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Swift SDK implementing WalletConnect 1.0.0 protocol for native iOS Dapps and Wallets.


  • Server (wallet)

    • Create, reconnect, disconnect, and update session
    • Flexible, extendable request handling with Codable support via JSON RPC 2.0
    • Example App:
      • Connecting via QR code reader
      • Connecting via deep link ("wc" scheme)
      • Reconnecting after restart
      • Examples of request handlers
  • Client (native dapp)

    • Create, reconnect, disconnect, and update session
    • Default implementation of WalletConnect SDK API
      • personal_sign
      • eth_sign
      • eth_signTypedData
      • eth_sendTransaction
      • eth_signTransaction
      • eth_sendRawTransaction
    • Send custom RPC requests with Codable support via JSON RPC 2.0
    • Example App:
      • Generating QR-code with WC URL
      • Connecting via deep link
      • Reconnecting after restart
      • WalletConnect SDK requests
      • Custom request (Ethereum JSON RPC)

Usage in a Wallet

To start connections, you need to create and retain a Server object to which you provide a delegate:

let server = Server(delegate: self)

The library handles WalletConnect-specific session requests for you - wc_sessionRequest and wc_sessionUpdate.

To register for the important session update events, implement the delegate methods shouldStart, didConnect, didDisconnect and didFailToConnect.

By default, the server cannot handle any other reqeusts - you need to provide your implementation.

You do this by registering request handlers. You have the flexibility to register one handler per request method, or a catch-all request handler.

server.register(handler: PersonalSignHandler(for: self, server: server, wallet: wallet))

Handlers are asked (in order of registration) whether they can handle each request. First handler that returns true from canHandle(request:) method will get the hanlde(request:) call. All other handlers will be skipped.

In the request handler, check the incoming request's method in canHandle implementation, and handle actual request in the handle(request:) implementation.

func canHandle(request: Request) -> Bool {
   return request.method == "eth_signTransaction"

You can send back response for the request through the server using send method:

func handle(request: Request) {
  // do you stuff here ...
  // error response - rejected by user

  // or send actual response - assuming the exists, and MyCodableStruct type defined
  try server.send(Response(url: request.url, value: MyCodableStruct(value: "Something"), id:!))

For more details, see the ServerExample app.

Usage in a Dapp

To start connections, you need to create and keep alive a Client object to which you provide DappInfo and a delegate:

let client = Client(delegate: self, dAppInfo: dAppInfo)

The delegate then will receive calls when connection established, failed, or disconnected.

Upon successful connection, you can invoke various API methods on the Client.

try? client.personal_sign(url: session.url, message: "Hi there!", account: session.walletInfo!.accounts[0]) {
      [weak self] response in
      // handle the response from Wallet here

You can also send a custom request. The request ID required by JSON RPC is generated and handled by the library internally.

try? client.send(Request(url: url, method: "eth_gasPrice")) { [weak self] response in
    // handle the response

You can convert the received response result to a Decodable type.

let nonceString = try response.result(as: String.self)

You can also check if the wallet responded with error:

if let error = response.error { // NSError
  // handle error

For more details, see the ClientExample app.

Running Example Apps

Please initialize submodules before running the example apps:

git submodule update --init

After that, open WalletConnectSwift.xcodeproj and select ClientExample or ServerExample target to run in Simulator or on your device.



  • iOS 12.0 or macOS 10.14
  • Xcode 10.3
  • Swift 5


Add this repository as a submodule:

git submodule add

Fetch the dependencies

cd WalletConnectSwift
git submodule update --init

Dependencies of the WalletCnonectSwift library:

  • CryptoSwift - for cryptography operations
  • Starscream - for WebSocket operations prior to iOS 13

Dependencies of the ServerExample app:

  • CryptoEthereumSwift
  • EthereumKit

Drag and drop the WalletConnectSwift.xcodeproj in your project and link the WalletConnectSwift static library.


You can use CocoaPods

platform :ios, '12.0'

target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'WalletConnectSwift'


You can use Carthage. In your Cartfile:

github "WalletConnect/WalletConnectSwift"

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the WalletConnectSwift.framework in your Xcode project.

Swift Package Manager

You can use Swift Package Manager and add dependency in your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "1.0.0"))


We'd like to thank Trust Wallet team for inspiration in imlpementing this library.



MIT License (see the LICENSE file).


No packages published


  • Swift 98.8%
  • Other 1.2%