The PMNTS Magento 2 module provides a simple integration method for Magento 2.x with the Fat Zebra, Cloud Payments and PMNTS gateway services. This module includes support for the following functionality:
- IFRAME card details capture for de-scoping of PCI requirements
- Card tokenization and one-click saved card payment using the Magento Vault
- Refunds of orders through Magento
- Fraud screening of transactions
Fraud Screening of transactions is performed through the payment gateway inline with the payment request and has four possible outcomes:
- Accept – the fraud screening considers the transaction legitimate and the transaction is attempted with the bank.
- Challenge – the fraud screening considers the transaction to be moderate risk and the merchant should review the transaction and the fraud messages to determine whether to cancel/refund the order or fulfil it.
- Deny – the fraud screening considers the transaction to be high risk (or a predefined DENY rule has been triggered) and the order has been prevented form processing.
Installation of the module can be performed using composer, or manually.
- Under the Magento root folder run the following command to setup the repository:
composer config repositories.pmnts git
- Then run the following command to add the module:
composer require pmnts/magento2-pmnts:dev-master
- Following this the dependencies will be fetched or updated where required – this may take a few minutes.
- Once all dependencies have installed the module needs to be enabled using the following commands:
php bin/magento module:enable PMNTS_Gateway --clear-static-content && php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- Once the setup:upgrade command completes the module will be available within the Store Admin to configure.
- Download the latest archive of the module from
- Copy the archive to the server and extract – the files should be extracted into the Magento root folder, or copied over ensuring directories are included/preserved.
- Run enable the module by running the following commands:
php bin/magento module:enable PMNTS_Gateway --clear-static-content && php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- Once the setup:upgrade command completed the module will be available within the Store Admin to configure
To configure the module the following steps should be taken:
- Login to the Magento Admin area (this is commonly at, however it may be different)
- From the menu on the left hand side select Stores and then Configuration
- Under the Configuration menu select Sales and then Payment Methods
- Under the PMNTS payment method set the configuration details as required
- Once the configuration has been entered click Save Config – this will commit the changes to the database. The payment method can now be tested. Notes on Fraud Shipping Maps
The Fraud Screening has a set of shipping type codes which need to be matched against the shipping methods used by the store – these codes are:
- low_cost
- same_day
- overnight
- express
- international
- pickup
- other
If nothing matches when mapping these values to the shipping methods used by your store we recommend using the closest available mapping (e.g. Flat Rate/Fixed would be mapped to low_cost, Click&Collect would be pickup), or choose other and inform our support team so that the appropriate rules, where applicable, can be updated.