 2024
- 12-week intensive Programmierung und Design fürs Web.
SPICED ACADEMY / FULL-Stack Web Developer
June 2023 - Sept 2023
- 12-week intensive Full Stack Web. Development Bootcamp at Spiced Academy.
System Administrator | Esiters, Lebanon 2010 - 2015
- Creation and processing of master data.
- Maintenance of system quality assurance.
- Troubleshooting of system problems.
- Creating workflow diagrams for negotiated statements of requirements.
Feel free to reach out to me via email at [email protected] I'm always open to new opportunities and collaborations.
Thank you for visiting my portfolio!