useful utilities for vide that may come useful while designing UI.
Performs color transformations to allow you to use OKLab and OKLCh for UI colors.
Implements a form of dependency injection to save the need from passing data as props through intermediate components.
Use the provide
and consume
api's to consume and process values.
Implements a store object that can be used within and outside vide for managing
state easily. Use videx.null
to set sources initially to nil
waving = false
return {
wave = function()
self.waving = true
Implements a tween class useful for playing beautiful animations
local tween = videx.tween {
duration = 2, -- how long a tween takes
ease = "quad", -- the easing style to use
redo = 3, -- the amount of times to redo the animation
delay = 2, -- how long until the animation starts playing
yoyo = true, -- goes back every second redo if true
timescale = 1.5, -- how fast time passes for the tween
redo_delay = 1, -- delay between redo's
stagger = {
amount = 2, -- how long it takes until all animations start playing. cannot combine with each
each = 1, -- how long it takes until the next animation starts playing. cannot combine with amount
ease = "linear" -- the easing style to use
--- by default, tweens will play. we can pause it if we dont wnat that.
create "Frame" {
Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0)
AnchorPoint =, 0)
-- makes the object tween from the current position to the goal
tween:to(UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.5)).Position,
-- makes the object tween from the current anchorpoint to the goal
tween:to(, 0.5)).AnchorPoint
Implements a timeline class useful for coordinating multiple animations to be played in a given order.
Create a timeline through:
local tl = videx.timeline {
redo = 1, -- the amount of times to repeat
yoyo = true, -- goes back every second redo
timescale = 1, -- how fast time passes for the timeline
delay = 1 -- the delay until the animation begins
-- add a tween
local tween1 = tl:tween({
duration = 2
local tween2 = tl:tween({
duration = 2
}, "<")
--- use a string to tell videx when to start the animation.
--- this is based off of gsap's timeline
--- use tl:add to manually add tweenables to the timeline.
-- control a timeline through the following function
tl:seek(2) -- move timeline to 2 seconds
tl:progress(0.5) -- set timeline to be 50% completed